Resources to Help You Dig into the Bible in 2022

Treasuring the Word of God in 2022
There is nothing more important than getting our hearts and minds in the word of God on a regular basis, and the new year provides a wonderful opportunity to do just that. Consider the following resources to help you as you commit to pursuing biblical truth this year. Of note are the new ESV Concise Study Bible; the ESV Bible, Read by Kristyn Getty; and our ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series.
Study Bibles
ESV Concise Study Bible™
Inspired by the best-selling ESV Study Bible, the ESV Concise Study Bible offers fresh content for new believers and seasoned saints alike, explaining difficult phrases, defining key terms, identifying important people and places, and highlighting links between biblical passages.
ESV Student Study Bible®
David W. Chapman, Lane T. Dennis, Wayne Grudem, Thomas R. Schreiner, Barry J. Beitzel, T. Ryan Buchanan, Bill Deckard, J. I. Packer, Leen Ritmeyer, C. John Collins, John D. Currid
The ESV Student Study Bible, adapted from the ESV Study Bible, contains 12,000+ study notes, book introductions and timelines, 80+ maps and illustrations, 120 character profiles, 900 "Did You Know?" facts, 10 topical articles, and more.
ESV Women's Study Bible
The ESV Women’s Study Bible features study and devotional content along with elegant artwork from artist Dana Tanamachi to help women in all seasons of life pursue a transformational understanding of Scripture.
Journaling Bibles
ESV Scripture Journal
The ESV Scripture Journal: Old and New Testament Sets pair the entirety of every book of the Bible with lined pages opposite the Bible text, allowing readers to take notes directly beside passages of Scripture.
The Bible Read Aloud
ESV Audio Bible, Read by Kristyn Getty
The Bible is made up of 66 books that tell the magnificent story of God’s redemptive work in Christ. In this new audio recording of the full Bible, that story comes alive in a fresh way through the voice of award-winning modern hymn writer Kristyn Getty.
Bible Studies
Lydia Brownback
In this 10-week study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians, learn how to find peace in Christ through challenges and press on for the sake of the gospel. Part of the Flourish Bible Study series.
Be Thou My Vision
Jonathan Gibson
Designed to be read in 15–20 minutes a day, this liturgical devotional guide will give readers focus and purpose in their daily quiet time while teaching them historical prayers, creeds, and catechisms that point them to Christ.
Bread of Life
Abigail Dodds
Abigail Dodds invites readers to ponder and celebrate God’s spiritual and physical provision in Christ through the hands-on art of bread making.
In the Lord I Take Refuge
Dane Ortlund
In the Lord I Take Refuge invites readers to experience the Psalms in a new and refreshing way, featuring devotional content written by Dane Ortlund.
ESV Expository Commentary
Six experienced Bible teachers walk through some of the richest but more challenging books of the New Testament, helping Bible readers understand what they say about Christians’ hope for the future.
Preaching the Word
Written to help Bible teachers better interpret and apply the message of Scripture, this 19-volume collection of commentaries on the entire New Testament is a multipurpose resource for anyone who loves to study God’s Word.