What Is Christ to Us If He Is Not Our All-Satisfying Treasure?
The aim of God’s work in redemption is not that through Christ we might have salvation, but that through salvation we might have Christ—the all-satisfying treasure.
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What Is Christ to Us If He Is Not Our All-Satisfying Treasure?
The aim of God’s work in redemption is not that through Christ we might have salvation, but that through salvation we might have Christ—the all-satisfying treasure.
The Final Days of Jesus: Sunday, March 29, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
The word of God is more than enough for the people of God to live their lives to the glory of God.
The One Word That Explains the Whole Message of the Bible
I don't know if you know this, but the Bible is not ultimately about you—the Bible is about God.
Unpacking “No Creed but the Bible”
Many Christians may well have heard the phrase ”no creed but the Bible“ at some point. Is it a faithful and useful principle for guiding how we think about Christian truth and authority?
Do the Gospels Contradict Themselves?
If anyone wants to argue that two Gospel accounts are in such conflict that both cannot be true, he must first ensure that he has correctly understood the claims being made in each text.
Acts shows that the new Christian movement is not a fringe sect but the culmination of God’s plan of redemption.
How to Journal through the Psalms
In the Psalms we find how to be real with God and simultaneously reverent—how he wants us to relate to him as his children.
How God Works All Things for Good for His People
God works all things for good for his people. “Those who love God” does not refer to a subset of believers but to all “who are called according to his purpose.”
Why Does the Gospel of Mark End without Mention of Jesus’s Resurrection?
Mark provides only eight verses to narrate the events after Jesus’s crucifixion, including the women’s angelic encounter at the tomb and the angel’s announcement with no actual resurrection appearances.
Exodus offers the greatest paradigmatic redemption event in the Bible prior to Christ’s incarnation.
The salvation God has accomplished in Messiah Jesus is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the Old Testament.
7 Lessons from the Book of Revelation
Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley
Here we look at seven lessons that exemplify how the book of Revelation is theological (God-centered), eschatological (focused on future hope), and practical (aimed at godliness).
3 Questions about Creation: Who, How, and Why?
When considering the creation of the universe, there are three principal questions we can ask: Who? How? and Why?
Why Study the Book of Jeremiah?
We should study Jeremiah because we want to know Christ better and see God deepen our endurance in the gospel.
10 Reasons Pastors Should Study the Bible in Its Original Languages
Every pastor—as time and opportunities arise—should study the Bible in its original languages. Yes, it's that important.
When You Think of Jesus, Do You Think “Genius”?
Was Jesus a rather ordinary teacher with brilliant students who selflessly credited him with their great ideas? Or was Jesus a very smart teacher with smart disciples, and therefore the credit should be shared?
Since the Bible is the Word of the all-powerful God, we shouldn’t be surprised to learn that it is active and accomplishes much.
Why We Desperately Need the Message of Revelation
In the midst of evil, in a world in which the Christian faith is under attack, we need hope and assurance that evil will not have the last word.
Is The Song of Solomon about God's Love or Human Love? (Song of Solomon 1)
Although we are fallen and our sexual desires can easily be distorted and debased, there is still something “very good” about the desire for physical intimacy.
Why Study the Book of Numbers?
It is one of the great ironies of Scripture that the generation that saw God’s works most vividly became the epitome of those who refuse to believe him.
Why Study the Book of Philippians?
Behind the text of Philippians stands a riveting story shared by Paul and the Philippian Christians—what we might call the “fellowship of the cross.”
What Does It Mean that Jesus Is Prophet, Priest, and King?
Jesus has one office, that of Messiah or Christ. He is the anointed one, the one mediator between God and man, the Savior. But this office has three aspects to it: those of prophet, priest, and king.
What Sola Scriptura Really Means
For Martin Luther, Scripture alone was of ultimate authority for Christians, yet this did not mean that there were no other means of discovering truth.
Why C. S. Lewis Was Wrong about Psalm 23
It may surprise you to hear that Lewis was unable to reconcile the beauty of verses 1–4 of Psalm 23 with what he regarded as a spirit of hatred in verse 5, a spirit “almost comic in its naivety.”
Looking Heavenward Transforms Our Sorrow
Many may think this heavenly-mindedness would make a person detached and ineffective in this present earthly life. The opposite was true for the apostle Paul.
Jared C. Wilson gives three big reasons you ought to give Romans careful study.
The Solas of the Reformation: A 5-Day Reading Plan
We've created a free, 5-day devotional leading readers through the five solas of the Reformation.
What Did Jesus Teach about Disabilities?
In the record of Jesus’s ministry in the four Gospels, we see in the Savior a striking focus upon a ministry among the deaf, mute, lame, blind, and the broader community they represent.
Help! I Don’t Enjoy Reading the Old Testament
The Old Testament is big and can feel daunting, especially because it is filled with perspectives, powers, and practices that seem so removed from Christians today.