10 Things You Should Know about Biblical Archaeology
Archaeology provides a vital avenue for understanding ancient everyday life.
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10 Things You Should Know about Biblical Archaeology
Archaeology provides a vital avenue for understanding ancient everyday life.
10 Prayers from History to Pray for Your Loved Ones
Jonathan W. Arnold, Zachariah M. Carter
Oh Lord, with your gracious and merciful eye, look upon the contrition of my heart. According to your certain promise, stay with me as I acknowledge you to be the maker and defender of all creation.
4 Prayers to Pray when You’re Sorrowed
Turn to the Word of God and the prayers of the saints when your heart is saddened and in need of the gospel’s hope.
Ours is not a time of great respect for authority. For most people, including many evangelical Christians, personal freedom and liberty are avidly pursued virtues.
5 Ways the World Would Be Worse without Christianity
Christians are instructed to “check their privilege” and “do the work” to repudiate Christianity’s toxic legacy. But what would the world really be like without Christianity?
10 Things You Should Know about J. I. Packer
Over the course of his life, J. I. Packer became one of the most famous and influential evangelical leaders of his time.
10 Things You Should Know about Elisabeth Elliot
The single great passion in Elisabeth’s life was not Jim Elliot, but her desire to know the God who loved her with an everlasting love.
The star is doing something that it cannot do on its own: it is guiding magi to the Son of God to worship him.
10 Things You Should Know about St. Patrick
Patrick’s mission to Ireland has been an inspiration to many through the years. Read more about the man behind March 17th.
Did Anything Happen in 1776 besides That One Thing?
Beginning in northwestern Europe, economic growth began outpacing population growth, and more people found themselves getting richer than their parents. The world has not been the same since.
Seeing Jesus the Way the Shepherds Did
Let us imagine that we are with the shepherds on those hills in Palestine. We come bursting into the presence of Mary, Joseph, and the baby, and immediately we wonder: what are we looking at?
How Christianity Gave Rise to Modern Science
Science actually got started in a very explicitly theistic—indeed Christian—milieu.
How the Lord’s Prayer Affected September 11, 2001
The pattern for prayer that Jesus has given to you and to me exists so that we may discover peace and contentment, hope and forgiveness, truth and assurance.
Nietzsche or Christ? Who Will We Follow amid Our Political Angst?
The days of rage are back. In the face of current social and political events, resentment may not be flooding the street (at least not yet), but it is raging at the level of the heart.
4 False Accusations against Reformed Theology
The Synod of Dort's desire was to defend Reformed theology from slander and to call upon Christ to protect the truth and sanctify his church.
An Introduction to the Thought of Alvin Plantinga
William Edgar, K. Scott Oliphint
Learn more about the life and beliefs of Alvin Plantinga.
3 Core Beliefs of the Transgender Movement
The transgender revolution is sweeping. Deeper understanding of it requires us to consider three core beliefs that underly it and make it possible.
The Final Days of Jesus: Sunday, March 29, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
Every Detail of Jesus’s Birth Was Part of God’s Plan
Every detail of Jesus’s birth was part of God’s plan before the foundations of the earth were set in place. So the promises and prophecies of his birth were detailed and specific.
J. I. Packer: In His Own Words
As we look back on the life of J. I. Packer, join us in thanking God for his humble writing ministry and the legacy of his service to the church.
Jesus of Nazareth vs. Caesar Augustus
The nature of infancy teaches us something about weakness, and it teaches us something about our God. Every Christmas we celebrate not Caesar’s triumphant census, but our Emmanuel: God with us.
3 Things That Must Change in the American Justice System
The American justice system has an accuracy problem. And this accuracy problem is a justice problem—a biblical justice problem.
What Sola Scriptura Really Means
For Martin Luther, Scripture alone was of ultimate authority for Christians, yet this did not mean that there were no other means of discovering truth.
This Day in History: The Death of Martin Luther
On this day in history, as night turned to day on February 18th, the earthly life of Martin Luther, the most famous man of the sixteenth century, came to an end.
Why C. S. Lewis Was Wrong about Psalm 23
It may surprise you to hear that Lewis was unable to reconcile the beauty of verses 1–4 of Psalm 23 with what he regarded as a spirit of hatred in verse 5, a spirit “almost comic in its naivety.”
How to Grow in the Fear of the Lord
Since the fear of God is a matter of the heart’s deepest inclinations, how you think you can cultivate it will depend on how you think our hearts work.
You’re Romantic Whether You Know It or Not
Some marks of the Romantic movement seem quite alien to us today. Others, by contrast, seem thoroughly natural to us, to the extent that we do not even notice them.
Should Protestants Read the Apocrypha?
What's the New Catholic Edition Bible? Which Bible is right and which one contains the canon?
The Solas of the Reformation: A 5-Day Reading Plan
We've created a free, 5-day devotional leading readers through the five solas of the Reformation.
Podcast: Making Sense of Transgenderism and the Sexual Revolution (Carl Trueman)
Why is our culture obsessed with gender identity and sexuality? Learn what history has to say about our modern times and how Christians can navigate this increasingly hostile issue.