The Notion of Authority in God's Created Order
Authority is integral to God’s created order, and when his work of creation was completed, the structure of authority he’d established in the world was good and beautiful.
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The Notion of Authority in God's Created Order
Authority is integral to God’s created order, and when his work of creation was completed, the structure of authority he’d established in the world was good and beautiful.
Can We Reshape Ourselves into Whatever We Want?
The idea of self-creation, that we can shape our essences by acts of will, is deeply embedded in the way we now think.
To Be a Woman Is to Be Fully Human
Being a woman means being human. And this is good news.
God's Intention Was a World Full of Diversity
Where do our differences come from? How should we think about them? And what do we do with them when we meet them? To answer those questions, we need an origin story.
Is War Inherently Unjust and Immoral?
J. Daryl Charles, Timothy J. Demy
J. Daryl Charles and Timothy J. Demy discuss whether or not war is inherently unjust and immoral.
There’s no guarantee that because we’re in a saving relationship with God through Christ that we’re going to be exempt from darkness.
Only the Greatest Humility Accepts the Lowest Place
A proud person would protest that some low position was “beneath” him or her. Jesus displayed his humility by not regarding anything as beneath him.
Is There Any Purpose in Our Loneliness?
We were originally created by God, alone. The reason God created in this way is so that we will find our all in him.
10 Things You Should Know about Cultural Identity
From its opening pages right through to the end, Scripture attests to the importance of peoples in God’s purpose for humanity.
Why the Book of Psalms Is for You
The Psalms were written for ordinary Christians leading ordinary lives—lives marked by depression, discouragement, despair, frustration, or maybe even numbness toward God or anger toward others.
Podcast: Why Is Obeying God So Simple and Yet So Incredibly Hard? (David Gibson)
David Gibson talks about our struggle with obeying God's word and what that reveals about our sinful hearts, our theology, and our understanding of the Christian life.
Understanding History Takes Empathy
Because the course of history involves all kinds of people, an analyst has to be able to deal with people whose personalities, inclinations, and backgrounds are different from his own.
David Mathis, Jonathan Parnell
If we Christians were honest with ourselves, we’d think more like John Newton. We would understand that we are weak.
Podcast: Why Is Our Culture So Obsessed with Identity? (Brian Rosner)
Brian Rosner talks about how our cultural obsession with identity impacts us as Christians and how we should think about that through the lens of the Bible.
Why Sin Wasn’t Humanity’s First Problem
It’s not good to be alone. Why? Because God made us for friendship.
3 Beautiful Words: “I Don’t Know”
Knowing that you don’t know is half the battle, and any good education will result in a humbling awareness of how little you know.
How Are Your New Year's Resolutions Going?
How are your New Year's resolutions going? Still going strong? Or is your resolve beginning to waver? Have some of those fine ideals already fallen by the wayside?
Podcast: Why Is Making Decisions So Hard? (Aimee Joseph)
Aimee Joseph discusses why we struggle to make decisions, where God's will fits in to the topic, and how we can work on our efforts to make God-honoring choices in everyday life.
We’re All Writing the Stories of Our Lives, but We’re All Failed Authors
We’re all writing the stories of our lives, and we’ve all failed to write and publish the book we wanted. Some of us failed at the beginning, some of us fear failed endings, all of us have failed chapters.
Human Dignity: A First Principle
We are made in the image of Jesus the Messiah. This is real ground of human dignity.
Why Admitting Limitations Is Life-Giving
There is freedom in admitting that we are not Christ—we are not perfect. But Jesus loves us anyway and only asks that we follow him.
Adam and Eve, Chimps, and Human Dignity
The image of God is not merely reflected in the soul, but in the body-soul combination that makes human beings a special creation.
When Did You Realize You Were an Imperfect Pastor?
Recognition of pastoral imperfections and flaws comes with experience and reflection on past ministry.
Podcast: Are We in a Loneliness Epidemic? (Lydia Brownback)
Lydia Brownback talks about her experience of the pandemic and how Christians can rally together and support one another in the wake of two years of social isolation, masks, and lockdowns.
Linking the Gospel and the Life of the Mind
Bradley Green's book The Gospel and the Mind explores this correlation between the gospel and the mind, and in doing so addresses five theological themes and their relevance to the intellectual life.