10 Things You Should Know about Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Learn more about the man who is as relevant to us today as he was in his own lifetime.
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10 Things You Should Know about Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Learn more about the man who is as relevant to us today as he was in his own lifetime.
Infographic: The Story of Redemption
As inspiring and wonderful as stories can be, the Bible—with all its twists and turns, ups and downs—is greater than any other because it tells what actually is.
This Day In History: The Death of Charles Spurgeon
It was January 31, 1892, and after twenty-four years of ill health, the ‘Prince of Preachers’ went to be with the Lord, aged just fifty-seven.
10 Passages to Read on Reformation Day
Foundational truths from Scripture in celebration of Reformation Day.
10 Things You Should Know about John Owen
Now more than ever, it’s time to pick up Owen and find his encouragement for the Christian life.
10 Things You Should Know about the Reformation
Some surprising facts about a time in history that changed the church forever.
10 Things You Should Know about J. I. Packer
Learn about a man from humble origin who the Lord has used in mighty ways.
10 Things You Should Know about St. Nicholas
Saint Nicholas was a real person, born in modern-day Turkey in 270 AD. Learn more about the life of the man who eventually inspired the character of Santa Claus.
Unpacking “My Body, My Choice”
God alone is the potter. He alone knits cells together in the womb to form a baby human. He alone has the right to destroy or glorify the work of his hands.
Was the Trinity Torn Apart at the Cross?
Jesus's quoting of Psalm 22 on the cross has been a source of wonder and speculation. What can and can’t we say about this cry?
The ESV is a treasure that has been transmitted to us—a treasure we have sought to transmit to the body of Christ, to a new generation, and even to generations beyond.
10 Things You Should Know about Athanasius
Learn more about this theologian, church father, and key defender of Christian orthodoxy.
The Birth of Narnia and Why Tolkien Hated It
Lewis found that his creative imagination was drawing him forward the way something magical drew the children into Narnia.
Why John Owen and Richard Baxter Didn’t Like Each Other
When we see other people, we do so through a filter that operates on the basis of the only evidence we have: what we see them do and hear them say. It’s easy to get that wrong.
Discovering the Holiness of God: The Formation of R. C. Sproul
The zeal to proclaim the holiness of God and the gospel of Christ propelled R. C. Sproul to devote his life to teaching, to preaching, to traveling, to writing.
Is the Story of Job Historical? (Job 1)
Was there really a man named Job? Did he live in a land called Uz? Was he perfectly righteous with a perfectly blessed life? Put simply, did the author of Job create the whole drama?
An Interview with J. I. Packer on the Origin and Significance of the ESV Bible
Dr. Packer served on the Translation Oversight Committee as general editor for the English Standard Version.
10 Things You Should Know about B. B. Warfield
Warfield was a towering theological figure at the turn of the twentieth century.
Why Elisabeth Elliot Changed Her Beliefs about Finding God’s Will
Elliot had left Ecuador with a changing understanding of God’s will. Circumstances had forced her to look long and hard at her beliefs about God’s guidance.
J. V. Fesko discusses if the Pope is an antichrist, as opposed to the antichrist.
What’s The Deal With Footwashing?
Jesus demonstrates to the disciples through footwashing that the greatest among us is the one who serves out of deep and abiding love
There are quite a few commonly-held, yet misguided beliefs about Martin Luther. Uncover the truth behind five myths.
Jesus’s Troubled Family History
If you have no hope to be accepted into God’s family other than the perfect record of your righteous brother, Jesus, then you can be sure you’ve found your forever-family.
Martin Luther’s Controversial View of Women
The way Martin Luther spoke about women is controversial and complicated: in some ways he valued them and in some ways he did not.
10 Things You Should Know about the Fall
Made for communion with God, Adam and Eve experienced alienation. Made for trust and hope and life abundant, they descended into sin and shame. They fell.
Why You Should Read Augustine's Confessions
I believe that Augustine's masterpiece is a largely unread book because people approach it with the wrong expectations, quickly become frustrated, and leave the book unfinished.
For Packer, affirming biblical authority is meant not merely to provoke a debate but to give ethical direction to life.
What is the best way Protestants today should look back on the Reformation? Should we think of it more like a happy birth or an ugly divorce?
What Does It Mean That King David’s Son Would Build a House for God? (2 Samuel 7)
The Lord is undoubtedly favorably disposed to David, but this does not warrant a blanket endorsement of all that David proposes. It is the Lord’s right to decide when and by whom a temple for him should be built.
10 Things You Should Know about Thanksgiving
Though Thanksgiving is not a traditional Christian holiday, it's deeply rooted in biblical principles. Learn more about this beloved American celebration.