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What Did Jesus Teach about Discipleship?

Peter Orr

Jesus’s instruction about discipleship applies to all (i.e., not simply the twelve) who want to follow him and includes three elements: denying oneself, taking up one’s cross, and following him.

How to Pray for Peace

Erika Allen

The Bible promises that in Jesus, we have peace. But when our circumstances and our emotions threaten us with despair, it doesn’t always feel like that is the case.

When Jesus Sang

I wonder what that song was like for Jesus. I wonder because of the other details the Gospel writers also included about that evening—and there are many.

Bible Study Resources for Men

Men: Crossway wants to equip you with resources to help you joyfully receive, carefully study, and faithfully share God's Word.

Eschatology 101

John MacArthur

The Bible presents the greatest story ever told: the ultimate good-versus-evil storyline—the great cosmic battle between God and Satan.

3 Kinds of Prayers That God Answers

David Murray

We know we should pray. We start praying. But soon we give up. Or we pray with no expectation of an answer. Or we pray for the wrong things. Prayer becomes a problem rather than a solution.

4 Prayers to Pray for the Sick

When or loved ones are burdened with suffering and illness, find comfort in Scripture and in these historic prayers of saints that have gone before.