10 Key Bible Verses on the Holy Spirit
These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
7 Steps to Walking the Spiritual Walk
Kenneth Berding
Here are 7 suggestions that will fuel a passion for the things of the Spirit and further educate how to live a life directed by him.
10 Benefits of Reading the Bible: Part 1
John Piper
Ask God to give you eyes to see the worth of Scripture and to waken in you an unyielding desire for the Word of God.
3 Ways Christians Are Sanctified
Ajith Fernando
There are three primary agents in the character formation or sanctification of a Christian—ways that God uses to change us.
10 Things You Should Know about Theophanies
Vern S. Poythress
A theophany is a visible display to human beings that expresses the presence and character of God.
10 Things You Should Know about the Trinity
Fred Sanders
God wants us to learn about and consider the Trinity. Here are 10 things you should know.
10 Questions about Spiritual Gifts
Sam Storms
Spiritual gifts are capacities or abilities imparted to Christians by the Holy Spirit to enable them to exceed the limitations of their finite humanity in order to serve other believers to the glory of God.
Spiritual Blessing: More than Just a Nice Feeling
Gloria Furman
God's blessings are more than just polite sayings or false promises—we have assurance of these blessings from the the Holy Spirit.
What Did Jesus Teach about Prayer?
Mark Jones
As mediator, Jesus brings us to God, but he does so by pouring out his Spirit upon us so that our own prayer life is to replicate his prayer life in terms of how the Holy Spirit binds us to our Father in heaven.
10 Reasons to Study the Holy Spirit
Joel R. Beeke,
Paul M. Smalley
The Holy Spirit is God. Therefore, to study the person and works of the Holy Spirit is a great opportunity to know God in a better way.
How the Holy Spirit Helps Us Read Scripture
Jonathan T. Pennington
Following Jesus by faith (i.e., discipleship) is the foundation of understanding. We don’t simply understand and then follow. We come to understand as we follow. This is the work of the Spirit.
How the Resurrection Changes Everything
Jesus death an resurrection changed everything, and it has the power to change us.
10 Things You Should Know about God’s Attributes
Mark Jones
When we speak of his attributes, we must keep in mind that because his essence remains undivided, his goodness is his power. Or, God’s love is his power is his eternity is his immutability is his omniscience is his goodness, and so forth.
An Open Letter to the Weary Pastor
Mike McKinley
The gospel gives hope and encouragement to weary pastors—hope and encouragement that cannot be found anywhere else.
Was the Trinity Torn Apart at the Cross?
Jonty Rhodes
Jesus's quoting of Psalm 22 on the cross has been a source of wonder and speculation. What can and can’t we say about this cry?
4 Questions about the Trinity
Scott R. Swain
According to the entire witness of Holy Scripture, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not three gods. Nor are they some confederation of the one God with lesser gods. These three are the one God.
The Key to Spiritual Stability in the Christian Life
John MacArthur
As you prayerfully saturate your mind with God's Word, it begins more and more to control your thinking and behavior.
True, False, or Heresy?
Robert Letham
Orthodoxy and Heresy Orthodoxy means right doctrine or belief. In one very important sense it is essential to salvation. Although we are saved entirely by the grace of God, not on the basis of the …
How Reliable Is Your Conscience?
J. D. Crowley
Martin Luther believed that maintaining a good conscience was worth going to prison for and even dying for.
Does Scripture Teach that Jesus Is Fully God?
Greg Lanier
One of the most debated, and at times perplexing, aspects of belief in the Trinity is the question “Does Scripture actually teach that Jesus is fully God?”
10 Things You Should Know about the Incarnation
Stephen J. Wellum
The Son, who is in eternal relation to the Father and Spirit, willingly humbled himself and chose to assume a human nature in obedience to his Father and for our salvation (Phil. 2:6-8).
Communing with the Holy Spirit
Jonathan K. Dodson
In order to experience the Spirit’s power, we need know the Spirit as a Person, to begin a relationship with him through prayer.
The Holy Spirit, Our Helper and Beautifier
Dustin Benge
Without the Holy Spirit, the church would never have been founded. Godly leaders would never have been called, believers added, gifts distributed, service rendered, or growth realized.
What God Starts, He Always Finishes
Sam Storms
As New Testament passages abundantly emphasize, God is faithful to sustain and establish us in our relationship with Jesus.
A Thought Experiment to Help Recalibrate Our Beliefs about the Trinity
Matthew Y. Emerson,
Brandon D. Smith
The way we talk about God’s acts often divides the persons of God in a way that is contrary to our confession that God is one God in three persons.
What Does It Mean to Walk in the Spirit?
Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
Prior to their new life in Christ, New Testament believers had not experienced the continual indwelling of the Spirit. It was at Pentecost that the Spirit came upon the first believers and the church was born.
10 Things You Should Know about the Holy Spirit
Fred Sanders
When you find your mind wandering or getting lost in the details of pneumatology (the doctrine of the Holy Spirit), just call back to mind the basic Christian confession that there is one God in three persons.
What Does It Mean that Jesus Is Prophet, Priest, and King?
Jonty Rhodes
Jesus has one office, that of Messiah or Christ. He is the anointed one, the one mediator between God and man, the Savior. But this office has three aspects to it: those of prophet, priest, and king.
7 Questions about Conversion
Michael Lawrence
To be converted as a Christian is to have changed your thinking and your believing about Jesus Christ, and to be changed into a person who is no longer an enemy of God but a beloved child of God.
The Trinity Transforms the Church into a Community of Love
Dustin Benge
Just as the church is the glorious gift of love from God the Father to Christ the Son, so the church, as the body of Christ, reflects that Trinitarian love and beauty outwardly to the world.