Why We Should Not Fear Satan and Demons
John MacArthur, Richard Mayhue
How can one know which concepts about Satan and demons are biblically accurate and which are not?
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Why We Should Not Fear Satan and Demons
John MacArthur, Richard Mayhue
How can one know which concepts about Satan and demons are biblically accurate and which are not?
Christians, remember that God has graciously given us his Holy Spirit, who makes us fearless in troubled times.
Podcast: A Christian Doctor’s Guide to Thinking about Coronavirus (Bob Cutillo, MD)
A Christian doctor discusses the current coronavirus pandemic, explaining what's currently happening in the US and around the world and offering perspective on how we should think about this virus.
It is the devil’s work to promote a fear of God that makes people afraid of God such that they want to flee from God.
10 Key Bible Verses on Anxiety and Worry
God tells us over and over in Scripture to lean on him for what our human strength and ingenuity cannot achieve.
14 Passages to Read When You're Doubting Your Salvation
When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy.
How to Pray When You’re Feeling Anxious
Anxiety may misdirect us, or, properly grasped, may point us to the right path.
Is Making Decisions All about Knowing God's Will?
Before we can make decisions, it is helpful to have a robust biblical understanding of the nature of God’s will.
11 Passages to Read to Help Fight Worry
Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Read these passages to help fight the sin of worry.
Rooted in God’s Love: A 9-Day Devotional for Women
Are you tired, anxious, frustrated, or overwhelmed with life’s demands? Start a 9-day online devotional aimed at helping you cultivate the fruit of the Spirit.
The Fear of God Is the Antidote to Our Anxiety
Fear is probably the strongest human emotion. But it baffles us. When we come to the Bible, the picture seems equally confusing: is fear a good thing or bad?
4 Cultural Factors That Contribute to Our Epidemic of Burnout
Diligence and discernment are necessary to combat these 4 cultural factors that contribute to burnout.
We are encouraged not to fear, but trust in the Lord with all our hearts, leaning not on our strength and understanding, but on his.
Fearing God Is a Matter of the Heart
The fear of God is not a state of mind you can guarantee with five easy steps. It is not something that can be acquired with simple self-effort.
An Open Letter to a Young Woman Contemplating an Abortion
If by “personal” we mean something that belongs to you and no one else, your decision about whether or not to end this pregnancy by abortion is not as personal as they say.
12 Truths for Depressed and Anxious Christians
Richard Baxter, Michael S. Lundy
Be sure that a theological error is not the root of your distress. Especially have a solid understanding of the covenant of grace and the riches of mercy revealed in Christ.
What Is Burnout and Why Is It So Dangerous?
Burnout is physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual exhaustion and breakdown. It is usually caused by living at too fast a pace, for too long, doing too much.
Signs You Are on the Pathway from Stressed to Depressed
God has a purpose for even our most difficult seasons. He offers hope and eternal perspective in the midst of them.
Is there something great or small you’re currently grieving? Have you processed that grief before God or other people? Is this grief making you numb?
Men, Are You Showing Signs of Burnout?
Recent statistics have shown that 77% of Americans have symptoms—physical symptoms—associated with stress. Then there are emotional symptoms . . .
What Is Anxiety vs. Depression?
It's important to realize that anxiety and depression are different while being careful to realize that they do sometimes overlap.
Your Salvation Doesn’t Depend on Your Feelings
If our salvation depended upon our feelings, we should be lost one day and saved another, for they are as fickle as the weather.
4 Prayers to Pray When You’re Afraid
When fear paralyzes you, turn to the Lord through his word and in prayer and be comforted by the light that overcomes darkness.
There are three important factors that will help pastors combat burnout: hardness, honesty, and humility.
Podcast: Should Christians Fear God? (Michael Reeves)
What is the Bible getting at when it commands us to fear the Lord? Is it ever sinful to fear?
3 Things to Remember When You're Feeling Anxious
Anxiety is an understandable part of life. God reassures us that we need not worry and can bring our fears to him in prayer.
4 Pieces of Advice for Stressed Out Christians
Take the necessary steps to communicate about and treat your burnout. These 4 steps will help you begin to heal.
The maker of the universe is not far off—he is nearby. Realizing this is a huge first step in trading anxiety for patience.
Quiet is a means of God’s grace. Why does it make us so uncomfortable?
The Crushing Freedom of Decision-Making
One of the unanticipated weights of living in an age of unprecedented freedom is the anxiety that comes as its counterpart.
9 Principles for Navigating Anxiety and Depression with Your Teen
What are the general principles to bear in mind as you begin to work with your teen through anxiety and depression?
Podcast: The Day I Lost My 3-Year-Old Son (Cameron Cole)
Cameron Cole talks about losing his three-year-old son and how that tragedy and all the suffering it entailed has ultimately strengthened his hope in God.
Why You Should Go to Bed Early Tonight
Sleep is a gift from God. It’s one of his most wonderful gifts to us—when we receive it as he intended us to receive it.
Is Your Check Engine Light On?
Are you experiencing any warning signs of burnout? This articles tells you what signs to look for.
Why did Jesus send his disciples into that storm? He did it for the same reason he sometimes sends you into storms—because he knows that sometimes you need the storm in order to be able to see the glory.
Brian S. Borgman explains why emotions should not be discounted in our faith.
How Stress Undermines Our Relationships
Burnout takes a toll on men's personal relationships and support system, leaving them vulnerable to sin.
Chasing Certainty in an Uncertain World
If we experience repeated successes after we fall, success becomes routine.
Doubt can be a stimulus to faith, or an ongoing annoyance in the Christian life, or a fatal blow to someone’s loose commitment to Jesus. It all depends on what we do with our doubts.
How to Overcome Fear in Sharing the Gospel
God is the one who does the work of saving people, not us.
Should We Seek to Burn Out for Jesus?
It is wise to pace yourself, even in ministry. Establish healthy limits for yourself and trust God to make your work fruitful.
The Wilderness Offers Us New Sight
When we walk through any season of wilderness, the greatest danger is not the scorching heat of the trial; it is that we would be blind to the God who sees us.
On a Mission to Prove Ourselves
The people of this world are on a mission: a mission to prove themselves.
One of the deepest fears an earnest pastor has is that he is going to let God down.
Because of Christ we can rejoice in hope, and there is no place for anxiety in the city that is to come.
Podcast: Are You Ashamed of Yourself? Jesus Isn't (Erik Raymond)
Erik Raymond talks about why nothing in our lives is a surprise to our Savior because Jesus’s heart is bent toward those who have an embarrassing history, feel far from God, or struggle with sin.
A Parent’s Role in Teen Anxiety
If your teen experiences anxiety or depression, it’s very common for you to feel that you’ve failed or you’ve done something wrong. So what do we do with these feelings and thoughts?
Podcast: 6 Practical Principles for Increasing Your Productivity (Ana Ávila)
Ana Ávila emphasizes that we each have just the right amount of time to do what God wants us to do, walking through several key productivity principles that will help us manage our time wisely.
Counsel for Pastors Intimidated by Counseling
The call to counsel can be a bit intimidating. But having wise conversations with God’s people is something he intends for us to do.
Podcast: Help! My Christian Life Is a Mess (Lewis & Sarah Allen)
Lewis and Sarah Allen talk about the painful trials and unexpected disappointments in our lives as Christians and what we should do when our faith feels weak or our walk with Christ feels like a mess.
Take Your Life Off Your Shoulders
God not only forgives your sins and guarantees you a seat in eternity, but welcomes you to a radically new way of living.
Podcast: The Antidote to Your Insecurity (Ajith Fernando)
Ajith Fernando discusses how we as Christians should deal with our insecurities and describes what it looks like to rest in our identity in Christ, even as we work hard for his glory in our day to day lives.