March 2021 New Releases

New Books and Bibles
Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing from Crossway this month. Titles include Providence by John Piper, Ten Words to Live By by Jen Wilkin, and the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.
The providence of God is his purposeful sovereignty by which he will be completely successful in the achievement of his ultimate goal for the universe. God’s providence carries his plans into action, guides all things toward his ultimate goal, and leads to the final consummation. Pastor and author John Piper draws on a lifetime of theological reflection, biblical study, and practical ministry to lead readers on a stunning tour of the sightings of God’s providence—from Genesis to Revelation—to discover the all-encompassing reality of God’s purposeful sovereignty over all of creation and all of history. Exploring the goal, nature, and extent of God’s purposes for the world, Piper offers an invitation to know the God who holds all things in his hands yet remains intimately involved in the lives of his people.
“In what is perhaps his most important book so far, John Piper demonstrates with great cogency and exegetical skill that God’s providence ‘is his purposeful sovereignty in which he will be completely successful in the achievement of his ultimate goal for the universe.’ This book will enlarge your vision of God and thereby strengthen your faith.”
—D. A. Carson, Cofounder and Theologian-at-Large, The Gospel Coalition
Ten Words to Live By: Delighting in and Doing God’s Law
In Ten Words to Live By, Jen Wilkin presents a fresh biblical look at the Ten Commandments, showing how they come to bear on our lives today as we seek to love God and others, to live in joyful freedom, and to long for that future day when God will be rightly worshiped for eternity. Learn to see the law of God as a feast for your famished soul, open to anyone who calls on the name of the Lord.
“In this short book, Jen Wilkin takes the reader through the Ten Commandments with her characteristic depth, wisdom, and clarity. Whether you have studied the Bible for decades or it is brand new to you, this book will help you to understand what these ancient words mean for you today. This book makes me covet Jen Wilkin’s amazing gifts of writing and teaching while giving me the tools to combat the coveting. Don’t steal this book, but get it any other way you can, and you’ll be glad you did.”
—Russell Moore, President, The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
R. C. Sproul: A Life
R. C. Sproul (1939–2017) was a pastor, a professor, an author, and the founder and president of Ligonier Ministries. His contributions in the areas of biblical studies, theology, worldview and culture, Christian living, and church history continue to be held in high regard.
In this book, Stephen J. Nichols offers an in-depth look at Sproul’s life and ministry—his childhood; his formative seminary education; his marriage and partnership with his beloved wife, Vesta; his influence on broader American evangelicalism; and his many friendships with key figures such as James Montgomery Boice, John MacArthur, John Piper, J. I. Packer, and Chuck Colson. This biography details the profound impact Sproul had on the lives of many during his lifetime, and highlights the various ways his legacy continues to influence countless pastors and students worldwide.
“This theologically rich, warm, and personal look at a rare servant of the Lord is masterful. The range of R. C.’s vast interest and contribution, along with the irresistible charm of his personality, require a biographer who is a church historian, theologian, and very close friend.”
—John MacArthur, Pastor, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California; Chancellor Emeritus, The Master’s University and Seminary
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Essential Christian Doctrine: A Handbook on Biblical Truth
Edited by John MacArthur
Doctrine not only equips you with more knowledge about God, it also shapes your affections toward him and directs your actions for him—but it can be difficult to know where to begin.
This concise handbook, developed from John MacArthur’s larger work Biblical Doctrine, is an entry point for studying theological topics such as the Bible, the Holy Spirit, the church, and more. As MacArthur walks through the essentials of the Christian faith doctrine by doctrine, he’ll not only encourage your heart and mind, but also empower you to proclaim the faith that was “once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).
“The ministry of John MacArthur has had a worldwide impact. The book clearly unfolds the doctrines that are at the heart of this ministry, which has touched so many. Here we see a ministry built on truth—the truth of God’s Word and the truth of the gospel. A wonderful resource for students, pastors, and professors.”
—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity
Going to school, hanging out with friends, or scrolling through social media feeds, teenagers are sure to face real challenges to faith in Jesus Christ. And whether you consider yourself a Christ follower or not, these questions can seem like deal breakers.
Backed by state-of-the-art research, personal stories, Harry Potter illustrations (warning: spoilers!), and careful biblical study, this book doesn’t dodge tough questions. Instead, it invites teenagers to ask their hardest questions about Christianity and to find surprising, life-giving answers.
“This is a really clear, compelling, understanding, and engaging response to the biggest objections people have to Christianity today. Read it, wrestle with it, and see what your friends make of it.”
—Sam Allberry, pastor; author, 7 Myths about Singleness
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The Church: An Introduction
In this volume, Gregg R. Allison helps define the church and its mission by presenting an overview of the specific doctrines and practices of different churches and denominations. He lays a basic foundation for better understanding the common practices among local church communities (“mere ecclesiology”) and the ways that they diverge from one another (“more ecclesiology”). Through this systematic primer, you will come away knowing not only how various churches differ but also how they’re ultimately united as the body of Christ and the temple of the Holy Spirit.
“In The Church, Gregg Allison has done the church a great service in helping us recover a robust ecclesiology that will undoubtedly serve elders, deacons, ministry leaders, and congregations. I pray this book gets the wide reading it deserves.”
—J. T. English, Lead Pastor, Storyline Fellowship, Arvada, Colorado; author, Deep Discipleship
Recovering the Lost Art of Reading: A Quest for the True, the Good, and the Beautiful
Leland Ryken and Glenda Faye Mathes
Reading has become a lost art. With smartphones offering us endless information with the tap of a finger, it’s hard to view reading as anything less than a tedious and outdated endeavor. This is particularly problematic for Christians, as many find it difficult to read even the Bible consistently and attentively. Reading is in desperate need of recovery.
Recovering the Lost Art of Reading addresses these issues by exploring the importance of reading in general as well as studying the Bible as literature, offering practical suggestions along the way. Leland Ryken and Glenda Faye Mathes inspire a new generation to overcome the notion that reading is a duty and instead discover it as a delight.
“No one more than Christians should appreciate and cultivate the reading of well-written words. Yet, with so much else vying for our attention, many today have forgotten—or perhaps never really learned—how to read with care and skill the words that have shaped human history for thousands of years. Whether you are a student, teacher, parent, or pastor, Recovering the Lost Art of Reading will instruct and delight you in God’s wonderful gift of language and literature.”
—Karen Swallow Prior, Research Professor of English and Christianity and Culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; author, On Reading Well
The Plurality Principle: How to Build and Maintain a Thriving Church Leadership Team
Essential to every healthy church is a biblical model of leadership. In the New Testament, church leadership is built around a team of elders working together, each bringing his own unique skills and gifts to the cause of shepherding the flock God entrusted to them. However, in many churches today the principle of plurality in leadership is often misunderstood, mistakenly applied, or completely ignored.
Dave Harvey encourages church leaders to prioritize plurality for the surprising ways that it helps churches to flourish. This book not only builds a compelling case for churches to adopt and maintain biblical elder pluralities guided by solid leadership but also supplies practical tools to help elders work together for transformation.
“In his concern to promote healthy churches and healthy pastors, Dave Harvey ensures that we understand leadership plurality and have a healthy, functioning team of elders in the local church. I’m not aware of another book that deals with this topic. The Plurality Principle is very practical and very helpful!”
—Tim Challies, blogger,
Why Should I Give to My Church?
Statistics show that while charitable giving is as popular as ever in America, giving to the church has dropped significantly in the past several decades. The Bible, however, stresses the importance of Christian giving—specifically for the benefit of the local church. In this short booklet, Jamie Dunlop addresses the question Why should I give to my church? by demonstrating how giving to the local church is spiritually rewarding, accomplishes God’s purposes, and brings God glory.
“Where can we Christians find reliable answers to our common questions about life together at church—without having to plow through long, expensive books? The Church Questions booklets meet our need with answers that are biblical, thoughtful, and practical. For pastors, this series will prove a trustworthy resource for guiding church members toward deeper wisdom and stronger unity.”
—Ray Ortlund, President, Renewal Ministries
How Can I Find Someone to Disciple Me?
Discipleship is an important part of the Christian life. As we follow Jesus, we learn the importance of pointing unbelievers to Jesus and helping believers grow in their relationship with him. But how do you know where to start? In this addition to the Church Questions series, Garrett Kell explores the Bible’s teaching on discipleship and how that plays out practically in the context of the local church.
“Sincere questions deserve thoughtful answers. If you’re not sure where to start in answering these questions, let this series serve as a diving board into the pool. These minibooks are winsomely to-the-point and great to read together with one friend or one hundred friends.”
—Gloria Furman, author, Alive in Him and Labor with Hope
Does God Love Everyone?
A popular children’s song starts with the lyrics “Jesus loves me, this I know.” Some people readily trust that they are loved by God, but others struggle to believe this is true for them. In this booklet, Matt McCullough addresses this topic by answering the question Does God love everyone? By directing us to the surprising answer found in the Bible, McCullough helps us to see God’s genuine love for all people and his specific love for those who trust in him.
“Christians are pressed by very real questions. How does Scripture structure a church, order worship, organize ministry, and define biblical leadership? Those are just examples of the questions that are answered clearly, carefully, and winsomely in this new series from 9Marks. I am so thankful for this ministry and for its incredibly healthy and hopeful influence in so many faithful churches. I eagerly commend this series.”
—R. Albert Mohler Jr., President and Centennial Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
How Can Women Thrive in the Local Church?
What does it look like for women to truly thrive as Christians? In this short booklet, Keri Folmar presents eight essential principles to help women fully engage in the context of the local church, such as prioritizing church membership and involvement, investing in meaningful discipling relationships, and not allowing conflict or bitterness to fester. Women will come away with helpful ideas on how to experience the fullness of God’s grace as they seek out biblical community with other believers.
Each booklet in this series tackles one question in a biblical, brief, and practical manner. The series may be called Church Questions, but it could be called ‘Church Answers.’ I intend to pick these up by the dozens and give them away regularly. You should too.”
—Juan R. Sanchez, Senior Pastor, High Pointe Baptist Church, Austin, Texas; author, The Leadership Formula
ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series
The ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series is a collection of journaling Bibles meant to celebrate the treasure of God’s Word through the artistic talents of his people. These Bibles feature commissioned cover artwork designed by Christian artists such as Peter Voth, Ruth Chou Simons, and Joshua Noom. Each artist offers a visual entry point focused on a particular biblical theme or passage, setting a tone of reflection as readers engage with the Bible.
Each of these decorative hardcover Bibles retains the features of the original ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, such as cream-colored paper, a single-column page layout, and lines in the margin for note taking. These features coupled with captivating cover artwork make each Bible conducive to creative engagement with God’s Word.
ESV Holy BIble for Kids, Compact
The ESV Holy Bible for Kids, Compact is a portable Bible that is small enough to fit in a backpack and perfect for use at church, school, and home. This kid-friendly Bible combines the full text of the ESV along with 24 pages of illustrations depicting scenes from Bible stories such as David and Goliath, Elijah and the chariots of fire, Jesus dying on the cross, and Paul’s conversion. Perfect for kids to use as their first Bible, this compact edition is tailored for independent readers and for parents reading with their kids.