12 Old(ish) Books to Read When You Are Young
Talk to almost any mature, vibrant Christians, and they will tell you about Christian books that have been instrumental in their lives.
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12 Old(ish) Books to Read When You Are Young
Talk to almost any mature, vibrant Christians, and they will tell you about Christian books that have been instrumental in their lives.
We (Do Not) Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident
We are inclined to see equality and human rights as universal norms. But in reality they are culturally conditioned beliefs that depend on fundamentally Christian assumptions about the world.
7 Things We Can Learn from the Puritans
We need more of the Puritan focus on the Word of God.
C. S. Lewis and the Beauty of Self-Forgetfulness
To become humble and self-forgetful is to become truly human so that we might truly know God. God wants to give us himself.
Introducing the ‘ESV Illuminated Bible, Art Journaling Edition’
This unique Bible features over 500 elegantly hand-lettered gold ink illustrations by artist Dana Tanamachi.
A Brief History of the Greek New Testament
On this day in 1516, Erasmus dedicated his New Testament translation to Pope Leo X.
14 Lesser-Known Details about J. I. Packer
Everyone has a dimension of personality and life that is hidden from public view and known mainly by family members and close acquaintances. Read 14 details related to this lesser-known side of J. I. Packer.
Why I Wrote a Book about the Marrow Controversy
What is Jesus really like, truly like—deep down, through and through?
On January 6, twelve days after Christmas, the Western church celebrates Epiphany. What does it mean and where does it originate?
Help! I Don’t Know Where to Start with Racial Reconciliation
Lament doesn't solve all the problems of racial disharmony. It’s not without risk. But it helps.
C. S. Lewis’s Role in The Lord of the Rings
J. R. R. Tolkien always acknowledged that C. S. Lewis played a huge role in encouraging him to finish writing The Lord of the Rings, and was equally insistent that Lewis had no influence on the actual content.
An Open Letter to the Pastor Desiring Racial Reconciliation in the Church
Reconciliation—vertical and horizontal—is the goal of the good news. Gospel unity creates racial harmony.
3 Prayers of Thanksgiving from History
Jonathan W. Arnold, Zachariah M. Carter
As we draw near to Thanksgiving, use these written prayers from the past as examples to help give you words to express your gratitude to God.
2 Essential Doctrines of the Reformation
Works have no value before a perfectly holy God. Instead, place your faith in Jesus alone.
A Brief Introduction to the History of the Illuminated Manuscript
The practice of illumination—adding decoration to book manuscripts—dates back to the early fifth century.
The Final Days of Jesus: Monday, March 30, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
A Brief Introduction to the Life and Ministry of John Calvin
Nothing could get in the way of God's big plans for John Calvin's life and ministry.
This Day in History: The Death of Hudson Taylor
Today marks the 113th anniversary of the death of Hudson Taylor, missionary to China. His legacy of faithfulness lives on.
How a Familiar Truth Forever Changed Hudson Taylor
We have all had experiences where the same truth we have read a hundred times explodes with new power in our lives. That happened for Hudson Taylor on September 4, 1869.
Don’t Mistake Your Passion for Theological Precision
Many of us, even Christians, have little patience for rigorous thinking and little interest in careful definition.
4 Prayers to Pray for the Sick
When or loved ones are burdened with suffering and illness, find comfort in Scripture and in these historic prayers of saints that have gone before.
This Day in History: The Death of C. S. Lewis
Jack faced the prospect of death bravely and calmly. “I have done all I wanted to do, and I’m ready to go,” he said one evening.
An Open Letter to the Pastor in a Post-Christian World
Though we are in post-Christian times, when the culture is becoming increasingly secularized, Christianity is far from “over.”
The Story of the First Ordained African-American Pastor in US History
If the church is to prosper and mature, she will need faithful men to lead and care for her.
10 Things You Should Know about American Criminal Justice
American founders understood that the power to criminally punish was enormous and the emotional outcry to solve a crime could lead authorities to run roughshod over the rights of the accused.
Over the centuries, theologians have articulated several different theories or models of the atonement.
This Day in History: The Death of Elisabeth Elliot
Elliot had weaknesses and strengths, she got things right and she got things wrong, and she did not necessarily know which were which. Nor do we. We are too small to see very far.
Introducing the ‘ESV Archaeology Study Bible’
The ESV Archaeology Study Bible roots biblical text in its historical and cultural context.
The Dangerous Ways We Add to Scripture
The pages of church history are littered with heretics who boasted of their devotion to Scripture yet failed to spot how their biblical language concealed unbiblical thinking.
What Changed after C. S. Lewis Came to Christ?
He not only knew about God with his reason but also met God with his emotions. He experienced Joy. And God changed him.