Spending the Rest of Your Life Teaching Sound Doctrine
Sound Doctrine Is Not Optional
If you're going to enter the ministry, whether as a missionary or a pastor, you will spend the rest of your life (if you're faithful) teaching sound doctrine. That's what you will do.
So systematic theology—biblical doctrine—is not optional. You can't say, "Well, I'm not really interested in doctrine, I just want to minister to people." The only way you can minister to people is to teach them what God has revealed as true.
We live our beliefs. People have to believe in something. We live in a day of tolerance and wanting to let everyone have their own viewpoint—your truth and my truth might be two different things, but we're each entitled to our own truth.
Biblical Doctrine
John MacArthur, Richard Mayhue
Systematizing the robust theology that has undergirded John MacArthur’s well-known preaching ministry for decades, this comprehensive overview of basic doctrines taught in the Bible will give Christians a solid foundation for what they believe.
That is an absolute lie. There is absolute truth—the truth contained in Scripture. You have to understand the truth of Scripture because that is what ministry is—it is conveying and communicating sound doctrine so that people can understand it, then believe it, then hold it as a set of convictions, and then live it and declare it.
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