Podcast: A Christian Scientific Perspective on Evolution (Stephen Meyer)
Stephen Meyer discusses the controversial topic of theistic evolution and explains what the term does and doesn't mean.
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Podcast: A Christian Scientific Perspective on Evolution (Stephen Meyer)
Stephen Meyer discusses the controversial topic of theistic evolution and explains what the term does and doesn't mean.
Nativity Scenes, T-Rexes, and the Gestalt Shift
One of the most powerful human experiences is when one construal is replaced with another, when a shift in the Gestalt happens and we come to see in a different way.
Podcast: Real Faithfulness Is the Kind No One Sees (Glenna Marshall)
Glenna Marshall talks about the life-changing practice of Scripture memory, the oft-given advice to give ourselves grace, and the importance of perseverance in the Christian life.
God gave his own Son as the final sacrifice so that your brokenness could be the only prerequisite to receiving God’s abundant mercy.
James is a beloved epistle, eminently practical and full of vivid exhortations to godly living.
We Need Spiritual Sight to Read about Jesus
The disciples’ journey with Jesus on the road to Emmaus poignantly illustrates the fact that we need spiritual sight to recognize Jesus’s true identity as revealed in the Scriptures.
4 Things That Might Hinder You from Embracing Definite Atonement
The doctrine of definite atonement is a misunderstood doctrine, one that we must seek to understand more accurately and embrace more deeply.
Commentaries can be wonderful friends, debating partners, and theological mentors. But start with the Bible.
Beware These 4 Common Threats to Your Contentment
Culture is like a big magnet, it’s pulling on us and around us.
How Creativity Can Fuel Your Worship
If God created us in his likeness, wouldn’t he make us with creative minds and hands? What if engaging in creativity could draw us into deeper worship of our Creator God?
The Right and Wrong Way to Read Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah 29:11 is a very familiar verse to many Christians. Jason DeRouchie examines how someone might apply this verse rightly—and wrongly.
Is the Book of Proverbs an Instruction Manual for Life?
Gregory Goswell, Andreas J. Köstenberger
The essential mystery of life is not denied or dispelled by Proverbs, and it is a misreading to view it as naïvely optimistic about the temporal prospects of the godly.
Falling Behind in Your Bible Reading Plan Isn’t Your Greatest Danger
Perhaps the biggest danger in reading and studying our Bibles is to miss the whole point, which is to miss encountering Jesus, the risen Lord and Savior of us all.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: John Calvin on Isaiah 53:3-6
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Nehemiah's Deeper Concern for Building Up God's People
The work of God gets done when there is a good heart for God and his work. It starts in a heart with a deep concern for the glory of God and the health of his church.
The Doctrine of the Incarnation in the Bible
God came to dwell with man and as man at Christmas. Coming to the manger should lead us to worship.
A good literacy-builder honors the learning process by moving through three distinct stages of understanding: comprehension, interpretation, and application.
Why You Should Study God's Incommunicable Attributes
God’s incommunicable attributes are important for us to understand because they’re the ones that tell us how God is not like us.
The Final Days of Jesus: Saturday, April 4, AD 33
In this video series, well-known New Testament scholars explore the background and significance of the history-shaping events that occurred during Jesus's last week on earth.
Can Theistic Evolution and Original Sin Coexist?
Our friends who hold to theistic evolution maintain that Adam and Eve were ordinary human beings, doing sinful deeds for their entire lives just as all other human beings do.
Podcast: Reading the Psalms with Jesus in View (Dane Ortlund)
Dane Ortlund discusses how the psalms uniquely invite us into prayer and devotion, how they reflect the greatness of God, and how he cares for his people.
Paul’s second letter to Timothy is a call to endurance amid opposition and suffering for the sake of the gospel.
Podcast: Diagnosing the Heart of Anger (Christopher Ash)
Christopher Ash discusses why anger is such a powerful, dangerous emotion for the Christian, walking through some of the key Bible passages that address the topic.
What Does Perfect Anger Look Like?
Christ got angry and still gets angry, for he is the perfect human, who loves too much to remain indifferent. And this righteous anger reflects his heart, his tender compassion.
Reading the Christmas Story on the Shoulders of Giants
Read through this well known passage from Luke chapter 2 along with commentary notes from giants of the faith such as Martin Luther, John Owen, Charles Spurgeon, and Jerome.
The Temple(s) Filled with God’s Presence
What a glorious end to the story! In the new Jerusalem, there is no temple, no need for one particular place where God will dwell, because he dwells right out in the open, among his people.
Why Study the Book of 1 Corinthians?
How is Christian unity revealed? Put another way, what is the flesh and blood of union with other believers? Paul roots his theology of unity in love.
Reading the Bible with Dead Guys: Charles Spurgeon on Psalm 23:1
*Reading the Bible With Dead Guys is a weekly blog series giving you the chance to read God’s Word alongside some great theologians from church history.
Second Corinthians is filled with the astounding paradoxes of the gospel.
8 Tips for Engaging with Your Bible Artistically
God invites us to meditate on his Word (Ps. 1:2). Art journaling is one of many ways to study and reflect on Scripture.