Counsel for Pastors Intimidated by Counseling
The call to counsel can be a bit intimidating. But having wise conversations with God’s people is something he intends for us to do.
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Counsel for Pastors Intimidated by Counseling
The call to counsel can be a bit intimidating. But having wise conversations with God’s people is something he intends for us to do.
Podcast: The Most Important Thing Our Churches Have Forgotten to Do (Paul Miller)
Paul Miller deepens our understanding of prayer by highlighting why we need to pray with one another if we really want to experience the full blessing of prayer.
John Piper lists why we should affirm others.
Ask a Pastor's Wife: Friendships
Gloria Furman responds to Pam who writes, "How do you have friendships that are open and honest when you are having marriage problems?"
Sproul on the Foolishness of Elevating a Spiritual Gift
In R. C. Sproul's St. Andrew's commentary on Romans, he warns readers not to be jealous of other people's spiritual gifts or elevate our gifts over the gifts of others. "During my forty-plus years of …
Demolishing the Walls of Your Comfort Zone in Practicing Hospitality
In a recent interview, Pat Ennis challenges readers to demolish the walls of their comfort zone and to be counter-cultural even within their own communities to be intentionally hospitable.
3 Ways Pastors Can Promote Gospel Fluency in Their Churches
Pastors can speak the truth of Jesus into the everyday stuff of life by preaching, training, and ministering.
Church Exists to Advance the Gospel
We should prize conversion and spiritual growth over church structure. And the Great Commission should be uppermost in our minds, but should we pit church structure and conversion against one another?
Do We Spend More Time Correcting or Affirming in Relationships?
What does it look like to restore a pattern of affirmation to a relationship?
Podcast: Our Pastors Are in Crisis, and You Can Help (Peter Orr)
Peter Orr talks about why he thinks we're facing a pastoral crisis and what regular Christians can do to help stem the tide of pastoral burnout.
What Those Who Care for the Hurting Need Most
This book is not for one who is necessarily suffering physical trauma or depression. Instead, it is a book for everyone.
Church Is More than a Building
Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt questions our understanding of the word "church," helping us recapture a biblical vision for the body of Christ in community and on mission.
What Can Small Churches Do Together?
In what ways might God be calling your church to partner with others?
When the Podcast Preacher Isn't Enough
We need more than a podcast to truly grow in our walk of faith.
The Cure to Our Frustration in Caring for the Hurting
Let's discuss the emotions we often feel when caring for the hurting.
Podcast: Answering Your Questions about Parenting Adult Children (Gaye Clark)
Gaye Clark answers several listener-submitted questions about how we should handle the difficult dynamic of cultivating a relationship with our adult children.
Ask a Pastor's Wife: Community
Gloria Furman responds to Annie who writes, "How do a pastor and his wife have transparent accountability in a small group setting?"
Building the Foundation of Community
It is essential to lay a foundation for building a life-giving and life-sustaining community within your church.
Gospel Community: Imaging God to One Another
In Disciple: Getting Your Identity from Jesus, author Bill Clem explains that Christian communities serve as witnesses to show what the kingdom of God is supposed to look like.
Podcast: Why Did God Put Difficult People in My Church? (Jamie Dunlop)
Jamie Dunlop explains how unity—not necessarily uniformity—in the face of diversity glorifies God and strengthens the church's witness.
4 Reasons to Read Echoes of Eden
David Moore highlights four things to like about Echoes of Eden.
Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt explains why it's important to realize that God has called the church to be in community and on mission.
#QandA - Paul Tripp Answers Your Questions about Social Media (Reactivity Episode 8)
In this final episode of the Reactivity podcast, Paul Tripp answers questions submitted by listeners related to how Christians should think about social media and its impact on us.
Podcast: The Problem with Church Planting in the US Today (Nathan Knight)
Nathan Knight talks about his journey to pastoral ministry, why he's concerned about the way that church planting is often done today, and what he sees as a better way based on the New Testament.
#meantweets - Our Problem with Anger (Reactivity Episode 2)
Paul Tripp talks about the normalization of emotionally driven responses and especially reactions filled with fear and anger, two of the primary emotions that drive the culture of toxic reactivity.
#fightme - Our Problem with Craving Controversy (Reactivity Episode 5)
Paul Tripp talks about the difference between the love of truth and the love of controversy, which is no longer motivated by the two great commands to love God and love your neighbor.
#antisocialmedia - Our Problem with Individualism (Reactivity Episode 4)
Paul Tripp discusses the message of individualism in our culture that is destructive to our relationships and is an enemy of the community that God carefully designed for us to live in.
Podcast: How to Radically Pursue Justice While Living in the Suburbs (Amy DiMarcangelo)
Amy DiMarcangelo discusses how our lives can often look relatively comfortable, and she shares her own story of learning what it means to live sacrificially for God in the midst of everyday life.
#fail - Our Need for Grace (Reactivity Episode 7)
Paul Tripp talks about the differences between a culture of condemnation and a culture of redemption, and he makes an honest confession.
#thosepeople - Our Problem with Tribalism (Reactivity Episode 6)
Paul Tripp talks about our culture of tribalism in which we associate primarily with those who agree with us and find it easier to react to anyone who isn't in that group.