10 Crucial Archaeological Discoveries Related to the Bible
While archaeological findings don’t prove the truth of Scripture, they do have the potential to enrich our understanding and draw us into the world of the biblical writers.
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10 Crucial Archaeological Discoveries Related to the Bible
While archaeological findings don’t prove the truth of Scripture, they do have the potential to enrich our understanding and draw us into the world of the biblical writers.
10 Things You Should Know about Reformed Theology
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
The heart and soul of Reformed theology is the glory of the triune God. For this reason, it is often called “God-centered” theology.
10 Things You Should Know about Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon was known as the 'Prince of Preachers.' Learn more about the life and ministry of this influential theologian and preacher.
What Does Jeremiah 29:11 Mean?
This verse is commonly found on bumper stickers, signs, cards, etc. to encourage people to have hope for the future. But is that really what this well-known verse means?
8 Things We Can Learn from Augustine
What does Augustine mean to us now? What is there about his life and work that still speaks to the Christian life today?
Why Are There So Many Versions of the Bible?
Go into any Christian bookstore, and you can find an entire shelf—sometimes an entire section!—of different Bible translations.
Did You Know That Charles Spurgeon Struggled with Depression?
It comes as a surprise to some that Charles Spurgeon had a lifelong battle with depression. It shouldn’t be a surprise, of course: being full of life in a fallen world must mean distress, and Spurgeon’s life was indeed full of physical and mental pain.
4 Points of Evidence for the Resurrection
What historical evidence was sufficient to convince these non-Christians that the resurrection should be taken seriously and not carelessly dismissed?
10 Things You Should Know about Systematic Theology
Systematic theology teaches us to trace all things from, through, and to God, enabling us to give him all the glory.
Why Were Gold, Incense, and Myrrh Appropriate Gifts for Jesus?
James Montgomery Boice focuses and reflects on the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus.
10 Things You Should Know about Jonathan Edwards
In both the academic and pastoral realm, Edwards’s God-centered worldview is recognized as biblical in nature, shaping hearts and minds toward the pursuit of God’s glory in all things.
This Day in History: Jonathan Edwards Preaches “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
When Edwards came to preach in Enfield, God blessed the preaching of his Word in an extraordinary manner.
21 Key Christian Figures You Should Know
We stand on the shoulders of the saints who have gone before, exemplifying how to live and love God faithfully.
10 Things You Should Know about Francis Schaeffer
The conviction that the Bible held basic answers for basic question would characterize his life and work.
This Day in History: The Execution of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
At the break of dawn on April 9, 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hanged. As they prepared him for his death, he preached a final sermon.
10 Things You Should Know about R. C. Sproul
R. C. Sproul loved to laugh. He enjoyed people. He truly knew the generosity of God, and that propelled him to serve people.
Creeds and confessions are useful only to the extent that they reproduce faithfully the teaching of Scripture itself.
10 Things You Should Know about Pelagius and Pelagianism
Who was Pelagius and what impact did and does he continue to have?
Read about this remarkable man and his commitment to see the gospel of Christ proclaimed in all the earth.
10 Things You Should Know about Martin Luther
Here are ten things you should know about Martin Luther, the great leader of the Protestant Reformation.
Like many larger-than-life figures in the history of the church, the memory of the French Reformer John Calvin has been subjected to various distortions that amount to urban legends.
10 Things You Should Know about The Pilgrim’s Progress
The classic tale of The Pilgrim’s Progress has been popular with readers through the ages because it is rooted in the truths of the Bible.
Who Were the Magi, and Why Did They Worship Jesus? (Matthew 2)
Popular Christian images of the magi clash with Matthew’s account. The magi were counselors, not kings, and while they bore three gifts, their number (unstated) was large enough to cause a stir in Jerusalem.
What George Mueller Can Teach Us about Prayer
George Mueller (1805–1898) is widely considered one the greatest men of prayer and faith since the days of the New Testament.
Where the Bible Teaches We Are Saved by Christ Alone
The five solas are inspired by and rooted in Scripture, which states that we are saved by grace and faith in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone.
The Origins of the Red-Letter Bible
Crossway talks about Lous Klopsch and the origins of the red-letter Bible.
5 Questions about the Reformation
The church cannot control our forgiveness because we are answerable not to human authorities, but to God.
The Life of St. Patrick: An Inspiration for Missions
St. Patrick had a deep certainty of the will of God for his life: to live out his days in Ireland so that the Irish might come to know God as he had.
10 Things You Should Know about John Stott
What do you know about the life of John Stott? Do you know about the various facets of his ministry? It can sometimes feel as if Stott lived a dozen lives.
This Day in History: The Death of John Calvin
The struggles of his Calvin’s life tested his faith. At the heart of his faith was the confidence that for the sake of Jesus, God was his loving heavenly Father.