Can I Really Have Friendship with the Triune God of the Universe?
Because of everything that God has done for us in Christ, we can shockingly have a relationship—a friendship—with God.
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Can I Really Have Friendship with the Triune God of the Universe?
Because of everything that God has done for us in Christ, we can shockingly have a relationship—a friendship—with God.
How to Improve in Our Reasoning
All our knowledge imitates God’s original knowledge. And this imitation is mysterious, because God’s knowledge is mysterious.
Why It Matters that God Is Our Father
God is our Father at the level of creation and at the level of redemption.
R.C. Sproul on Human Tragedies and Divine Purposes
R. C. Sproul shares how human tragedy has a divine purpose.
Pursue God, Not Just His Blessings
God’s blessing is not contingent upon whether we live in material wealth or whether we live in material poverty because we can learn to be content.
The Story of Jesus Guarantees How Your Story Will End
We all work to make the plot that we have written for ourselves come true. But grace introduces another author.
For Warfield, Every Christian Is a Theologian
If life grows out of understanding, then it follows that a firm grasp and robust appreciation of Christian truth is of primary importance to Christian living.
“She Is Different”: Reflections on Peace
Peace describes the heart that knows it is safe in God. The third virtue of the fruit of the Spirit is all about what God’s love and joy have accomplished for his people—“peace with God” (Rom. 5:10).
Podcast: Understanding the Presence of God (Ryan Lister)
What does the Bible say about the presence of God, and how does it relate the Christian life?
Podcast: Why Is Making Decisions So Hard? (Aimee Joseph)
Aimee Joseph discusses why we struggle to make decisions, where God's will fits in to the topic, and how we can work on our efforts to make God-honoring choices in everyday life.
11 Notable Quotes from None Like Him
God is wildly different from us, and this is for good reasons—one of which is to teach us humility before him.
God’s word and his holiness ought to bring us to our knees in fear, reverence, and obedience. And they ought to make us ask for a mediator—someone to act as a go-between for us and God.
Podcast: 5 Attributes of God We Too Often Neglect (Mark Jones)
How should we understand God in his fullness—both near to us as our Father and yet above and beyond us as our Creator?
How Grace Lets You Have It All
The more you understand the magnitude of God’s grace, the more accurate will be your view of the depth of your unrighteousness; and the more you understand the depth of your unrighteousness, the more you will appreciate the magnitude of God’s gift of grace.
When God’s Provision Isn’t What We Expected
After Jesus’s first show of miraculous power in the Gospel of Mark (his healing of a man with an unclean spirit), the amazed people turn to each other and say, “What is this?”
In justification God does not merely decide unilaterally to forgive us our sins.
Reading the Bible Gathers a Family from Every Tribe and Tongue
Without the Bible, there would be no ingathering of God’s people, and without the Bible, there would be no beautification of the bride. So everyone who enters the people of God by faith comes by the word.
We need to know that we are not in charge and we need to know how to submit to God as the one who is in charge.
Podcast: Is the Sabbath Still Relevant for Christians? (Guy Waters)
Guy Waters discusses God's original purpose for the Sabbath, how the idea of Sabbath rest recurs throughout the Old and New Testaments, and whether the Sabbath is relevant for Christians today.
The Measure of God's Love (Toward Those Worse Off Than Frogs)
The measure of God’s love for us is shown by two things. One is the degree of his sacrifice in saving us from the penalty of our sin. The other is the degree of unworthiness that we had when he saved us.
As humanity proved incapable of fulfilling God’s purposes from the very beginning, God, in his grace, became present to do what man was unable to do.
Podcast: Without Judgment, Life Doesn’t Make Sense (Tom Schreiner)
Tom Schreiner discusses what the Bible really teaches about hell and the final judgment, and why it's worth thinking about, even though it's hard.
Podcast: An Overlooked Problem of Atheism (Mitch Stokes)
Mitch Stokes talks about the many problems with an atheistic worldview—including logical holes that skeptics often prefer to ignore.
How does "God's glory in salvation through judgment" relate to the moral, ethical, social, economic, and political issues in our culture?
Your marriage, like mine, is imperfect. But your imperfect marriage is amazing, more than you might think.
Is Beauty an Attribute of God?
Beauty is clearly an attribute of God. That’s why the psalmist sometimes uses the term “beauty” to describe God.
Preview: ‘Demystifying Decision-Making’ by Aimee Joseph
We are pleased to offer a special preview of Aimee Joseph's new book, 'Demystifying Decision-Making: A Practical Guide.’
Podcast: Does God Choose Who Will Be Saved? (Robert Letham)
Robert Letham talks about predestination, God’s sovereignty, free will, how it all fits together, and how these doctrines are a great source of encouragement for the believer.
Podcast: How Does Life Change If God Is Actually My Friend? (Mike McKinley)
Mike McKinley talks about what it means for us as Christians to be friends of God, about the friendship that Jesus had on earth, and about what it looks like for us to lean into our friendship with God.
Jonathan Leeman on The Church and the Suprising Offense of God's Love
Is church discipline biblical? Jonathan Leeman wrote The Church and the Surprising Offense of God's Love to help Christians start taking their membership in their local church seriously . . .