Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: John Calvin on Isaiah 53:3-6
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
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Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: John Calvin on Isaiah 53:3-6
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
How Consumerism Trains Us to Devalue the Past
What has consumerism got to do with rejection of the past? Consumerism is predicated on the idea that life can be fulfilling through acquiring something in the future that one does not have in the present.
The Final Days of Jesus: Saturday, April 4, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
Rarely, if ever, have we found a systematic theologian so well versed in the data of Sacred Scripture as we find in Calvin.
Christians Don’t Need to Submit to Every Scientific Finding
God can work exceptionally. We have science existing at all because God is faithful in his governance of the world.
Reading the Christmas Story on the Shoulders of Giants
Read through this well known passage from Luke chapter 2 along with commentary notes from giants of the faith such as Martin Luther, John Owen, Charles Spurgeon, and Jerome.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Charles Spurgeon on Psalm 23:1
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Unpacking “Look inside Yourself”
Knowing who you are and being true to yourself has never been more important. They are seen as signs of good mental health and well-being and the keys to authentic living and true happiness.
The Fruits of Suffering in the Life of John Bunyan
In 1655, when the matter of his soul was settled, John Bunyan was asked to exhort the church, and suddenly a great preacher was discovered.
Does Evangelicalism Have a History?
If evangelicalism really is “mere Christianity,” how could it be anything but the oldest orthodoxy of the apostles?
Martin Luther was, at one point, the famous man in Europe. Discover two surprising facts about his quiet life and death.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: John Calvin on John 3:16
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God's Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Matthew Barrett, Michael A. G. Haykin
J. I. Packer has argued, we need to read the Puritans, and John Owen especially, because we are spiritual dwarfs by comparison.
Podcast: What Do Protestant Evangelicals and Roman Catholics Disagree About? (Michael Reeves)
Michael Reeves discusses what the Protestant Reformation was really all about and whether or not is it still relevant today.
John Owen’s Ministry to Young Christians
John Owen specialized in ministry to young people, though that’s not how he tends to be remembered.
Help! I’m Feeling Spiritually Listless
What do we do when we feel spiritually listless? First of all, don’t be surprised.
What We Lose If We Deny a Historical Adam
The importance of believing in a historical fall of Adam and Eve is seen when we ask the question Who is to blame for the evil in the world today?
5 Lessons from One of the Most Famous Christmas Carols of All Time
How we live in the world should manifest the change the Spirit is working in us, carrying the impact of the joy of God “far as the curse is found.”
Why We Need Reformation Anglicanism
The two greatest issues facing Christianity in the West are (1) the Bible’s growing lack of authority in the Church, and (2) the lack of transformed lives among those who attend.
4 Assumptions Made by Anyone Reciting a Creed
My conviction that creeds and confessions are a good and necessary part of healthy, biblical church life rests on a host of different arguments and convictions; but, at root, there are four basic presuppositions.
A Street-Level View of the History of Abortion
There is plenty of scholarship looking into the political history of abortion in America or the legal history, but we wanted to take a different angle.
The Most Influential Event to Happen in 1776 Isn’t What You Think
In a thousand years’ time, what will people look at as the most important development in this period? And I think it's probably the economic transformation.
9 Ways Emotions Play a Role in Theological Diversity
Because human beings are complex creatures with reason, will, and emotion, no reductionistic scheme can explain why we reason or why we dissent the way we do.
In spite of C. S. Lewis’s fame, several myths have attached themselves to him which might give an unbalanced view of the man who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia.
Who Caused the Divorce of Science and Faith?
The dispute between the church and Galileo sowed the seed for the apparent divorce between science and faith.
Why Pastors (and All of Us) Should Read the Puritans
Reading the Puritans can contribute to our growth, holiness, and conviction of the need to stay close to the Lord.
Why Death Is the Final Stage of Salvation
Death often brings reality to light. When individuals are thrown onto their last resources, they show where their true hopes lay.
Does Christian Education Need to Be Reclaimed?
If education is the whole process of personal development, then the dismal news is that Christian education is in crisis.
Introducing ‘21 Servants of Sovereign Joy’ by John Piper
Focusing on 21 leaders from church history, this book offers a close look at the course of their individual lives and their impact on our own spirituality today.
One Thing You Might Not Know about Charles Spurgeon
Spurgeon possessed an ability to use humor from the pulpit and in his life as a weapon.