Is Success a Friend or Foe? (by Dave Kraft)
Dave Kraft
Maybe, just maybe, we need to revisit our working definition of success to see how much of what we believe is truly biblical and not merely cultural, with a few verses added for “seasoning” here and there.
Church Exists to Advance the Gospel
Jonathan Leeman
We should prize conversion and spiritual growth over church structure. And the Great Commission should be uppermost in our minds, but should we pit church structure and conversion against one another?
Pastor, Are You Content?
Erik Raymond
We are often tempted to find contentment in our circumstances: If things were only going better, then I would be happy.
Podcast: How Can We Show God's Heart for the Widow? (Brian Croft)
Brian Croft discusses one area of church ministry that is too often neglected: the care of widows.
Podcast: Our Pastors Are in Crisis, and You Can Help (Peter Orr)
Peter Orr talks about why he thinks we're facing a pastoral crisis and what regular Christians can do to help stem the tide of pastoral burnout.
Cultivating Friendships as a Pastor's Wife
Pastor's wife and blogger Jen Thorn talks about navigating the sometimes difficult process of making friends in the church as a pastor's wife.
The Duality of Your Calling
David Mathis
Why has there arisen this impulse in our day toward pastor-scholars and scholar-pastors? Why are so many in the younger generation reluctant to let the pastoral and scholarly roads diverge?
Why Do Pastors Need the Gospel?
Zack Eswine
We need to know the message so we can live it, speak it, communicate it.
Christian Leader, Are you Forgetting Something?
Sam Crabtree
In his book Practicing Affirmation, Crabtree explains in further detail why we should affirm people and how to restore affirmation to relationships that have been lacking it.
Ask a Pastor's Wife: Sermon Feedback
Gloria Furman responds to Megan who writes, "How can I give my husband good sermon feedback in a constructive way?"
What Can Small Churches Do Together?
Chris Bruno
In what ways might God be calling your church to partner with others?
5 Things Pastors Should Ask Themselves Before Sunday
Pastors must check in with their own hearts and minds before proceeding with leading their flock each and every week.
Why I Wrote a New Book about Pastoral Ministry
R. Kent Hughes
A new book for pastors grounded on the conviction that all Christian ministry must be gospel-centered.
How to Be Present With Your Family As a Pastor
Some advice for returning home to your family without carrying the whole church on your shoulders.
Podcast: The Basics of Good Preaching (Doug O’Donnell)
Doug O’Donnell talks through common questions laypeople and pastors alike have about preaching and what makes for a good sermon.
Podcast: Growing as a Follower in a Culture Obsessed with Leadership (Richard Langer, Joanne Jung)
Richard Langer and Joanne Jung point out the prevalence of books, podcasts, and workshops on leadership and suggest that the contrasting idea of followership is where our focus should be.
Ask a Pastor's Wife: Prayer Life
Gloria Furman responds to Laura who writes, "How do you organize your prayer life?"
What Pastors Should and Should Not Share with Their Wives
Every aspect of pastoral ministry is not meant to be shared at home. Find out what is best kept at church.
Finding Strength in Weakness as a Pastor's Wife
Nancy Guthrie encourages pastors' wives to find strength in weakness as they trust in God's promises and rely on his grace.
Podcast: Who’s in Charge of the Church? (Sam Emadi)
Sam Emadi breaks down the different leadership roles that Scripture outlines, explaining how God designed all of them to strengthen the body and glorify Christ.
Ask a Pastor's Wife: Community
Gloria Furman responds to Annie who writes, "How do a pastor and his wife have transparent accountability in a small group setting?"
Misconceptions about Pastors' Wives
Pastor's wife and blogger Jen Thorn confronts some common misconceptions related to being a pastor's wife.
Podcast: Should Our Churches Be Political? (Alan Strange)
Alan Strange discusses the doctrine of the spirituality of the church—a doctrine focused on clearly defining the church’s central mission and mandate.
Podcast: Embracing Spiritual Authority in the Face of Pastoral Failure (David Mathis)
David Mathis discusses the topic of spiritual authority—what it is, who has it, and how we should respond when that authority is abused.
The Impact of a Single Bible
I am amazed by God's great love and compassion for his church.
Podcast: The Problem with Church Planting in the US Today (Nathan Knight)
Nathan Knight talks about his journey to pastoral ministry, why he's concerned about the way that church planting is often done today, and what he sees as a better way based on the New Testament.
Podcast: 3 Church Fathers Every Pastor Should Be Reading (Coleman Ford)
Coleman Ford shares his thoughts on why so many evangelical pastors aren't familiar with the church fathers and how this lack of awareness can negatively impact their ministries.
Video: The Prodigal Church
If you treat your church like a business, you will see other churches as competition. You'll worry about turf and market share.
Podcast: The State of Women’s Ministry in the US (Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel)
Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel delve into the key questions and concerns that arise in women's ministry, touching on practical issues like how to get started and how to encourage discipleship.