10 Key Bible Verses on Parenting
Children are a gift from the Lord, and he is faithful to grant wisdom and guidance to those who are called to shepherd those in their care.
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10 Key Bible Verses on Parenting
Children are a gift from the Lord, and he is faithful to grant wisdom and guidance to those who are called to shepherd those in their care.
10 Key Bible Verses on Children
Scripture is not silent on the value of children and how parents ought to regard and guide them in wisdom.
What Does the Bible Say About God as Our Father?
Graciously, our heavenly Father shares the wonder of his fatherhood with us men. To be a father, therefore, is a sacred privilege and a high calling.
7 Tips for Keeping Your Cool When Your Kids Misbehave
Jesus came to make it possible for all kinds of people, including angry parents, to be changed into people who yield their expectations to God in service to others, specifically their children.
5 Ways Dads Can Encourage Their Daughters
By paying attention to the following five areas, you’ll give your daughter the solid head start she needs to grow into all that God has for her.
10 Things You Should Know about Family Discipleship
In Jesus's call to make disciples everywhere and to teach his commandments entirely, we can be absolutely sure that this imperative includes those disciples we will make in our own homes.
An Open Letter to the Parent of a Strong-Willed Child
Let us be careful about singling out the strong-willed child as though his will is more corrupt than ours.
Parenting: A 14-Day Devotional
Learn 14 gospel-centered parenting principles from Paul David Tripp’s book, Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Familly.
Learn five things fathers can avoid when parenting their children from seasoned pastor R. Kent Hughes.
7 Important Lessons about Masculinity
Godly leadership doesn’t give us the right to lord our authority over others; it means that it is our glory to die first.
How to Pray for Your Child’s Salvation
We cannot force this faith. We labor for it, we teach to it, we encourage it, and above all, we can pray for it.
The Best Parenting Passage in the Entire Bible
Our children must learn to look at life through the lens of the will and plan of their Creator—to develop a comprehensive biblical worldview that is distinctively God-centered and biblically driven.
How to Pray for Your Teen’s Spiritual Growth
Here are seven specific bibliical prayers that I’m praying for my own (almost) teenager, and which I’d encourage you to pray for yours.
10 Things You Should Know about Fatherhood
Fatherhood began in God, since he is our Father. Ultimate reality is not mechanical but relational, not physics but fatherhood.
How to Pray for Your Teenager’s Sexual Purity
Ultimately only the Lord can provide the help our teens need, which is why parents like me must pray for their teenager’s sexual purity.
10 Things You Should Know about Infertility
Infertility is a more common experience than some realize affecting 7–10% of couples.
4 Things Dads Should Teach Their Kids about Money
Your kids need more than practical tips for managing their money. They need theology.
Why Your Child’s Misbehavior Shouldn’t Be Your Next Social Media Post
There’s nothing new about parents talking about their child’s misbehavior, but there are some underlying pitfalls that you should consider, especially as the internet magnifies them.
A Father's Example of a Legacy Worth Leaving
The following is a letter Ray Ortlund's dad wrote several years before his death, which he left in his desk, where he knew his family would find it.
How to Pray when Preparing for Family Vacation
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
God knows you need rest, and wants you to get it, but we can honor him by submitting our plans to him so he can direct our steps—even in our vacation!
12 Bible Passages for Overwhelmed Fathers
A father’s world is filled with responsibilities and concerns, and the stress that can arise from helping to support a family can be overwhelming. But God offers all fathers wisdom and strength from his Word.
How to Pray for Your Kids This Summer
The clay is still soft, so ask God for sculpting opportunities in the lives of your young children.
5 Tips for Helping Your Teens Study the Bible
Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see growth right away. It might take months and it might even take years, but keep being faithful to your calling as parents.
7 Tips for Celebrating Christmas as a Family
For a Christian family, Christmas is a significant annual opportunity to disciple as you celebrate the incarnation of Christ. Here are seven tips on how to do that well.
6 Truths about Parenting That Reorient Everything
Paul David Tripp draws six agenda-setting observations from Psalm 51 for our work as a parents.
4 Issues Your Children Are Facing That You Never Had To
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
Parenting in today’s culture can seem like boating into uncharted waters. The good news is that though the culture may throw us new challenges, Scripture speaks a better word to anchor our parenting.
4 Questions about Parenting and Screen Time
If we intend to teach our children how to appropriately enjoy, but not abuse, time in front of a screen, we must check our own hearts and habits first.
An Open Letter to Parents Feeling Unequipped to Disciple Their Kids
God calls us to disciple our children into him—to walk with them into his kingdom and help them be conformed to the image of the one, true King.
Mary J. Moerbe, Gene Edward Veith Jr.
Scripture is clear that all earthly fatherhood finds its origin in our heavenly Father, but it also reveals more than that.
Help! My Kids Don’t Like Going to Church
One of parents’ chief responsibilities is to train our children to be worshippers. And bringing our kids to church, whether they like it or not, is an essential act of discipleship.
6 Questions about Raising Daughters
As we continue to plant seeds of faith in our daughters, we must shape their understanding of what it means to grow in godliness.
Your Kids Need You to Talk to Them
The Spirit makes godly conversations possible, and he expects you to give yourself to them because the people around you—your children—need them.
8 Important Dos and Don'ts of Discipline
The point of parenting is not to cultivate uniform perfection.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Teach My Kids the Bible
How do we sow in our children love for the word that has become a lifeline for us? How do we communicate in a way that prepares them for a life of faith and faithfulness?
The Difference Family Worship Makes
Having your family in a Christ-exalting, gospel-centered, Bible-teaching local church is crucial to Christian parenting—but it is not enough.
An Open Letter to Husbands on Mother’s Day
The fact that Mother’s Day may have secular origins does not mean that it can’t be used by Christian husbands to remind us of biblical principles related to our mothers and wives.
Are You Conveying the Loveliness of Christ to Your Kids?
Do our kids know the thing that will sustain and oxygenate them when other vital needs go unmet?
How to Pray When Your Kids Go Off to College
Not all parents can provide what they want for their children, but all parents can pray.
8 Real-Life Questions about Children and Discipline
You might feel overwhelmed by the amount of parenting advice that exists. Take a breath. Break the goal down into small steps, and take one step at a time.
6 Ways to Help Your Kids Love Reading the Bible
What could be more important than teaching your kids to read the Bible? What better habit would you want them to have?
The Importance of Enjoying Your Kids
To be in those high-demand years is a great blessing, so enjoy it. Enjoy your kids!
Full Audiobook: The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung
We are pleased to share the entire audio of The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung on The Crossway Podcast.
What Does It Mean for a Man to Manage His Own Household “Well”?
What does it mean for a man to manage his household “well”? Oh, the apostolic brilliance of that qualifier.
5 Myths about Teaching Theology to Youth
Everyone is a theologian. The question for Christian parents, church members, and friends is: how do we help children be good theologians?
Help! My Kids Seem Uninterested in Family Worship
Do your kids try to avoid family worship? Do they find excuses not to be there? Do they obviously dread it and groan when you reach for the Bible?
Survival mode for the weary Christian is not hibernation from Christ but perseverance in Christ.
What Family Discipleship Is (and Is Not)
Put simply, family discipleship is leading your home by doing whatever you can whenever you can to help your family become friends and followers of Jesus Christ.
A Parent’s Guide to Talking with Kids about Technology
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
All of life in the digital age is presenting us with a dizzying array of possibilities for where we spend our time, how we understand who we are, and how we perceive the world around us.
The One Thing That Makes Parenting Tough Today
Distraction is a huge issue for the modern Christian parent.
Podcast: Preparing Our Kids for a Post-Christian World (Rebecca McLaughlin)
Rebecca McLaughlin discusses what it looks like for parents to prepare their teens for a life in a post-Christian world, reflectong on kids' propensity to ask hard questions and why that's a good thing,
13 Passages to Read on Father’s Day
Fathers, be encouraged from Scripture about who you are and what God has called you to in your role of shepherding those entrusted to your care.
How (and How Not) to Implement Family Devotions
Pray for wisdom. Pray for your children. Pray that your time in the word and prayer will be fruitful and that God will bear the fruit of his Spirit in your family.
What character is required so that we can be part of what God is seeking to do in the lives of our children and not in the way of it?
How to Help Your Teens Use Their Phones for Good
How can you help your teen wield their technology for good purposes, while avoiding the inherent dangers?
How do we teach our children to be discerning, both to recognize and to do right, but at the same time to show God’s love and care for the imperfect people around them?
Introducing a New Podcast for Families
Over the course of 26 episodes (each 3-5 minutes in length), listen to the grand story of the Bible as a family with this new podcast for families.
8 Passages to Read about Parenting
Parenting requires all kinds of help, most helpfully from the God who created us. Find encouragement from Scripture for the task.
Why Teens Must Read the Bible for Themselves
Teenagers who are wondering if the Bible is relevant to their lives are often starting off on the wrong footing with Scripture.
A Blueprint for Multigenerational Faithfulness
God has not left us to wander aimlessly in the wilderness as we raise our children. He has given us a blueprint for multigenerational faithfulness.
Fathers are called upon to choose not only between our children and our work, but between our convenience and the inconvenience of keeping a promise.
Not If but When: Reflections on 4 Different Kinds of Healing
At some point or other, every Christian with a disability is going to have to figure out how to think about physical healing. In our case, theological reflection on healing has been essential.
Adoption and Spiritual Warfare
There seems to be an orphan-making urge among us, whether we see it in the slave culture of centuries past or the divorce culture of today. But where does it come from?
7 Tips for Young Adults to Improve Their Relationships with Their Parents
You can mitigate your frustrations with your parents. Here are seven tips that may help you have a better relationship.
How to Maintain Everyday Faithfulness in Festive Times
God has equipped us to follow Christ faithfully no matter what season of life we’re living.
Martin Luther, the Loving Father
When it came to the rearing of children, Luther had plenty of advice.
You and Your Toddler Teach One Another Theology
There is no distinction between the sacred and the secular; everything belongs to the Lord and is under his reign.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Answer My Kid’s Tough Questions
Rather than seeing our cultural challenges today only as obstacles for our kids, I’m increasingly convinced they’re opportunities to do three important things.
5 Things Your Children Need from You
Parenting is not a behavior-control mission; it is a heart-rescue mission. The only hope for a lost child is a radical transformation of his heart.
4 Questions about Leading Family Devotions
It is critically important to give our lives in the service of leading our children to be followers and friends of Jesus.
How to Help Your Kids Love the Bible
As parents and caregivers, we want our children to know the God revealed in the Bible and come to love his word deeply, just as we have.
Why Every Parent Should Embrace Their Inability
It is vital that you believe and admit that you have no power whatsoever to change your child.
Modeling Our Faith to Our Kids as Both a Sinner and a Saint
Two key components are essential for family discipleship through Christian modeling. A godly role model needs to be reliable and relatable.
How to Honor the Lord with Your Summer Vacation
When you take your vacation time, how do you reflect your priorities and honor the Lord?
Guiding Children to Adulthood: What Does Success Look Like?
With grown or nearly grown adult children, it can be easy to despair and think it is too late to improve or repair our relationship with our kids. But is anything too difficult for God?
4 Essential Things to Remember When Disciplining Your Children
What are we trying to do in disciplining children? We are not just trying to avoid all annoyances. There’s an aim here and it's a glorious one.
The Problem with Child-Directed Parenting
Young children cannot “lead” parents to a Jesus they do not know, but parents can lead a child to a Jesus the parents know and love.
A Story of Grace in the Face of Infertility
Read the personal story of a couple who experienced infertility for a period long enough to know the pressures, anxieties, absences, and losses that so commonly define the experience.
Help! My Teenager Won’t Open Up to Me
Now, as a parent of a teenager, it’s easy to feel locked out. It is painful to stand on the wrong side of the door of your son or daughter’s heart as though they’ve changed the locks.
How to Balance Being a Husband and a Father
God is willing to give wisdom to every young dad for both being a father and a husband.
Children are not naturally obedient. The problem lies in the opposite direction. The little fellows are sinners—and sin hardens.
9 Ways to Pass on Your Faith through Family Milestones
Your faith is your children’s best possible inheritance. Pass it on to them as often and thoroughly as you can.
Be Careful, Your Kids Are Emulating Your Works Righteousness
Salvation comes to undeserving, dead sinners as a free gift of God, not by anything we do. Yet the heart’s tendency toward works righteousness—thinking we can earn our salvation—runs deep.
What Parents Can Learn from Children’s Books
In many respects, and certainly in spiritual matters, we are all weak and inadequate, and we need to face it.
How can we raise kids to recognize with heartfelt gratitude that they are served by an endless conveyor belt of divinely supplied benefits including life, breath, and everything?
How Stories Teach Kids about Sin
The calling to raise children to love God and hate sin is daunting, and Christian parents should avail themselves of all the help they can get.
5 Reasons to Prioritize Family Worship
Just about everyone I know feels overwhelmed, and most are busier than they’ve ever been, especially if they have children at home.
Parents, Your Children Were Never Intended to Give You Identity
If you are not resting in your vertical identity, you will look horizontally, searching to find yourself and your reason for living in something in the creation
The Mission Field I Never Expected
For those of us who are parents, God wants us to esteem the field he’s given us. It’s not a tiring distraction from the true mission field we should be tilling.
Introducing Unfolding Grace for Kids
In Unfolding Grace for Kids, children ages 8–12 are invited on a guided journey through 40 select Scripture readings to uncover the unifying message of God’s Word.
How Adoption Mirrors God’s Love for the Fatherless
Throughout history, God has faithfully used Christians to play a pivotal role in orphan care. Until Christ’s return—when he brings full restoration and makes all things new—we’re called to continue this work.
When It's Time to Get in the Van and No One's Ready
God always intends his words with his children to restore relationship with himself. And when that’s been your experience, you long to pass it on to others.
4 Things at Stake When Your Children Don’t Obey
What’s at stake in practicing correction is probably better gauged by understanding what happens when correction doesn’t get practiced very well.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: Does God Love Everyone the Same?
God hates the sin that’s in us, but he sent his son Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins so that we can have a relationship with him.
Podcast: Why Every Christian Should Care about Adoption (Russell Moore)
Russell Moore shares his own family’s adoption journey, explaining why adoption is important for all Christians—even those who never actually adopt.
How Fathers Help Roll Back the Curse
Joseph’s fatherhood is significant for us precisely because of the way the gospel anchors it to the fatherhood of God himself.
Podcast: How to Intentionally Disciple Your Kids (Lindsey Carlson)
Lindsey Carlson discusses what it looks like for parents to thoughtfully disciple teenagers during a pivotal point in their lives.
Parents, Don’t Miss God’s Plan for the Mundane
God is a personal God, and you have the chance to continually reintroduce your family to him while praising him for who he is and what he’s done.
Never Forget: You Need What Your Kids Need
It’s helpful for our kids to hear that they’re not alone in their struggles and that you're not perfect either—but Jesus is.
Teaching Your Kids Gratitude in the Media Age
Media doesn’t create a sense of entitlement—a sense of “I deserve”—but it fuels that belief by holding in front of our eyes what others have and do.
11 Notable Quotes from Parenting
As caregivers, parents act as ambassadors of God’s love and care to their children.
Introducing a Bible Study Resource for Kids
Learn more about this resource designed to lead children ages 6–12 to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
7 Tips for Pastoring Your Children
If you’re a pastor and a father, you already know how hard each is, and how much harder the two in tandem can be.
Why God’s Promises Are Important for Kids Too
The struggles and complexities of life teach us through the years that we must rely on our heavenly Father. How are God’s promises also for our little ones?
How to Show Your Kids Grace This Christmas
In this season, the very message we have staked our lives on gets obscured by the message of the world.
What Does Covenant Theology Teach Us about Living in a Family?
Human life usually begins in families. Whether families are stable or unstable, helpful or harmful, family connections shape who we are.
As fathers, it’s important to remember that the gospel is eschatological—it is our hope not merely in this age, but also in the age to come.
An Implicit Biblical Command for Families
Don’t let perfection become the enemy of progress. Keep a regular time of family worship and encourage your kids to explore the Bible together with you.
Help! My Teen Struggles with Self-Image
From its beginning, the self-esteem movement has been crushing. And the movement hasn’t dissipated over the last generation or two, it has only intensified.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: If God Speaks to Me, Why Can’t I Hear Him?
No, we can’t hear God audibly, but we can hear him speak in the sense that he has written his thoughts down for us to read and to hear in his word.
Try a simple experiment. Take a small child on your knee. Respect him. Do not see him as something to prune, form, or mold.
Play-Doh, Flannelgraphs, and Teaching Kids Biblical Theology
When we teach the stories of the Bible without helping them connect those stories, we’re giving them puzzle pieces only without the context of the larger picture.
Why Parenting Is One of the Most Significant Callings
Nothing is more important in your life than being one of God’s tools to form a human soul.
3 Ways Youth Leaders Can Help Parents
Many youth pastors are young, but they still have valuable insights on teenagers that can be of great help to parents.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: How Can God Hear Everyone’s Prayers at the Same Time?
Our kids can know that when they’re in their dark rooms and they’re feeling alone, God is with them. He hears their prayer when they’re at school, feeling nervous, feeling sad.
10 Things You Should Know about Family Discipleship
In Jesus's call to make disciples everywhere and to teach his commandments entirely, we can be absolutely sure that this imperative includes those disciples we will make in our own homes.
Gospel-Centered Help for Fathers
Leading your family well can become a daunting task, particularly if you misunderstand the role of fatherhood as God intended it.
Why It’s Surprisingly Easy to Reward Disobedience
Reward the behaviors you want and don’t reward the behaviors you don’t want.
Mary J. Moerbe, Gene Edward Veith Jr.
God joins together the family to share the work of providing daily bread, protection, guidance, and instruction.
The Key to Understanding Why Parenting Is Hard
The Bible is incredibly helpful in leading us to understand why parenting is so challenging.
Help! My Kids Don’t Like to Read
What are some major obstacles that prevent children from enjoying reading? Here are some practical suggestions for helping to instill a love of books.
When it comes to family discipleship, low-hanging fruit is everywhere. Family discipleship does not have to be intricate or complicated.
Show My Child Grace, or Lay Down the Law?
I know my children need the awareness of God’s law, they also need the self-awareness that law gives them.
Although we cannot bequeath God to our children, we can help them know him and understand him in ways that prepare them to believe in his name.
Dads: Know the Difference Between What the Gospel Requires and What it Produces
Dads must also know the difference between condemning our family with the law and shepherding them with the gospel.
Why You Should Enroll in Wisdom University
The primary reason people drop out of Wisdom University is peer pressure—the influence of others in the same social group or age group.
Dads, Remember the Power of the Open Book
Children who are able to read will benefit from being with their parents in worship, and it is the duty of husbands and fathers to make sure that their families hear God’s word both in private and in public.
Should I Try to Be My Child's Friend?
Your child should know without a doubt that you deeply love them, even on their worst day.
How to Spend Your Time Waiting for an Adopted Child
God has designed the universe so that anticipation is built into the order of things.
Help! My Teen Is Struggling with Anxiety
Go to God and ask him to lead you into more understanding of the various factors involved in your child’s suffering: physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and social.
Why Your Parents' Limitations Aren’t Limiting
Limits force you to come to grips with both your humanity and your sin nature by showing you that you are not God, but you sure want to be.
Podcast: How to Do Family Worship During the Holidays (Don Whitney)
How can you help your family not lose sight of God and the gospel during the holidays and build in a rhythm of regularly worshiping him together?
Parents: Expect Your Kids to Make Mistakes
When you don't know what to say (or you're tired of repeating yourself), remember that this is normal, but God is exceptional.
Finding out your children have special needs is kind of like being given an orange.
there lived a man and a woman. They were the happiest people on the planet. True, they were the only people on the planet, but they were still terrifically happy.
What Family Worship Is (and Is Not)
Put simply, family discipleship is leading your home by doing whatever you can whenever you can to help your family become friends and followers of Jesus Christ.
When it comes to family discipleship, low-hanging fruit is everywhere. Family discipleship does not have to be intricate or complicated.
Parenting with Paul David Tripp
Day 1: Calling Day 2: Grace Day 3: Law Day 4: Inability Day 5: Identity Day 6: Process Day 7: Lost Day 8: Authority Day 9: Foolishness Day 10: Character Day 11: False Gods Day …
Help! My Teen Struggles with Self-Image
From its beginning, the self-esteem movement has been crushing. And the movement hasn’t dissipated over the last generation or two, it has only intensified.