Here are seven important principles for sharing our faith with others gleaned from a close reading of Acts 8.
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Here are seven important principles for sharing our faith with others gleaned from a close reading of Acts 8.
The Christian Faith of Jane Austen
Learn more about how Jane Austen's faith went from sympathetic to genuine.
14 Lesser-Known Details about J. I. Packer
Everyone has a dimension of personality and life that is hidden from public view and known mainly by family members and close acquaintances. Read 14 details related to this lesser-known side of J. I. Packer.
The Character of the Christian Minister
Christian ministers must be vigilant, prepared to endure.
4 Key Components of Mainstream Anglicanism
Jesus Christ fills the mental horizon of mainstream Anglican believers; the claim and the purpose is that in all we do, we are seeking Christ’s glory and furthering his kingdom.
3 Things I've Learned from Carl F. H. Henry
The following three examples are among some of the most quintessentially Henrician lessons I’ve learned.
Podcast: We're in a Strange New World. Now What? (Carl Trueman)
Carl Trueman explores the history of Western thought with the view of answering two simple questions. How did we get here? How should the church respond?
Materialism: The Material Girl
A fourth “ism” which is part of the “pattern of this world” is materialism.
One of the most prominent burdens felt by society and church in the early 20th Century was the plight of orphans.
Podcast: What's Happening to Evangelicalism? (Michael Reeves)
Michael Reeves discusses the term “evangelical,” the different ways it’s used in our culture today, and how we should respond to the cultural baggage often associated with the term.
The Continued Relevance of Carl Henry’s ‘Uneasy Conscience’
What’s striking now is how contemporary and pressing the issues still seem, though raised by Henry back when “baby boomer” referred to youth and the future.
What Makes Evangelicals Different?
What is it that separates evangelicals from the rest of the world, even some other branches of Christianity? The fundamental dividing line is the belief in the inerrancy and authority of Scripture. Why does it matter if we believe this or not?
Q&A: Michael Reeves Answers Your Questions about Evangelicalism
Michael Reeves answers a number of questions from around the world about the topic of evangelicalism.
Eating, Drinking, and Doing Ministry
Eating and drinking were so important to the mission of Jesus because they were a sign of his friendship with tax collectors, sinners, and others scorned by others.
Preview: ‘Strange New World’ by Carl Trueman
We are pleased to offer a special preview of Carl Trueman's new book, ‘Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution.’
D.A. Carson on Evangelicalism—from ETS 2009
Dr. D. A. Carson presents a biblical/theological definition of evangelicalism that is rooted in the New Testament’s description of the gospel, and then proceeds to demonstrate its continuing relevance and our need for its scripturally defined boundaries.
Preview: ‘Gospel People’ by Michael Reeves
We are pleased to offer a special preview of Michael Reeves’s new book, ‘Gospel People: A Call for Evangelical Integrity.’
Evangelical Unity and Denominational Diversity (book excerpt)
Showing how denominational affiliation can be natural without being negative, and how evangelical diversity can help rather than hinder Christian unity.
Behind the Book: "Don't Call it a Comeback"
In this series of interviews, editor Kevin DeYoung talks with the contributors of Don't Call it a Comeback about each of their specific chapters. Check out the interviews to glean personal insight from the authors …