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Ask a Pastor's Wife: Friendships

Gloria Furman responds to Pam who writes, "How do you have friendships that are open and honest when you are having marriage problems?"

Church Exists to Advance the Gospel

Jonathan Leeman

We should prize conversion and spiritual growth over church structure. And the Great Commission should be uppermost in our minds, but should we pit church structure and conversion against one another?

Church Is More than a Building

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt questions our understanding of the word "church," helping us recapture a biblical vision for the body of Christ in community and on mission.

Ask a Pastor's Wife: Community

Gloria Furman responds to Annie who writes, "How do a pastor and his wife have transparent accountability in a small group setting?"

Mission or Community?

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt explains why it's important to realize that God has called the church to be in community and on mission.