12 Passages to Read on Thanksgiving Day
Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth! Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
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12 Passages to Read on Thanksgiving Day
Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth! Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
Abortion advocates are correct that the Bible does not specifically mention abortion. But what’s the best explanation for its silence?
4 Ways Jesus Fulfills Every Old Testament Promise
When Jesus fulfills the Old Testament Law and Prophets, he is actualizing what Scripture anticipated and achieving what God promised and predicted.
4 Reasons We Need a Biblical View of Humanity
When we consider the view of personhood presented in Scripture, the question of whether we are mere brain machines or something more becomes a gospel question.
Podcast: How to Read the Bible Every Day in 2020 (David Mathis)
David Mathis discusses how anyone can make Bible reading a habit in 2020, reflecting on the pros and cons of New Year's resolutions and offering practical advice on making a plan to read the Bible every day.
Jesus’s Love for the Marginalized of this World
We are inclined to give our attention to and serve those with influence and power, to praise those who wield influence in the world, but every person is made in God’s image and every person is significant.
5 Myths about Biblical Theology
The agenda of biblical theology isn’t driven by the questions we bring to the Bible, but by the focus of the Bible itself.
Day 1 of Simply Read, an 8-day Bible reading challenge through the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
What We Would Be Missing If We Didn't Have the Book of Acts
The book of Acts offers something unique in the Christian canon. It recounts the birth of the church age, and its content has no parallel in the New Testament.
Is It True That “All Is Vanity”? (Ecclesiastes 1)
In a culture that promotes immediate gratification, will we have the endurance to persevere in the hard work needed to understand the message of Ecclesiastes?
10 Things You Should Know about the Book of Acts
In the book of Acts, Jesus remains at the center of the action calling people to himself, adding new believers to his church, providing direction to his disciples, and appointing ministers of his word.
Why Study the Books of 1–2 Timothy and Titus?
1–2 Timothy and Titus are among the most personal and practical books in the New Testament. These letters are often called the "Pastoral Epistles,” but they’re relevant for all Christians, not just pastors.
What Is Our Only Hope in Life and Death?
Because Jesus gave himself for us, our lives no long belong to us—we surrender our bodies and our souls to the Lord.
The narratives contained in the book of Judges were written to “bear witness” or “testify” to the person and work of Jesus and the great salvation that he has achieved for his people.
The King Who Suffers for His People
The king would represent. And the king would suffer. But what do those have to do with each other, and how do they lead to salvation?
10 Things You Should Know about St. Patrick
Patrick’s mission to Ireland has been an inspiration to many through the years. Read more about the man behind March 17th.
Seeing God’s Gracious Hand in the Hurts Others Do to Us
We need to know what Scripture says in general about God’s relationship to evil. Scripture declares that the Judge of all the earth will always do what is right.
Jesus claimed that the fulfillment of the Old Testament hope with its attendant blessings was present in his person and ministry.
While many know D. A. Carson for his mind and his impressive scholarly writings, fewer have an intimate acquaintance with the heart that produces those works.
Romans explains the saving work of Jesus reported in the Gospels, and unpacks many of the teachings that were foundational to the churches that arose in Acts.
6 Questions about the Book of Job
The book of Job is realistic in the sufferings it sets before disciples of Jesus and full of glorious hope because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
10 Reasons the Old Testament Matters to Christians
Without the Old Testament, we wouldn’t understand the problem for which Jesus and the New Testament supply the solution.
Resources to Help You Read and Study the Bible in 2023
We know being in the Scriptures daily is essential to the Christian life, but it can be overwhelming to know where to start and what to do. These resources will help you read, study, and understand the Bible.
The Bible Is Not an Instruction Manual
The way so many of us treat the Scriptures—as God's "how to" book—doesn't seem quite right when we carefully look at what its own pages say.
Fight the Good Fight but Surrender the Bad Ones
Paul shows the Philippians catastrophic consequences of unnecessary war to make them long for necessary peace. Let’s fight the good fight of faith but surrender bad fights of faith.
Did Paul Endorse Slavery? (1 Timothy 6)
Paul states that slaves should pursue their own freedom if at all possible, and he also forbids free Christians from becoming slaves.
The Doctrine of the Church in the Bible
Paul uses the picture of the body to teach the horizontal dimension of union with Christ.
The Message of the Book of Romans in One Sentence
Romans is about the good news—the gospel. The word gospel is prominent at the beginning and end of the letter. And we can summarize the bad news and the good news with four words.
Must We Count All as Loss to Follow Christ? (Philippians 3)
Paul’s conversion came by embracing the righteousness of Jesus, not earned by works but received as a gift by faith. The righteousness a holy God demands of us, he gives to us in Christ.
What Is Progressive Revelation?
Progressive revelation is a movement from truth to more truth and so to full truth.