Midweek Roundup - 6/18/14

Each Wednesday we share some recent links that we found informative, insightful, or helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging break for the middle of your week.
1. Ray Ortlund reflects on his father's legacy
I remember going downstairs early one morning and walking in on my dad in the living room. There he was, on his knees, his face buried in his hands, absorbed in silent prayer. He didn’t know anyone else was up. So it wasn’t for show. It was real. My dad had a real walk with God. It never occurred to me, not once, to wonder what mattered most to my dad. It never occurred to me to wonder if Jesus was the Lord of his heart and of our home. Dad revered the Bible. He loved the gospel. He served the church. He witnessed to our neighbors. He tithed when he couldn’t afford it. He set the tone of our home, and our home was a place of joy, honesty and comfort. Jesus was there.
2. Books at a Glance interviews Carl Trueman about his book, The Creedal Imperative
*What are the most helpful ways creeds and/or confessions can be put to use congregational life? And which of the ancient creeds would you most recommend for corporate use?*
They have various uses, from defining and delimiting the power of the eldership to providing a framework for Christian education within the church. In the worship service, the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed and on occasion the Athanasian Creed can all be used with profit.
3. Christ & Pop Culture interviews Greg Forster about his book, Joy for the World
Editor-in-Chief [Richard Clark](http://christandpopculture.com/author/rclark/) and associate editor [Tyler Glodjo](http://christandpopculture.com/author/tglodjo/) welcome special guest [Greg Forster](http://www.firstthings.com/author/greg-forster) to discuss some of the topics covered in Greg’s book, *Joy For The World*, which is currently featured in our [Creator Spotlight](http://christandpopculture.com/membersonly/creatorspotlight/creator-spotlight-greg-forster/) for Christ and Pop Culture members.
4. Rob Bentz answers the question, "Why are we so quick to leave the church?"
Recently, a woman told me that she decided to leave her church community because of one difficult and awkward interaction. One! One rough conversation. One less-than-pleasant experience. That’s all it took to for her to say goodbye. The church that she called home for years is now just some place that she used to go.
She’s not alone. Many people leave their church community for seemingly insignificant or overblown issues. The question we must ask is *why*? Why is the first choice to pull up roots and move on? Why is the knee-jerk reaction to leave? This isn’t how we respond to our favorite coffee shop. We don’t get our feelings bruised, puff up our chest, and boldly decide never to return.