Introducing the ‘Women of the Word’ Podcast with Jen Wilkin
Join Jen Wilkin over ten weeks as she walks through methods, tips, and encouragements to studying the Bible more deeply so we might know and love the God of the Bible better.
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Introducing the ‘Women of the Word’ Podcast with Jen Wilkin
Join Jen Wilkin over ten weeks as she walks through methods, tips, and encouragements to studying the Bible more deeply so we might know and love the God of the Bible better.
How Studying the Bible Changed My Life (Women of the Word Episode 1)
Jen Wilkin discusses how believers can learn to study the Bible with both their hearts and their minds and ultimately love the God who it points to.
Jen Wilkin Answers Your Questions about Bible Study (Women of the Word Bonus Episode)
In this special bonus episode, Jen Wilkin answers the questions that listeners have sent in about studying the Bible.
Is There a Wrong Way to Study the Bible? (Women of the Word Episode 3)
Jen Wilkin describes the wrong ways we approach Bible study and what our failed attempts to engage with God's Word reveal about our own attitude toward Scripture.
Overcoming Common Barriers to Bible Study (Women of the Word Episode 2)
Jen Wilkin identifies a handful of perceived obstacles that prevent us from studying the Bible and how we can actually overcome those and take joy in reading and studying God's word.
5 Key Principles for Transformative Bible Study (Women of the Word Episode 4)
Jen Wilkin walks through principles for studying the Bible that are essential to remember in order to get the most out of your time in God's word.
10 Bible Study Tools Every Christian Needs (Women of the Word Episode 8)
Jen Wilkin walks through different tools that can be used in the Bible study process and offers wisdom to help know when and how to best use them.
Tips to Help Anyone Teach the Bible (Women of the Word Episode 9)
Jen walks through different contexts for teaching the Bible, offering tips and wisdom on how to teach well no matter who or where you are.
Interpretation: Understanding What Scripture Means (Women of the Word Episode 6)
Jen Wilkin talks through what the process of interpretation looks like and gives encouragement for when we find ourselves daunted by the task.
Comprehension: Understanding What Scripture Says (Women of the Word Episode 5)
Jen Wilkin discusses the first of three steps in the Bible study process—comprehension. She walks through how this underappreciated step is a key building block to studying the Bible well.
Why Bible Study Should Always Lead to Worship (Women of the Word Episode 10)
Jen Wilkin draws all of the ideas covered so far together to remind everyone what the true end of Bible study should be.
Application: Understanding How Scripture Changes Us (Women of the Word Episode 7)
Jen Wilkin walks through the final stage of the Bible study process: application. She discusses how to know when it is actually time to move into this stage and how to avoid common pitfalls.