What Did Moses See When He Saw the “Back” of God?
Vern S. Poythress
God is present throughout the events of the exodus. But theophanies represent events of intensive presence that underline the principle that he is always present with his people and that he is faithful to his word and his covenant.
10 Things You Should Know about the Biblical Covenants
Thomas R. Schreiner
Thomas Schreiner shares 10 important things you should know about the biblical covenants—the backbone of the biblical story.
34 Ethical Issues All Christians Should Know
What does the whole Bible teach us about which acts, attitudes, and personal character traits receive God’s approval, and which do not?
What Does It Mean that Samuel Was Brought Up from the Dead? (1 Samuel 28)
John L. Mackay
When Saul can no longer consult the prophet, Samuel, he uses a medium to communicate with him from the dead.
10 Things You Should Know about Justification by Faith
Kevin W. McFadden
Justification by faith does not draw attention to ourselves and our great faith but rather to Christ and God’s great work of redemption through him.
10 Key Bible Verses on Scripture
The divine origin of Scripture is the reason for its power to convert and its usefulness in training.
How Tall Was Goliath? A Textual Dilemma
Peter J. Gurry,
John D. Meade
Through the discipline of textual criticism, we can have a high degree of certainty as to the content of the original Old Testament manuscripts.
The Provision of Sacrifice in the Old Testament
Nancy Guthrie
Lesson number one on God’s holiness and the people’s sinfulness was delivered in the form of instructions for offering sacrifices at the tabernacle.
10 Things You Should Know about the Exodus
Alastair J. Roberts
When God delivers Israel from Egypt in the book of Exodus, they are walking in the footsteps of the patriarchs.
Why Study the Book of Song of Solomon?
Jay Harvey
Although it is rarely taught, preached, or studied, the Song of Solomon is God's gift to the church.
Why Did Ruth Enter Boaz’s Tent in the Middle of the Night? (Ruth 3)
Mary Willson Hannah
Naomi’s plan initiates this scene’s events. After Boaz has eaten and gone to bed, Ruth is to enter his tent, lift the blanket at his feet and lie down, and wait for him to wake. Why does she do this?
What Does Psalm 23:1 Mean?
David Gibson
The beauty of Psalm 23 is that it is so simple and clear that it almost needs no interpretation or exposition.
Did a Prophet Really Lay on His Side for More than a Year? (Ezekiel 4)
Iain M. Duguid
The signs of the prophets are not merely visual aids; they are designed to reach people’s wills and hearts, enabling people not just to see the truth but to feel it.
10 Key Bible Verses on Freedom
As Christians, we’ve been released from the power of sin and death by Jesus and his substitutionary death on the cross.
What Is God's Holy Mountain?
T. Desmond Alexander
The concept of God living on a holy mountain is a significant theme in the Old Testament. However, this same theme frames the entire Bible.
Are Christians Prohibited from Getting Tattoos? (Leviticus 19)
Wayne Grudem
Sometimes people read a statement about tattoos in the Old Testament and wonder if it applies today. Leviticus 19:28 is an example of this.
10 Key Bible Verses on Celebrating
Read these ten verses that highlight the importance of celebrating God’s goodness, blessings, and the salvation offered through faith.
How Psalm 73 Speaks to the Christian Experience
Lydia Brownback
A goal for all of us is to be able to say Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth I desire besides you.
What Does Isaiah 9:6 Mean?
Drew Hunter
We read this on Christmas cards and holiday signs, but what does it mean? The original context of this promise in Isaiah helps us.
What Does Matthew 5:17 Mean?
Drew Hunter
What do the Old Testament commands have to do with New Testament Christians? Should Christians seek to obey the Old Testament just like the Israelites? Can we “unhitch” ourselves from it altogether?
Why Study the Book of Ezekiel?
Michael Lawrence
Ezekiel wants us to know that God is where he always is; he is with his people.
What Does Isaiah 53:5 Mean?
Bob Fyall
How can the covenant God redeem and restore his people and can even grace save them when they seem to have sinned away their blessings?
10 Key Bible Verses on Humanity
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Did a Faithless Gideon Use a Fleece to Test God’s Will? (Judges 6)
Miles V. Van Pelt
It is always in the context of human weakness that the Lord achieves his greatest victories, even the weakness of his own Son’s death on the cross.
The First Adam, the Last Adam, and the Gospel
John MacArthur
John MacArthur discusses the historicity and significance of Adam in the Bible.
The Gospel in Psalms
George W. Robertson,
Bruce A. Ware
Jesus considered the book of Psalms to be ultimately about him.
How to Pray through the Psalms
Donald S. Whitney
As a whole, the psalms comprise the best place in Scripture from which to pray Scripture.
10 Key Bible Verses on Kindness
God is kind to us—most evident in Christ—and demonstrates how we can, in turn, show his character to others by being kind.
Is It Okay to Pray a Curse on My Enemies? (Psalm 5)
C. John Collins
Prayers of this sort generally carry the unstated assumption that the evildoers will not repent and seek forgiveness; should they turn, these prayers are reversed as well.