Remembering J. I. Packer (1926–2020)
As I look back on the life that I have lived, I would like to be remembered as a voice—a voice that focused on the authority of the Bible, the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the wonder of his substitutionary sacrifice and atonement for our sins.
I would like to be remembered as a voice calling Christian people to holiness and challenging lapses in Christian moral standards.
I should like to be remembered as someone who was always courteous in controversy, but without compromise.
I ask you to thank God with me for the way that he has led me, and I wish, hope, pray that you will enjoy the same clear leading from him—and the same help in doing the tasks that he sets you—that I have enjoyed.
And if your joy matches my joy as we continue in our Christian lives, well . . . you will be blessed indeed.
—J. I. Packer
Commemorating a Remarkable Life
As we remember the life of J. I. Packer, join us in thanking God for his profound writing ministry and the legacy of his faithful service to the church. Below you'll find free content commemorating Dr. Packer as well as a listing of published books he wrote, contributed to, and edited.
- Watch the Documentary Video
- Download a Free Ebook by J. I. Packer
- Listen to an Interview with Sam Storms about His Life
- Read Articles Related to His Life and Ministry
- Watch a Biographical Video of J. I. Packer
- Watch Videos of Packer Explaining the Christian Faith
- Browse Books by J. I. Packer
Documentary Video
In this 15-minute documentary video entitled J. I. Packer: In His Own Words, listen as J. I. Packer reflects on God’s gracious leading and provision in his own life and how he hopes to be remembered.
Free Ebook

Weakness Is the Way: Life with Christ Our Strength
J. I. Packer
In this book, Packer reflects on his experience of weakness in order to teach us the importance of embracing our own frailty—helping us look to Christ for strength and contentment.
Interview with Sam Storms
In a special episode of The Crossway Podcast, we remember J. I. Packer. Born in 1926, Packer is widely recognized as one of the most influential theologians of the 20th century. Sam Storms, author of Packer on the Christian Life: Knowing God in Christ, Walking by the Spirit, discusses Packer's remarkable life and ministry. He reflects on how Packer came to faith, the impact that his many books have had on generations of Christians, and how he thought about his own death.
Listen now at: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | | RSS
- 10 Things You Should Know about J. I. Packer (Leland Ryken)
- J. I. Packer's Life and Legacy (Justin Taylor, Leland Ryken, and Sam Storms)
- 50 Books J. I. Packer Thinks You Should Read
- A Brief Bibliography of the Writings of J. I. Packer (Sam Storms)
- J. I. Packer’s “Last Crusade”: The Renewal of Catechesis (Joel Scandrett)
- A Brief Word to Packer on His 90th Birthday (Sam Storms)
- J. I. Packer on One of the Most Urgent Needs of the Church Today (J. I. Packer)
- When J. I. Packer Walked Out (Sam Storms)
- 4 Exemplary Character Traits of J. I. Packer (Leland Ryken)
- Where There's Hope, There's Life (J. I. Packer)
- The Fuzzification of Faith (J. I. Packer)
- 17 Questions about Salvation (J. I. Packer)
Watch J. I. Packer answer crucial questions about the Christian faith:
- What Is Repentance?
- What Is Faith?
- What Is the Church?
- What Is Doctrine?
- What Is Christian Unity?
- Who Is the Holy Spirit?
- What Is the Lord's Supper?
- What Is Baptism?
Related Books
Below is a list of resources that Dr. Packer has written, contributed to, and edited.
Written by Packer
Concise Theology
J. I. Packer
Theology can be difficult to understand and challenging to navigate. This concise introduction to biblical doctrine distills complex topics so both scholar and layperson alike can treasure the unchanging pillars of the Christian faith.
In My Place Condemned He Stood
J. I. Packer, Mark Dever
Combining three classic articles by J. I. Packer with a recent article by Mark Dever, this penetrating anthology takes a classically biblical stance on the increasingly controversial doctrine of substitutionary atonement.
Finishing Our Course with Joy
J. I. Packer
Rejecting the advice of the world, J. I. Packer calls seniors to press on with endurance in the final years of their lives for the sake of God’s glory and their joy.
Praying the Lord's Prayer
J. I. Packer
Offers hope to Christians who struggle to communicate with God. As readers study each phrase in Christ's prayer, they will begin to develop a deeper understanding, appreciation for, and communion with the Father in Heaven.
Keeping the Ten Commandments
J. I. Packer
J. I. Packer explodes common misconceptions about the Ten Commandments and gives readers God's blueprint for relational, spiritual, and societal well-being.
Taking God Seriously
J. I. Packer
Packer’s newest book disciples us in mere Christianity and grounds us more clear-headedly in our faith so that we can explain it to skeptics and maintain an ecumenical church that upholds orthodox beliefs.
Faithfulness and Holiness
J. I. Packer
Packer’s repackaged and republished biography of J. C. Ryle details the service of this faithful minister, published alongside Ryle's classic essay Holiness.
A Grief Sanctified
J. I. Packer
A Puritan biography made more poignant by the author's unveiling of his grief, edited and accompanied by a contemporary theologian's reflections on death.
Affirming the Apostles' Creed
J. I. Packer
Noted Bible scholar J. I. Packer examines each phrase of the Apostles' Creed, inviting readers to dive further into the essentials of the Christian faith.
Contributions by Packer
A God Entranced Vision of All Things
John Piper, Justin Taylor
Ten essays highlight different aspects of Jonathan Edwards's life and legacy and show how his teachings are just as relevant today as they were three centuries ago.
Be Still, My Soul
Nancy Guthrie
This exceptional collection of twenty-five short readings drawn from classic and contemporary theologians, Bible teachers, and missionaries will encourage anyone going through a period of suffering.
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Nancy Guthrie
A collection of writings from classical and contemporary theologians and Bible teachers encouraging believers to face death with a firm and confident belief in the character and promises of God.
The Scripture Cannot Be Broken
John MacArthur
This collection of essays by twentieth century evangelical theologians is a valuable resource for Christians looking to better understand the doctrine of inerrancy and respond to critics, both inside and outside the church.
Understanding Scripture
Wayne Grudem, C. John Collins, Thomas R. Schreiner
Originally published within the ESV Study Bible, these articles feature first-rate contributors delivering concise studies on topics such as the origin and meaning of Scripture, apologetics, and world religions.
Edited by Packer
ESV Study Bible
The ESV Study Bible—created by a diverse team of 95 leading Bible scholars and teachers—features 20,000 study notes, 80,000 cross–references, 200+ charts, 50+ articles, 240 full–color maps and illustrations, and more.
To Be a Christian
J. I. Packer, Joel Scandrett, Anglican Church in North America
With 360+ pairs of questions and answers, as well as Scripture references to support each teaching, this catechism instructs new believers and church members in the core beliefs of Christianity from an Anglican perspective.
J. I. Packer was also the editor of the Knowing the Bible study series, as well as the Crossway Classic Commentaries series.
Thank you, Dr. Packer, for consistently demonstrating a passion for God's glory and a love for his people.