Podcast: Sourdough Starters, Daily Bread, and the Goodness of Jesus (Abigail Dodds)
A discussion with Abigail Dodds about what the mixture of flour, water, and yeast can teach us about God, the Bible, and what it really means to be satisfied by our Savior.
Our Health and Salvation
Bob Cutillo, MD
Health and salvation, for three good reasons, have much in common.
All the Very Best Stories Lead Us to Hope in the Darkness
Kathryn Butler
Stories, it seems, can remind our kids that in Christ, morning will always come, no matter how deep the darkness.
Pastor, Are You Prepared to Shepherd Your Flock through Dementia?
John Dunlop, MD
The tragedy of dementia is more common than you think. Over 30% of the average church congregation will die with some form of dementia. That represents an enormous challenge in pastoral ministry.
Podcast: Trauma, Pain, and Loss: A Doctor’s Story of Faith and Healing (Katie Butler)
Kathryn Butler discusses her work as a trauma surgeon working in the ICU, sharing what it was like to be inundated with life and death situations day in and day out.
Podcast: How Confronting Death Helps Us Live (Matthew McCullough)
How can thinking and being really honest about the reality of death paradoxically free us to find hope and joy in God like never before?
Learning to Live a Grace-Paced Life: An Interview with David Murray
Justin Taylor sits down with David Murray to discuss his new book.
Chasing Certainty in an Uncertain World
Bob Cutillo, MD
If we experience repeated successes after we fall, success becomes routine.
Practically Caring for Others in the Midst of COVID
Kathryn Butler
It behooves us all to reach out and stay connected with people who are working in the hospital right now.
Dave Furman's Story: Finding Help in Suffering
In this video, Dave Furman, author of Being There: How to Love Those Who Are Hurting, shares his story of debilitating need, resilient care, and finding the help that only God can supply.
Preview: What God Has to Say about Our Bodies by Sam Allberry
There’s a danger in focusing too much on the body. There’s also a danger in not valuing it enough.
Putting Health in Its Place
Bob Cutillo, MD
G.K. Chesterton said that "life is as bright as diamond and as brittle as a window pane." Our lives and health are beautiful but fragile, and we need to cherish them.
Should We Seek to Burn Out for Jesus?
David Murray
It is wise to pace yourself, even in ministry. Establish healthy limits for yourself and trust God to make your work fruitful.
The End of a Remarkable Writing and Speaking Ministry: An Update on J. I. Packer’s Health
Justin Taylor
I thank God tonight that James Innell Packer’s course is not yet finished and that he is still running the race.
Body Image, Health Care, and the Incarnation
Bob Cutillo, MD
When God chose to come to the world embodied in Jesus Christ, he accepted life with all of its limitations.
What Is True Wellness?
John Dunlop, MD
In order to have this unified focus on God and his glory in our lives we must carefully review each area of our lives to see what changes are needed.
Can Burnout Ever Be a Good Thing?
Zack Eswine
God is good, and we will experience that goodness if we humble ourselves in the midst of burnout and become teachable.
Podcast: Answering Common Questions about Mental Illness (David Murray)
David Murray responds to questions regarding anxiety, depression, and other forms of mental illness and also offers advice on differentiating between normal feelings of sadness and something more serious.
A Parent’s Role in Teen Anxiety
David Murray
If your teen experiences anxiety or depression, it’s very common for you to feel that you’ve failed or you’ve done something wrong. So what do we do with these feelings and thoughts?
What’s Your Motto?
Bob Cutillo, MD
For every generation, how we live and what goals we pursue depends a great deal on why we think we are here and where we think we are going.
Why I Wrote a Book about Helping the Hurting
Dave Furman
While my physical pain and emotional stress is difficult, it doesn't just affect me—it affects all of the people around me.
Caring for a Loved One with Cancer: Don't Forget About the Kids
Perhaps the greatest gift you can give to a parent struggling with a serious illness is choosing to focus on the children.
Caring for a Loved One with Cancer: Make the First Move and Speak Wisely
Some people withdraw from their loved ones who have cancer because they don’t know what to say or because it stirs up painful memories or because it’s too painful to face.
Caring for a Loved One with Cancer: Be Prepared to Help for the Long Haul
It is not unusual for visits, calls, and offers of help for those battling cancer to taper off after a couple weeks.