Crossway+ is a new membership program designed to provide you with gospel-centered resources aimed at strengthening your faith and serving the church.
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Crossway+ is a new membership program designed to provide you with gospel-centered resources aimed at strengthening your faith and serving the church.
Good News Publishers and American Tract Society Finalize Joint Publishing Agreement
Crossway announces a joint publishing agreement with the American Tract Society (ATS) for the publication and distribution of gospel tracts throughout North America.
Listen Now: The Crossway Podcast
We’re excited to officially launch The Crossway Podcast. Listen to the first 3 episodes today.
An Update on Crossway in Response to COVID-19
There is a great need for the word of God and gospel-centered publishing, and in recent weeks we have felt a palpable sense of urgency in our labors to point God’s people to the hope we have in Christ.
Celebrating 85 Years of Crossway’s Tracts Ministry
2023 marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of Good News Publishers, and Crossway is casting a vision for its tracts ministry for the future.
Crossway Board Appoints Josh Dennis as New President
The Crossway Board of Directors is delighted to announce that Josh Dennis has been unanimously elected as the next President of Crossway, effective immediately.
A 5-Minute Preview of The Crossway Podcast
Listen to a short preview of The Crossway Podcast, which officially launches on Monday, April 1, 2019.
An Important Update on the Leadership of Crossway
With great appreciation for the lives and ministry of Lane and Ebeth Dennis, the Crossway Board of Directors announces that they will be stepping down and that Josh Dennis will be Crossway’s new President and CEO.
A Message from Crossway's President
This is a special message recently sent to our friends and supporters from Dr. Lane Dennis, president and publisher of Crossway.
A Letter from Lane Dennis Regarding the Flood
Crossway updates readers and supporters on the flood that swept through Crossway's headquarters.
An Urgent Ministry Opportunity—Global Study Bibles for Leaders in Africa and Asia
Throughout the month of December, Crossway requested the help of our readers and supporters to provide the remaining $500,000 needed for the project.
At Crossway, we would be grateful for your urgent prayers and gracious support for our upcoming ministry projects.
Tracts are creative, short-form gospel presentations, convenient to use and economical to produce and distribute.
A year-end update from Crossway’s president and CEO, Lane T. Dennis.
An Historic Opportunity in China
Lane T. Dennis proposes two historic opportunities in China.
100,000 ESV Global Study Bibles to Leaders Around the World
Our greatest passion at Crossway, as a not-for-profit ministry, is to reach the people of the world with the Gospel and the life-transforming Truth of God’s Word.
As 2018 draws to an end, we would like to look back at what God has been pleased to do in and through Crossway over the last 12 months.
Justin Taylor Appointed as Crossway's Publisher for Books
Crossway announces the appointment of Justin Taylor to the position of Senior Vice President and Publisher for Books.
An Urgent Message from Our President
Crossway requests prayers and support following the extensive damage from the flood.
Crossway and Awana Announce New Alliance: Awana to Release ESV Bible Curriculum
Crossway announces a new partnership with Awana that seeks to extend the reach of the gospel of Jesus Christ to young people throughout the world.
An Important Letter From Crossway's President
Crossway requests support from readers and supporters to help us raise money to help provide the Bible and Bible learning resources to 1 million people.
2018 Crossway Ministry Initiatives
As we near the close of 2017, we wanted to extend one final invitation to you to partner with us in the work of the Gospel.
Press Release: ESV Quadruple Growth Drives New Crossway Divisions
Crossway talks about the growth of the ESV Bible and announces a new organizational structure.
Crossway Flood Update: Help Still Needed
Crossway encourages readers and supporters for gifts of support.
Imagine the Impact: An Update on Crossway’s Global Study Bible Distribution Project
Crossway has been in the midst of a campaign to send 100,000 ESV Global Study Bibles to Christian leaders around the world.
An Exciting Update Related to the Global Study Project
Throughout the month of December, Crossway invited the help of our readers and supporters to distribute 250,000 free copies of the ESV Global Study Bible.
A Message from our President on Flood Recovery Progress
Lane T. Dennis updates readers and supporters on the flood recovery progress.
A Thank You Letter From Crossway's President
Crossway updates readers and supporters on our appreciation to all who helped us reach our goal.
Crossway and Gospel-Centered Publishing
From President and Publisher Lane Dennis's letter of introduction to Crossway's new website.
Yesterday we posted an urgent request from Crossway's president, Dr. Lane Dennis, concerning an extraordinary opportunity to meet a matching grant for $270,000. In the above video, Dr. Dennis provides some perspective on why this opportunity is so important to the ministry work of Crossway.