How the Word of God Enables Us to Defeat the Devil
When the powers of darkness are arrayed against you, and aim to destroy your joy forever, nothing is more precious than to have the Word of God ready for the battle.
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How the Word of God Enables Us to Defeat the Devil
When the powers of darkness are arrayed against you, and aim to destroy your joy forever, nothing is more precious than to have the Word of God ready for the battle.
Is It Okay to Pray a Curse on My Enemies? (Psalm 5)
Prayers of this sort generally carry the unstated assumption that the evildoers will not repent and seek forgiveness; should they turn, these prayers are reversed as well.
10 Things You Should Know about Predestination
It is pitiful how we can take the Bible teaching about predestination that should result in humility, praise, and comfort and instead talk about it with sinful pride, divisiveness, and anxiety.
Will Unbelievers Be Annihilated or Suffer Eternally? (Revelation 14)
The reality of a believer's faith will reveal itself in observable and concrete ways—those who endure follow God in obedience.
10 Key Bible Verses on Kindness
God is kind to us—most evident in Christ—and demonstrates how we can, in turn, show his character to others by being kind.
Are Israel and the Church Two Distinct Peoples of God?
Covenant theology is a blessing because whatever book of Scripture we find ourselves in, every part reminds us of other parts. The entire book is about God’s covenant with his people.
4 Psalms You Didn’t Realize Point to Christ
Again and again I have seen a psalm come into focus when I relate it to Christ, similar to a fuzzy scene through a camera viewfinder coming into sharp focus when the lens is properly adjusted.
10 Things You Should Know about Catechesis
What is catechesis? Here are 10 facts you should know.
Infographic: The Story of Redemption
As inspiring and wonderful as stories can be, the Bible—with all its twists and turns, ups and downs—is greater than any other because it tells what actually is.
How (and How Not) to Memorize Scripture
Always remember to give full credit to God’s work in you, and constantly seek the Spirit’s help as you memorize. Our pride is a deadly enemy to every good thing God wants to work in our souls.
The best answers to that question will come when we understand why God gave us this book.
Is It OK to Call God My Friend?
Jesus is—and will always be—our king. And yet, it’s also true that our king has invited us to be his friends.
5 Myths about the Song of Songs
While the Song of Songs is for lovers, it applies not just to human relationships but also in our soul’s relationship to God.
10 Lesser-Known References to Jesus in the Old Testament
The Old Testament contains “types,” that is, symbolic personages and things and events that point to a climactic fulfillment in Christ. Here are ten lesser-known types that point forward to Jesus.
4 Questions You Should Ask When Reading the Bible
What we get out of the Bible largely depends on the kinds of questions we ask when reading the text. But how do we know what are the right questions to ask?
Verses like these are a doorway into the message of the book, an entry at a high point of the story with all its tension and drama.
14 Passages to Read about the Resurrection
As you enter into the celebration of Easter, read these passages to help you meditate on the significance of the resurrection.
Coronavirus and the Second Coming of Christ
Even though the history of the Christian church is littered with failed predictions of the end of the world, it remains true that Jesus Christ is coming back.
Marriage: A 7-Day Reading Plan
Marriage is God's invention intended to bring him glory. Begin a 7-day reading plan to guide you through what Scripture says about it.
The temptation to forget God is always present. But there is a way to maintain one's devotion to the Lord.
Did Jesus Lie to His Brothers? (John 7)
In John 7 Jesus tells his brothers he is not going to the Feast of Booths, but then he does. We must understand what the brothers are suggesting here and what Jesus is saying he is not going to do.
10 Things You Should Know about the Psalms
Bruce K. Waltke, Fred G. Zaspel
Throughout the history of the church, Psalms has been among the first books of the Bible translated and the most commonly read and memorized.
10 Passages to Read on Reformation Day
Foundational truths from Scripture in celebration of Reformation Day.
New Year, New Mercies: A 15-Day Devotional with Paul David Tripp
When “behavior modification” or feel-good aphorisms aren’t enough to make you new, learn to trust in God’s goodness, rely on his grace, and live for his glory each and every day.
How Does Jesus Respond When We Doubt? (John 20)
Do we think our doubts trouble Jesus? Do we think skepticism is a surprise to him? Our honest thinking will not offend him. He can handle any question we have.
How Do I Know If I’m One of the Elect?
If you follow Christ and are struggling with whether you are elect, you are at war. You are fighting a scheme of the devil.
What Are the Bible's Key Themes?
How does knowing the end of the story influence the way we think about the story now?
9 Passages of Scripture to Read on Inauguration Day
These nine passages can help center our gaze on Christ—our just king who reigns now and promises to return, bringing true and lasting peace.
6 Questions about the Fear of God
On the one hand, we are told that Christ frees us from fear; on the other, we are told we ought to fear—and fear God, no less. Is fear a good or a bad thing?
Why Did Paul Publicly Rebuke Peter? (Galatians 2)
This passage clearly teaches that this subtle but very common problem in the church is a serious distortion of the gospel and needs the corrective rebuke of the apostle Paul.