November and December 2023 New Releases

New Books and Bibles
Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Reforming Criminal Justice by Matthew T. Martens and the ESV Prayer Journal: 30 Days on Wisdom.
Reforming Criminal Justice: A Christian Proposal
Using his theological training Martens reveals how Scripture provides several guideposts (accuracy, due process, accountability, impartiality, and proportionality) for loving our neighbors as it relates to criminal justice. Then, drawing on his near quarter century practicing criminal law, he examines how America’s justice system falls short of the biblical standard. By understanding how our current system operates and considering how love of neighbor relates to issues of crime and justice, we will be better equipped to seek true Christian reform of the justice system.
“In these pages, Marten takes the reader on a tour of what really happens when a crime is alleged. Martens provides definitions and historical context for terms familiar to the average reader, gives examples of current challenges, and raises concerns about how we actually practice justice. This book is more than informative—it is engaging to the point of being disturbing. Martens is trying to serve us by helping us get in ‘good trouble.’”
—Mark Dever, Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC
Predestination: An Introduction
This addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series carefully examines God’s word to answer 15 commonly asked questions regarding the doctrines of election and reprobation. With helpful visuals, key definitions, answer summaries, and prayer responses, this concise guide is perfect for all believers who want to discover and delight in what God has revealed throughout Scripture. Readers will not only learn how God saves his people from their sins, but will be stirred to respond to him in worship.
“Andy Naselli believes the subject of predestination is far too biblical and much too precious to keep hidden. It speaks of God’s glorious sovereignty and the wonder of his saving grace, as well as his holiness and justice. If you’ve avoided the subject for fear of offending someone or perhaps out of your own ignorance of what the word means, this book is for you. Naselli explores in a deeply profound but highly intelligible way what the Bible says about this controversial topic. I love this book and can’t recommend it too highly.”
—Sam Storms, Founder and President, Enjoying God Ministries
The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture
This second edition of The Case for Life, now with a substantial amount of additional and updated content, provides intellectual grounding for the pro-life convictions that most evangelicals hold. The debate turns on one key question: What is the unborn? In this timely book, author Scott Klusendorf teaches readers what the role of the pro-life Christian should be and how to lovingly and winsomely engage in questions and objections.
“No one has had a greater impact teaching me the skills of defending the precious lives of unborn children than Scott Klusendorf. He is simply a master of his craft. If you want a single tutorial giving you everything you need to help make a mother’s womb the safest place for a child to be instead of the most dangerous place, read The Case for Life.”
—Gregory Koukl, President, Stand to Reason; author, Tactics and The Story of Reality
The Water and the Blood: How the Sacraments Shape Christian Identity
This thoughtful, theologically driven book explains how God uses multisensory elements—water, bread, and wine—to communicate to his people and unite them to the life-giving body of Christ. Readers will be inspired to joyfully embrace the identity they have received in Christ as baptized and communing persons.
“The relationship between identity and the sacraments is a fascinating and timely subject, and Kevin Emmert is a judicious and thoughtful guide. Even people who differ slightly in their understanding of baptism and Communion, as I do, will benefit from reading this book, thinking through the issues, and reflecting on how it can shape disciples today.”
—Andrew Wilson, Teaching Pastor, King’s Church London
Behold and Believe: A Bible Study on the “I Am” Statements of Jesus
Courtney Doctor
Joanna Kimbrel
Whether you’ve never read the Bible, have followed Jesus for years, or find yourself somewhere in between, this 7-week Bible study from Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel explores the question, Who is Jesus? Using the “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John, readers will learn how to observe, interpret, apply, and reflect on key Bible verses about Jesus’s identity. Weekly prayers, memory verses, brief commentaries, and discussion questions help women to see Jesus, trust him alone for salvation, and proclaim his goodness to others.
“In Behold and Believe, Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel have put together a study that helps us immerse ourselves in the fullness of all that Jesus meant in his ‘I am’ statements so that we can not only understand them but also find in them more reasons to love him.”
—Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher; author, Even Better than Eden
Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy: Eight Truths for Pursuing Unity in Your Church
This practical guide explores 8 truths from Romans 12–15 that show us how to find God-exalting unity at church with those we struggle to love. Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy is a roadmap to finding joy in Christ through the many differences we have with fellow believers, a joy that powerfully declares the glory of God. Because easy love rarely shows off gospel power.
“Needed! Yes, that’s what I thought through reading each chapter in Jamie Dunlop’s Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy. I needed this book during four decades of pastoring. I need it now as a church member. Dunlop takes difficult situations we face in the local church and helps us see the power of Christ alone to truly love one another in Christ’s body. I highly recommend this book!”
—Phil A. Newton, Director of Pastoral Care and Mentoring, Pillar Network; author, 40 Questions about Pastoral Ministry and Shepherding the Pastor
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Jonah: God’s Relentless Grace
In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback explores Jonah verse by verse to help believers understand God’s overarching providence, the nature of true repentance, and the wondrous grace of God. Written for individuals or groups, each lesson helps women understand the themes of compassion, mercy, patience, and sovereignty, ultimately encouraging Christians to reject personal comforts and trust God through every circumstance.
“Lydia Brownback is an experienced Bible teacher who has dedicated her life to ministry roles that help women (and men) grow in Christ. With a wealth of biblical, historical, and theological content, her Flourish Bible studies are ideal for groups and individuals that are serious about the in-depth study of the word of God.”
—Phil and Lisa Ryken, President, Wheaton College; and his wife, Lisa
ESV Prayer Journal: 30 Days on Wisdom
ESV Prayer Journals guide your study of a foundational Scripture topic over 30 days and create space for writing and prayer—turning your quiet time into a meditation on God’s Word. Each week features an overview of a Bible passage followed by 5 days of teaching and prayer prompts. Each journal also includes space for writing, clear definitions of biblical terms, and artwork by Ruth Chou Simons.
This ESV Prayer Journal will guide you in a study on wisdom over 6 weeks, leading you to prayerfully consider the Bible's teaching on what it means to be truly wise, how we attain wisdom, and how we apply wisdom to our lives.
The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge, Guided Annotating Edition
This reader’s edition combines The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge with wide margins and extra line spacing, allowing readers to translate and annotate as they study the Greek text. Each biblical book features an introduction written by a New Testament scholar that digs deeper into its syntax, language, grammar, and style.
This convenient edition also features footnotes that highlight rare vocabulary—providing glosses and parsing information—making it an ideal single-volume tool for seminary students, Bible scholars, and pastors alike.
“This new edition of the Greek New Testament is a welcome addition to the tools available to students and scholars of the New Testament. A commendable distinguishing feature is the effort to represent more directly some aspects of ancient manuscripts, such as the nature and placement of sense-unit divisions, which can be of relevance for exegesis.”
—Larry W. Hurtado, Professor Emeritus of New Testament Language, Literature, and Theology, School of Divinity (New College), University of Edinburgh