Recommit to Bible Reading in 2017

A Worthwhile Resolution
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. (Isaiah 40:8)
For many, the start of a new year produces fresh resolve—more discipline, less sugar, increased efficiency, and the list goes on. However well-intentioned, our level of commitment to goals can tend to ebb and flow with the seasons. Adopting habits and regimens may appear to provide some stability in out-of-control situations, but without Christ, our feet falter on shifting sand.
Whatever you commit yourself to this new year, resolve first to plant yourself firmly on the rock of God's Word. Find refuge and strength in knowing him. Make time to study, meditate, and enjoy the gift of his unchanging truth.
This year will bring heartache and joy, both. It will try you, stretch you, demand of you. Nothing is certain except that God's kingdom has been established and it will last forever. Spend dedicated time knowing God through his Word this year.
Learn more about our reading plans or browse our Reader's Bibles.