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Creeds and Confessions 101

Creeds and confessions are useful only to the extent that they reproduce faithfully the teaching of Scripture itself.

10 Ways to Fracture Your Church

Conrad Mbewe

You only have to be a Christian for a short time before you realize that churches suffer from disunity and splits after seasons of peace as surely as valleys follow rolling hills.

10 Key Bible Verses on Ministry

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. . . .”

50 Reasons We Appreciate Our Pastors

We recently invited our readers to finish the following sentence: "In the last year, I have appreciated my pastor because he . . ." Here are 50 of our favorite responses.

6 Reasons Not to Be a Missionary

Andy Johnson

You don’t need a reason to go as a missionary; you need a reason to stay where you are. I’ll admit I don’t love this saying. Yes, it’s a catchy phrase, but it’s not especially good theology.

15 Things Seminary Couldn’t Teach Me

Real pastors get honest about the joys and challenges of the first five years of pastoral ministry—and how they bridged the gap between seminary training and life in a local church.

What Is True Worship?

Bob Kauflin

It’s the Spirit who brings life to our spirits and enables us to know, love, and worship God the Father through Jesus Christ.

How to Pray for Your Pastor’s Family

Jani Ortlund

Would you like to show your pastor your appreciation but are unsure what might be most helpful to him? More than any other gift you could give your pastor, he will treasure your prayers for his family.

5 Myths about Discipleship

Jonathan K. Dodson

There is not an uninfluenced day, hour, or minute in our lives. We are constantly discipled by the cultural, relational, and spiritual forces around us. Which discipling forces influence you the most?

5 Hats That a Lead Pastor Must Wear

Dave Harvey

If the quality of our elder plurality determines the health of our church, then we need to know which hats will best help us to cultivate solid teams. Here are five hats senior leaders should wear.

What a Church Is . . . and Isn't

Mark Dever

The church is not a place. It’s not a building. It’s not a preaching point. It’s not a spiritual service provider. It’s a people—the new-covenant, blood-bought people of God.

7 Tips for Teaching Theology to Teens

Jon Nielson

If you’re a pastor, youth leader, ministry volunteer, or simply a Christian parent of a Christian teenager, you’ve probably struggled with the best approach in talking with young people about theology.

Can Women Be Deacons?

Matt Smethurst

Every church, practically and functionally, has to come down on a position. You’re either going to install women into the office of deacon—or not.

Easter Crafts for Kids

Read Scripture, explain the gospel, and celebrate Jesus’s resurrection with the youth in your church or your own children through Scripture-based crafts.

3 Ways to Love Like God Does

Megan Hill

Love for the church ought to be a fundamental characteristic of our lives. You have a people. They are your local church. And our love ought to mirror God’s love in three important ways.

The 2 Characteristics of Revival

Megan Hill

By divine command, we must pray for the reinvigorating of God’s people—morning and evening, today and tomorrow, this year and next year, and in all the years until Christ’s return.

The Crisis Facing Our Pastors

Peter Orr

Of course, every Christian faces difficulty—Jesus called us to a life of carrying our crosses as we follow him. However, the challenges of those in pastoral ministry are often more acute.

5 Myths about Missions

Andy Johnson

Each myth of missions, if left uncorrected, will likely tend toward a weakening of biblical missionary labor and a reliance on our own wisdom and methods.

5 Myths about Pastoral Leadership

We can, with true humility and firm confidence, call our people to repent when they are sinning, assure them of God’s care when they are hurting, promise them eternal riches when they are dying—all on the authority of God’s most precious word.

5 Myths about Liturgy

Jonathan Gibson

Given that liturgy concerns the order of worship elements in a church service, it’s not whether a church has a liturgy; it’s just which liturgy the church has.

Pastor, Are You Gentle?

David Mathis

We first need to understand biblically what gentleness is, because it is a largely misunderstood term. In our day, we often associate gentleness with weakness. That is not the biblical virtue of gentleness.

5 Myths about Deacons

Matt Smethurst

Deacons are not the church’s spiritual council of directors, nor the executive board to whom the pastor-CEO answers. They are a cavalry of servants.

What Do Deacons Do?

Matt Smethurst

The way deacons are described in the New Testament and the way they operate is that they are exemplary servants who function on behalf of a congregation to assist the elders by doing at least three things.

The Lost Art of Catechesis

Catechesis is meant to be a robust witness to biblical faith and practice, a tool which in the hands of skilled practitioners to be used to instruct, form, and make mature disciples.

4 Ways to Prepare for Ministry

Brad Wheeler

Perhaps you’re looking for boxes to check, some way to easily measure your progress toward the pastorate. Now you’re left feeling a bit frustrated. So what now?

Ask for Grace and Go to Church

David Gundersen

The reasons you don’t feel like going to church might be good, bad, or ugly. But, as a fellow sheep loved by the same Shepherd, I’m asking you to trust God, ask for grace, and go.

The Church Is Not a Metaphor

Edward W. Klink III

As much as a church does facilitate and organize relationships and practices, the church is more than a means to an end, a utilitarian resource for an individual Christian’s needs.

What All Healthy Churches Have in Common

Mark Dever

The most important things about a Christian church are always the things that make it a Christian church. The things that are unique about your church or mine can never be the most important things about it.

Pastors’ Wives: 5 Misconceptions

Lauren Chandler

Misconception #1 You have it all together. You’ve worked through all your issues. Sure, you may struggle, but not with anything major (whatever that may be). Oh, sister, may I encourage you? On this side …

One Reason Preaching Matters

David Jackman

Educational methods are increasingly interactive. Learning by discovery is the watchword. Preaching seems to be just another example of the church being out of touch, out of date, and out of steam.

Let's Make Every Sunday Resurrection Sunday

As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this Easter, let's resolve to make every Sunday a resurrection Sunday, living in all the good that the resurrection accomplishes for us each day.

The Imperfect Pastor

Zach Eswine shares his own story of loss and the stunning realization that true faithfulness is not synonymous with ministry success.

Virtual Church Is an Oxymoron

Collin Hansen

Virtual church cannot deliver the water of baptism. It cannot deliver the body and the blood, the bread and the wine of Christ's body broken and his blood shed for us.

Cultivating a Healthy Marriage in Ministry

This is guest post by Lisa Chan and is part of Pastor’s Wife Appreciation Month. Lisa’s husband, Francis, is the best-selling author of Crazy Love and formerly served as teaching pastor at Cornerstone Community Church …

Pastor: Your Ministry Is a Mercy

John MacArthur

Paul’s deeply rooted understanding that his calling was a totally undeserved expression of God’s great mercy to him was itself one of the core convictions that kept him faithful to the end.

Raising Kids as a Pastor's Wife

Children are truly a gift—a reward from the Lord himself, and parenting is such a glorious privilege, but it's not easy.

Help! I Need More of God

Jani Ortlund

Some people expect the pastor’s wife to have the most ideal and perfect relationship with God. What should we—women married to men in ministry—do to stay spiritually radiant?

9 Notable Quotes from Lead

Ministry leadership, at its core, is about a community of leaders practicing together the presence of the Lord.

An Excerpt from The Pastor's Wife

Gloria Furman

Introduction “There you are,” a woman whispered in my ear as she grabbed my elbow during a church gathering. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Startled, I braced myself. You never know what a statement …

Everyday Discipleship

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt recalls the mission that Christ left his followers before his ascension.

Raising Kids as a Pastor’s Wife

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. —Psalm 127:3 It Ain’t All Roses Children are truly a gift—a reward from the Lord himself! Parenting is such a …

The Calling of a Pastor's Wife

Pastor's wife and blogger Jen Thorn talks about the unique calling of the pastor's wife to the church and her family.

Ask a Pastor's Wife: Friendships

Gloria Furman responds to Pam who writes, "How do you have friendships that are open and honest when you are having marriage problems?"

Following Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life

In this video, pastor Jeff Vanderstelt calls us to look beyond the special "church" events that so often dominate our calendars and start focusing on reaching the lost in and through our everyday lives.

Church Exists to Advance the Gospel

Jonathan Leeman

We should prize conversion and spiritual growth over church structure. And the Great Commission should be uppermost in our minds, but should we pit church structure and conversion against one another?

Church Is More than a Building

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt questions our understanding of the word "church," helping us recapture a biblical vision for the body of Christ in community and on mission.

Ask a Pastor's Wife: Community

Gloria Furman responds to Annie who writes, "How do a pastor and his wife have transparent accountability in a small group setting?"

Cultivating a Healthy Marriage in Ministry

This is guest post by Lisa Chan and is part of Pastor’s Wife Appreciation Month. Lisa’s husband, Francis, is the best-selling author of Crazy Love and formerly served as teaching pastor at Cornerstone Community Church …

Mission or Community?

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt explains why it's important to realize that God has called the church to be in community and on mission.

Video: The Prodigal Church

If you treat your church like a business, you will see other churches as competition. You'll worry about turf and market share.

The Church's Mission

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt explains why he no longer tells people to "go be Jesus" among the lost.