Help! I Don’t Know If My Words Are Helping or Hurting
Cheryl Marshall,
Caroline Newheiser
As you have conversations with those who are suffering, remember how the Lord’s healing words have strengthened and sustained you in your own times of trouble.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Answer My Kid’s Tough Questions
Rebecca McLaughlin
Rather than seeing our cultural challenges today only as obstacles for our kids, I’m increasingly convinced they’re opportunities to do three important things.
Help! I'm Raising a Modalist
Devon Provencher,
Jessica Robyn Provencher
How can we avoid unintentionally communicating to our littles untrue things about God?
Help! My Kids Are Bored This Summer
William P. Smith
We can help our children begin to take ownership over their time—and to recognize it's given to them by God to steward well.
Help! My Teenager Won’t Open Up to Me
Lindsey Carlson
Now, as a parent of a teenager, it’s easy to feel locked out. It is painful to stand on the wrong side of the door of your son or daughter’s heart as though they’ve changed the locks.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Help My Kids Focus on Christ this Season
William P. Smith
To see the goodness of God most clearly—to focus on Christ during Christmas—your children will need to see you enthralled by him and captured by him.
Help! I’m Feeling Spiritually Listless
Tim Savage
What do we do when we feel spiritually listless? First of all, don’t be surprised.
Help! I’m Struggling to Accept the Bible’s Teaching on Men and Women
John Piper
The Bible reveals the nature of masculinity and femininity by describing diverse responsibilities for man and woman while rooting these differing responsibilities in creation, not convention.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Rest Well
Dave Kraft
Be honest with yourself. Are you perhaps traveling too fast and trying to do too much—thereby violating the concept of Sabbath on a weekly and daily basis?
Help! I’m Struggling to Connect with my Church Family During COVID
Megan Hill
The pandemic has stripped away many of our opportunities to connect with the people in our congregations.
Help! My Sunday Mornings Are Chaotic
Jani Ortlund
You have the opportunity of passing on to your children a deep love for Sunday mornings. Children learn to love what their parents love.
Help! My Teen Struggles with Self-Image
Jen Oshman
From its beginning, the self-esteem movement has been crushing. And the movement hasn’t dissipated over the last generation or two, it has only intensified.
Help! I’m Supposed to Be the Perfect Child, Student, and Christian
David Murray
We live in a culture of impossible expectations. Teens are under incredible pressure to succeed on a number of fronts. All these impossible expectations lead to an inevitable sense of failure and shame.
Help! I Don’t Know What to Do with My Retirement
John Dunlop, MD
Retirement should not all be free unscheduled time, nor is it time to focus on ourselves, our comfort and happiness.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Reestablish a Healthy Church after COVID
Tim Patrick
Not meeting together has meant missing out on the countless interactions that establish and enable the very practical supports which overflow from our spiritual unity in Christ.
Help! My Daily Worship Feels Stale
Jonathan Gibson
When we experience a time when our quiet time becomes stale, it’s easy to become discouraged, especially if we don’t know where to look for help. However, help is at hand in two ways.
Help! My Kids Don’t Like to Read
Glenda Faye Mathes
What are some major obstacles that prevent children from enjoying reading? Here are some practical suggestions for helping to instill a love of books.
Help! I Need More of God
Jani Ortlund
Some people expect the pastor’s wife to have the most ideal and perfect relationship with God. What should we—women married to men in ministry—do to stay spiritually radiant?
Help! My Teen Is Struggling with Anxiety
David Murray
Go to God and ask him to lead you into more understanding of the various factors involved in your child’s suffering: physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and social.
Help! My Teen Struggles with Self-Image
Jen Oshman
From its beginning, the self-esteem movement has been crushing. And the movement hasn’t dissipated over the last generation or two, it has only intensified.