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Why We Dare Not Seek God without Christ

Mark Jones

The true and living God is too much for us to bear, to handle, to conceive, to adore, to know, to trust, to understand, and to worship. The Incomprehensible One is simply too much for us in every conceivable way.

Who Is Jesus?

Greg Gilbert

A Historical Person Maybe you have never really thought about who Jesus is, or whether his claims have any implications for your life. After all, we’re talking about a man who was born in the …

Whom Is Jesus Ashamed Of?

Erik Raymond

According to Jesus, the people who are ashamed of him are those who refuse to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. They’ve considered Jesus unworthy of their devotion and obedience.

What Did Jesus Teach about Discipleship?

Peter Orr

Jesus’s instruction about discipleship applies to all (i.e., not simply the twelve) who want to follow him and includes three elements: denying oneself, taking up one’s cross, and following him.

Hope Means Resting

Paul David Tripp

Because your world is not out of control but under God’s careful redemptive control, you can have hope even when it looks to you as if darkness is winning the day.

When Jesus Sang

I wonder what that song was like for Jesus. I wonder because of the other details the Gospel writers also included about that evening—and there are many.