Midweek Roundup - 9/17/14

Each Wednesday we share some recent links that we found informative, insightful, or helpful. These are often related to Crossway books, Bibles, or authors—but not always. We hope this list is an interesting and encouraging break for the middle of your week.
1. Dave Harvey on the importance of reading for leaders
You’re a pastor, aspiring pastor, or church planter, which means you’re busy. Not to go all DeYoung on you, but you’re “crazy busy!” If you’re already pastoring, then you’ve got stuff to do, people to see, sermons to prepare, meetings to attend, hospital visits to make, and counseling sessions to work through. Then there’s home life – you’ve got kids in soccer, a house in need of some serious repair, a lawn so intimidating that your mower won’t start, and a computer on strike. And there’s always the relentless march of Sunday. Sunday is always coming, and you’ve always got to be ready.
The last thing you have time to do is read. Right?
2. Joe Thorn on 10 ways to love fellow Christians
Self-denial lives at the center of love. True love denies self and supports another. Putting others first should be more than an act of humility, but an act of affection. It’s not that we think so little of ourselves, but that we feel so warmly toward our brothers and sisters in Christ that we are happy to lay aside our interests and preferences so that another may experience blessing.
3. Dane Ortlund on the prevelance of “Gospel-centered” language
“Gospel-centered preaching.” “Gospel-centered parenting.” “Gospel-centered discipleship.” The back of my business card says “gospel-centered publishing.” This descriptive mantra is tagged on to just about anything and everything in the Christian world these days.
What’s it all about?
4. John Knight on Richard Dawkins and kids with Down syndrome
“Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice.”
Richard Dawkins recently tweeted the above in response to a woman who wondered what she should do about her unborn child with Down syndrome.
5. Paul Tripp on camping and Christianity
Camping isn’t my favorite hobby. I enjoy biking, painting, and writing poetry, but I’ll pass on living in a tent.
I’ve been camping before, and within a few hours of arriving at the site, I begin to get pessimistic. I look around and see all the potential problems that will arise over the next few days, and I start to rank the conveniences that I’ll miss the most. I can’t wait to get back home.
As much as I avoid camping, I think the illustration can remind us of a few important things in the Christian life…