10 Key Bible Verses on the Humanity of Jesus
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
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10 Key Bible Verses on the Humanity of Jesus
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Should Science Inform Our Reading of Genesis 1–3?
What do we do if we find an apparent discrepancy between Genesis 1-3 and what modern scientists claim about the origin of the world?
5 Misconceptions about Heaven and Hell (and 5 Truths)
The most common misconceptions about heaven and hell have to do with their nature and purpose. There are many false ideas about what they will be like, but the word of God gives us a clear picture.
Resist the urge to see simple memory as the goal. Learning the text “by heart” is secondary; taking the text to heart is primary.
What Every Book of the Old Testament Is About
Brief summaries of each book of the Old Testament.
10 Key Bible Verses on Freedom
As Christians, we’ve been released from the power of sin and death by Jesus and his substitutionary death on the cross.
5 Questions about God’s Design for Gender
What is at stake in God making us male and female? Nothing less than the gospel.
10 Key Bible Verses on Justice
God is a righteous judge, and Scripture details just what true justice is. Read ten verses about justice alongside notes from the ESV Study Bible.
What Are Demons, and How Should Christians Think about Them?
Demons have right beliefs about who God is; they have known about him from the beginning of their existence, even though they chose to rebel against him!
10 Key Bible Verses on Christmas
Read these familiar passages about God’s plan of redemption manifested through Christ at Christmas.
Are Christians Prohibited from Getting Tattoos? (Leviticus 19)
Sometimes people read a statement about tattoos in the Old Testament and wonder if it applies today. Leviticus 19:28 is an example of this.
What Does the Bible Say about Alcohol?
Paul’s words of caution about not causing others to stumble by what we do are a reminder that not everything that is morally right in itself is wise or helpful in every situation.
12 Principles for Disagreeing with Other Christians
When it comes to resolving conflict: there are two groups: the weak in faith and the strong in faith.
10 Things You Should Know about the Bible as Literature
Most literature is fictional at some level, but fictionality is not a defining trait of literature.
Were David and Jonathan Lovers?
That‘s a fair question, though it’s a question that would have been strange to anyone in the biblical world.
10 Things You Should Know about Martin Luther
Here are ten things you should know about Martin Luther, the great leader of the Protestant Reformation.
Did You Know that the Bible Commands Us to Eat, Drink, and Be Merry?
God made the world good. And no amount of being a Christian ever changes the fact that God put you in a physical world with hands and food and drink and culture and relationships and beauty.
What Does 1 Corinthians 10:13 Mean?
This verse promises that God will never allow a temptation that we cannot stand under because he will provide the power to escape through endurance. But what is Paul getting at here in particular?
What Did Jesus Teach about Divorce and Remarriage?
David W. Jones, Andreas J. Köstenberger
Despite the fact that the Mosaic law included provisions regulating divorce, the Old Testament makes it clear that divorce falls short of God’s ideal.
The Bible tells one story of the one God who is redeeming one people in his one creation through the one Savior Jesus Christ. The unity of the Bible is breathtakingly joyous.
13 Bible Promises about God’s Faithfulness
God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
It is the devil’s work to promote a fear of God that makes people afraid of God such that they want to flee from God.
10 Key Bible Verses on Slothfulness
According to Scripture, laziness or sloth is considered a sinful indulgence. Learn more about what God values in kingdom laborers.
5 Myths about Complementarianism
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
Complementarian interpretation of Scripture holds that God’s creation purpose for man and woman entails equality of individual value but also distinct roles.
Joy is the gift of God to those who trust in Christ—not circumstantial, but the result of a deep trust in and love for Jesus.
10 Key Bible Verses on Goodness
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
10 Key Bible Verses on Patience
God is unendingly patient with us, his children. In turn, we can exhibit grace and patience with others through the help of the Holy Spirit.
Doctrine is a body of teaching. Christian doctrine is the teaching found in the Bible—about who God is, who we are, and why the world exists.
10 Things You Should Know about Studying the Bible
We study the Bible because it is God’s word to the world. We want to hear him.
Who Were the Magi, and Why Did They Worship Jesus? (Matthew 2)
Popular Christian images of the magi clash with Matthew’s account. The magi were counselors, not kings, and while they bore three gifts, their number (unstated) was large enough to cause a stir in Jerusalem.