Excellent Revelations through Ordinary Means
As was typical among the Puritans, the Lord’s Supper is seen not simply as a memory aid, but an occasion in which Christ is present among his people through the Holy Spirit.
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Excellent Revelations through Ordinary Means
As was typical among the Puritans, the Lord’s Supper is seen not simply as a memory aid, but an occasion in which Christ is present among his people through the Holy Spirit.
The Recipe for Good Pastoral Theology
Spurgeon was an avid student of Scripture, but is not often thought of as a theologian.
Is Christianity Good for the World?
Some claim that Christianity is oppressive and toxic, but in this video, Dr. Sharon James argues that a biblical worldview is essential for human freedom, flourishing, and fulfillment.
How Education Can Bring Renewal to the Church
When disciplined learning tells the Christian story in a fresh way, history has shown that vibrant expressions of faith result.
Podcast: The Dark History of Abortion in America (Leah Savas)
Leah Savas talks about some of the forgotten history of abortion and about the efforts to protect unborn life in America that extend back over 300 years, even before the nation's founding.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: J.C. Ryle on Luke 2
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God's Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Deciphering the Fallacies of History
Carl Trueman examines history and the common foibles that go into it.
Is the Reformation Yesterday’s News?
The Reformation still matters because the debates between Catholics and Protestants have not gone away.
What We Can Learn from Reading Jonathan Edwards
Sean Michael Lucas shares his new book, God's Grand Design: The Theological Vision of Jonathan Edwards.
History: Stranger than Fiction
Discovering church history is like going through the wardrobe into Narnia and discovering there’s a whole world back there just waiting to be explored.
In honor of Reformation Day today, here's a selection from Stephen J. Nichols' book, The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World.
Podcast: The Making of the ESV Study Bible (Justin Taylor)
Today's episode is a conversation with Justin Taylor—Crossway’s book publisher and project manager for the ESV Study Bible when it was being created.
How Can We Uphold Sola Scriptura as Well as Christian History?
This is a really crucial question. And to grasp this, let’s go back to the Reformation itself where sola scriptura was born.
Lucy Hutchinson: My Favorite Puritan Woman
According to Puritans like Lucy Hutchinson, loving God and godliness did not mean hating other people, either openly or secretly.
How These Seven Developments Shaped the Modern World
What happens in 1776—this one remarkable year—is that there are seven key developments that you can see in a particularly intense form.
J. I. Packer: In His Own Words - Transcript
Transcripted by desiringGod.org Part 1: Early Life Leland Ryken: Who is J. I. Packer? Put simply, in the last half of the twentieth century and early part of our own century, J. I. Packer has …
Just as much as we Christians take seriously the call to disciple how we think, so we should also take seriously the call to disciple how we imagine.
2 Ways Archaeology Helps Us Return to the World of the Bible
One of the benefits to reading the Bible is to understand the culture behind the text.
Podcast: What an Old Puritan Can Teach Us about the Holy Spirit (Andrew Ballitch)
Andrew Ballitch discusses John Owen’s writings about the Holy Spirit and insights into spiritual gifts, the illumination of Scripture, and how the Spirit indwells believers.
Imagination: Not Just for Kids
Imagination is not just for kids; it’s part of all of us.
It's the End of the World As We Know It
Many people likely read the concluding chapters of the Westminster Standards and note is subdued tones, its careful statements, and its rather generic conclusions about the end of the world.
Podcast: The Life and Legacy of Elisabeth Elliot (Lucy S. R. Austen)
Lucy S. R. Austen shares insights into Elisabeth Elliot’s missionary work in Ecuador and how her writing in the years that followed impacted thousands of believers around the world.
Crossway interviews Gerald Bay about his book, God Has Spoken: A History of Christian Theology.
How Much Has J. I. Packer Written?
J. I. Packer’s writing career has been remarkable to say the least.
Mary Rich: Turning Pain into Power
It is often our deepest pains that inspire and motivate us to do the greatest good we can do in our lifetimes.
9 Notable Quotes from Weep with Me
In the Bible, lament is a prayer that leads to trust, which can be a starting point for the church to “weep with those who weep."
Preface to the Theologians on the Christian Life Series
Series Preface Some might call us spoiled. We live in an era of significant and substantial resources for Christians on living the Christian life. We have ready access to books, DVD series, online material, seminars—all …
Podcast: How the World Found Democracy—and Became Ex-Christian (Andrew Wilson)
Andrew Wilson explains why the idea of democracy was so transformative in the decades following the American Revolution and how industrialization changed the way people thought about the world.
Podcast: The Life and Legacy of John Owen (Lee Gatiss)
Lee Gatiss walks us through the life and times of the prolific theologian John Owen, introducing us to the man, his works, and his legacy.
Preview: A Special Excerpt from ‘R. C. Sproul’ by Stephen Nichols
A special one-hour excerpt from ‘R. C. Sproul: A Life’ by Stephen J. Nichols, focusing on the final days of Sproul’s life and the lasting legacy of his ministry.