10 Key Bible Verses on Salvation
Because of Christ, believers are granted salvation from sin and the promise of eternal life. What hope we have in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!
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10 Key Bible Verses on Salvation
Because of Christ, believers are granted salvation from sin and the promise of eternal life. What hope we have in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!
Faith is a necessary part of the Christian life and allows us to live as people of hope, even when we cannot always see the fruits of our hope.
What Was Paul's Thorn in the Flesh? (2 Corinthians 12)
This passage gives every indication that the thorn in Paul's flesh is still a present reality and thus represents a prolonged, sustained pain. But what was the thorn?
10 Key Bible Verses on Obedience
We are no longer under Old Testament law; but as believers, we are still marked by our obedience to Christ.
10 Key Bible Verses on Death and Resurrection
God’s Word paints a picture of a future when death will be swallowed up in Christ’s victory on the cross and where believers will live eternally with him.
10 Things You Should Know about the Cross
The cross is not only where our sin is paid for, where the devil is conquered, but the shape of Christianity.
10 Key Bible Verses on Serving
Christ set the ultimate example of service and sacrifice when he condescended to us and submitted to death on our behalf.
10 Things You Should Know about Evangelism
10 foundational truths to consider about the biblical call to share the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
10 Key Bible Verses on Humility
Christ set the ultimate example of humility by submitting himself to life on earth and then death on the cross on behalf of sinners.
7 Passages to Read on Good Friday
Meditate on Good Friday by reading these 7 powerful Bible passages.
What Are the Seventy Weeks of Daniel? (Daniel 9)
The events detailed in Daniel 9 are fulfilled in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. He is the coming king.
Who Are the 144,000? (Revelation 7)
Who will escape the wrath of God at the final judgment? Only those who belong to God, those who are sealed by him, who are numbered by him.
Does God Want Everyone to Be Saved? (1 Timothy 2)
God’s people are not merely praying for God to give them a peaceful and quiet life. They are praying that all people might experience salvation through Christ.
Since the word “gospel” means “good news,” when Christians talk about the gospel, they’re simply telling the good news about Jesus.
How Can We Know We'll Go to Heaven?
Hell is our default destination, but because Jesus Christ took our sin upon himself on the cross, we can have assurance that we will go to heaven.
10 Things You Should Know about Justification by Faith
Justification by faith does not draw attention to ourselves and our great faith but rather to Christ and God’s great work of redemption through him.
10 Things You Should Know about the Resurrection
Sadly, the church only seems to get excited about the resurrection once a year at Easter time. In reality, every Sunday should be Resurrection Sunday.
4 Ways to Fight Sexual Temptation
We must choke temptation to death—it is the only way out. Here are four ways to fight when temptation strikes.
The Provision of Sacrifice in the Old Testament
Lesson number one on God’s holiness and the people’s sinfulness was delivered in the form of instructions for offering sacrifices at the tabernacle.
10 Disciplines of a Godly Woman
Discipline seems like a hard word, but discipline is your lifeline, something that you learn to embrace and thank God for as you grow in him.
Meditate on the story and themes of Easter by reading these 10 passages.
10 Things You Should Know about Union with Christ
In the New Testament we find literally hundreds of references to the believer’s union with Christ.
Do You Ever Fear You Married the Wrong Person?
The heart of marriage is the heart of the universe. If that sounds a bit grand for you, read on.
10 Things You Should Know about Reading the Bible
The Bible is a story, not simply a collection of religious sayings or an anthology of various people’s religious experiences. The Bible tells us the true story of the world, the way things truly are and should be.
If We Were Created for God's Glory, Is God Merely Using Us?
Life is wasted when we do not live for the glory of God. All of life, all for his glory.
Christ suffered and died with purpose. Learn why.
9 Wrong Ways to Read the Bible (And One Better Way)
The Bible is good news for us. Here are nine common but wrong ways to read the Bible, followed by the right way.
2 Reasons Christians Lose Their Joy (And What to Do about It)
How did you become a Christian? Was it after you got your life sorted out?
Why Does the Apostle’s Creed Say That Jesus Descended into Hell?
Death has been called “the new obscenity,” the nasty thing which no polite person nowadays will talk about in public. But death, even when unmentionable, remains inescapable.
7 Tips for Confronting a Friend in Sin
Cheryl Marshall, Caroline Newheiser
Scripture speaks directly to the Christian’s responsibility to address or confront sin in the lives of other Christians.
3 Reasons Jesus Is Our Only Hope
The Advent story is a hope story because it chronicles the coming to earth of the One who is hope, Jesus.
10 Key Bible Verses on Freedom
As Christians, we’ve been released from the power of sin and death by Jesus and his substitutionary death on the cross.
Are Some Sins Worse Than Others?
John MacArthur, Richard Mayhue
Are all sins the same in God’s eyes, or are some sins worse than others? All sins are the same in the sense that each renders a person guilty and worthy of God’s wrath.
The reality of Christ’s vicarious, substitutionary death on our behalf is the heart of the gospel according to God.
10 Key Bible Verses on Patience
God is unendingly patient with us, his children. In turn, we can exhibit grace and patience with others through the help of the Holy Spirit.
10 Key Bible Verses on Goodness
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
7 Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Teens
Before teens can actually explain the gospel, they must first know it themselves. Then they must know how to articulate it.
Who Were the Magi, and Why Did They Worship Jesus? (Matthew 2)
Popular Christian images of the magi clash with Matthew’s account. The magi were counselors, not kings, and while they bore three gifts, their number (unstated) was large enough to cause a stir in Jerusalem.
6 Daily Commitments to Make for a Good Marriage
You can have a marriage that is mutually satisfying while being honoring to God. You really can!
What Did Jesus Teach about Family?
David W. Jones, Andreas J. Köstenberger
Believers are called to seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, even when it brings them into conflict with natural family obligations.
Jesus says to tell all nations the good news, but we haven’t. Jesus calls people to be fishers of men, but we prefer to watch. Peter says to always be ready to give a reason for the hope that we have, but we are not.
The First Adam, the Last Adam, and the Gospel
John MacArthur discusses the historicity and significance of Adam in the Bible.
George W. Robertson, Bruce A. Ware
Jesus considered the book of Psalms to be ultimately about him.
How Could a Loving God Send People to Hell?
Jesus is not separable from the God whose wrath he faces on the cross, so he is not separable from us, if we but put our trust in him.
Life is complex. Gray areas abound. Yet Jesus taught that we all face a simple but fateful either/or: a wide way leading to woe, or a narrow way leading to life.
How the Resurrection Changes Everything
Jesus death an resurrection changed everything, and it has the power to change us.
Practically, How Do We Abide in Jesus?
Jesus commands that we go on repenting, coming, believing, loving, and listening. The transformation of repentance continues. Coming to Jesus again and again continues.
10 Things You Should Know about Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Learn more about the man who is as relevant to us today as he was in his own lifetime.
There are lots of people who are never really confronted by the wretchedness of their own hearts.
What Did Jesus Teach about Evangelism?
When we look at Jesus’s life and ministry we also see that he was the greatest evangelist. In his earthly ministry he was the light of the world, the one who always lived in a way that was pleasing to his Father.
5 Myths about the Song of Songs
While the Song of Songs is for lovers, it applies not just to human relationships but also in our soul’s relationship to God.
You need to understand that there are two parts of the Christmas story, and you need both parts to make proper sense out of the whole story.
How Radically Ordinary Hospitality Changed Rosaria Butterfield’s Life
Rosaria Butterfield invites us into her home to show us how God can use “radical, ordinary hospitality” to bring the gospel to our lost friends and neighbors.
Gentle and Lowly: A 14-Day Podcast
Join Dane Ortlund for a 14-day audio devotional to discover the true heart of Christ for sinners and sufferers.
You Need Christ to Put Your Sin to Death
Christian salvation is fundamentally a matter of grace, rescue, help, deliverance—it is God invading our miserable little lives and triumphing gloriously and persistently over all the sin and self he finds.
Deuteronomy is clearly one of the most important books in the Old Testament.
We tend to project our natural expectations about who God is onto him instead of fighting to let the Bible surprise us into what God himself says.
The Kind of Love That Marks a Christian
Why does the Great Commandment instruct us to love God first, others second? Because this is the order in which God himself loves.
Adoption Isn't Charity—It's War
We believe Jesus in heavenly things—our adoption in Christ; so we follow him in earthly things—the adoption of children.
Why Romans Is the Greatest Letter Ever Written
Paul’s letter to the Romans is relatively short (it takes about sixty minutes to read aloud), and it is profound. It explains and exults in and applies the greatest news we could hear.
Was the Trinity Torn Apart at the Cross?
Jesus's quoting of Psalm 22 on the cross has been a source of wonder and speculation. What can and can’t we say about this cry?
Scripture tells us that sin is deceitful. We are often deceived into believing two lies, as we step outside of God’s boundaries and do what he has forbidden.
The foundation stories of Genesis set the stage of the drama of Scripture in many ways.
What Does It Mean That All Israel Will Be Saved? (Romans 11)
There is a particular call to faith in Christ through the call of the gospel. Both God’s gifts and his calling of Jews to faith in Christ remain in force and will not be revoked.
J. I. Packer on the Hub of Christian Life
Packer would contend that one has fallen short in the knowledge of God until such time as the glory of God becomes central in all areas of life and thought.
How to Believe against Your Feelings
Some people stop following Christ because they enjoy other things more than Jesus. To them, Christianity just isn’t satisfying anymore. So how should you deal with this important issue?
Help! My Beliefs Are Viewed as Intolerant
As our world continues to speak about inclusivity, diversity, and tolerance, it can seem like Christianity is embarrassingly behind the times.
10 Things You Should Know about Limited Atonement
What is the doctrine of atonement and what does it mean for us?
Where Christ Isn’t Being Treasured, He’s Being Used
Christ as a treasure is not a slice of Christ. It is every dimension of Christ—all of Christ—making up the totality of his infinite value.
Why Was Jesus’s Teaching So Astonishing?
What was so unusual and so attention-grabbing about Jesus’s teaching? Part of it was that once people began to challenge him and ask him questions, Jesus proved to be a masterful chess player.
What Is Needed to Be a Christian?
In order to make this commitment to Jesus, you need to know the essentials about who he is and what he has done for you. This is the Gospel (“good news”) of Jesus Christ.
For believers today, the significance of the book of Esther is that it coordinates with the rest of the Old Testament to foreshadow Jesus as deliverer and mediator for God’s people.
Rest in God’s Faithfulness, Not Yours
God not only forgives your sins and guarantees you a seat in eternity, but welcomes you to a radically new way of living.
5 Things You Must Remember about the Resurrection
What does it look like to look at life through the window of the resurrection? As I assess my life right here, right now, what about the resurrection must I remember? Let me suggest five things.
It’s more difficult to think too much of yourself when you remember what is currently riveting the attention of the mightiest angels.
Why Mourning Can Be Good for Us
Mourning sin—past, present, and future—is the first step in seeking and celebrating the hope of divine grace.
6 Gospel-Centered Leadership Values
If the primary driving force of leadership in local churches around the world was the gospel of Jesus Christ, we could avoid so much sadness in the lives of church leaders.
This gospel meditation by Paul David Tripp explores the idea of elusive rest and our ultimate hope in the life to come.
What Is Our Only Hope in Life and Death?
Because Jesus gave himself for us, our lives no long belong to us—we surrender our bodies and our souls to the Lord.
Why Study the Books of 1–2 Timothy and Titus?
1–2 Timothy and Titus are among the most personal and practical books in the New Testament. These letters are often called the "Pastoral Epistles,” but they’re relevant for all Christians, not just pastors.
The King Who Suffers for His People
The king would represent. And the king would suffer. But what do those have to do with each other, and how do they lead to salvation?
Romans explains the saving work of Jesus reported in the Gospels, and unpacks many of the teachings that were foundational to the churches that arose in Acts.
Must We Count All as Loss to Follow Christ? (Philippians 3)
Paul’s conversion came by embracing the righteousness of Jesus, not earned by works but received as a gift by faith. The righteousness a holy God demands of us, he gives to us in Christ.
What Does It Mean to Be Your True Self?
Expressive individualism, like a lot of things, captures something of the truth. Human beings do have an inner life, and that inner life is very important to who we are.
How Can Jesus Possibly Say That Those Who Mourn Are Blessed?
Much of life happens before you are ready. Our hearts race and our minds search for meaning, but some circumstances resist explanation.
What Is Christ to Us If He Is Not Our All-Satisfying Treasure?
The aim of God’s work in redemption is not that through Christ we might have salvation, but that through salvation we might have Christ—the all-satisfying treasure.
By trusting in Christ’s sacrifice on your behalf, you’ll never be held accountable for the guilt of your sin.
Acts shows that the new Christian movement is not a fringe sect but the culmination of God’s plan of redemption.
Exodus offers the greatest paradigmatic redemption event in the Bible prior to Christ’s incarnation.
How God Works All Things for Good for His People
God works all things for good for his people. “Those who love God” does not refer to a subset of believers but to all “who are called according to his purpose.”
Why Are We Baptized in Jesus’s Name?
For Jesus’s name carries Jesus’s claim, and undergoing baptism is, for those who have reached years of discretion, a sign that the claim is being accepted.
The salvation God has accomplished in Messiah Jesus is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the Old Testament.
Communion Is a Meal of Remembrance
As we eat the bread and drink the cup, we remember him, just as he told us to. We look back with thankful hearts to the cross.
To be converted as a Christian is to have changed your thinking and your believing about Jesus Christ, and to be changed into a person who is no longer an enemy of God but a beloved child of God.
5 Stumbling Blocks to Pastoral Honesty
Why isn’t humble candor more of a regular part of our ministry leadership culture? Why aren’t we more ready to confess spiritual discouragement or struggle?
The gentle and quiet spirit of which Peter speaks, calling it “of great worth in God’s sight” (1 Peter 3:4), is the true femininity.
As believers, we put our ultimate hope not in this world, but in what is unseen. We trust and wait expectantly for God to usher forth the promised King and kingdom.
Viewing the Christian Story through the Lens of Our Suffering
Suffering disrupts our lives, seeming to violate the way life should be. This can make us desperate to know why we are suffering.
By the Spirit, We See the Cross
The bold and clear preaching of the cross materializes the spectacle of the cross before a congregation, for those with the faith to see it.
Your struggle with assurance is a struggle to see yourself rightly—specifically, to exchange your perspective of yourself with God’s perspective of you.
How Pregnancy and Labor Point Us to the Gospel
Realize that your motherhood is a challenge that proves God’s strength and sufficiency.
Why I Wrote a Book about the Marrow Controversy
What is Jesus really like, truly like—deep down, through and through?
According to Jesus, the people who are ashamed of him are those who refuse to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. They’ve considered Jesus unworthy of their devotion and obedience.
The Greatest Example of Irony in the Bible
Retributive and restorative irony ultimately finds its zenith of expression at the cross.
4 Essentials for Finishing Well
As we think of the endurance of the saints, of enduring to the end and finishing well, there is no better example in Scripture than that of the apostle Paul.
3 Things God Will Never Do with Your Sin
When we interact one with another, all too often we let our response be guided or dictated by past infractions. But this is precisely what God will never do.
Because your world is not out of control but under God’s careful redemptive control, you can have hope even when it looks to you as if darkness is winning the day.
Is Evangelicalism Today Truly Evangelical?
If evangelicalism is to have a future worthy of the name, we who would be people of the gospel must cultivate an integrity to the gospel, and on more than paper.
The gospel—the good news of what God has done for sinners through Jesus Christ—permeates 1 Corinthians.
4 Ways the Gospel Appears in the Book of Amos
Learn about four ways that the Old Testament book of Amos is essential for a robust understanding of the gospel.
10 Things You Should Know about the J-Curve
Like the letter “J,” Jesus’s life descends through his incarnation and then death, and then upward into his resurrection and exaltation.
Galatians is a letter is about protecting the truth of the gospel, which declares what God has done in Christ for sinners.
A 10 Question Catechism for One-on-One Pastoral Care
What follows is the catechism that pastor Richard Baxter used in his parish to train and instruct those under his care.
How Hannah’s Prayer Found Its Fulfillment in Mary’s Magnificat
Why does Luke talk so much about God being "high"? The answer lies in Mary’s praise in the well-known Magnificat.
The thrust of 1 Timothy is that godliness is central to the Christian’s continuing in the gospel and the church’s proclamation of the gospel.
Is Leviticus just a collection of disconnected laws? How does this book of the Bible really point to Christ?
How God Changes Hearts for His Glory
As Spurgeon saw it, the new birth of a Christian has to be a work of pure divine grace: the sinful human heart is impotent, unwilling, and wholly unworthy.
The Story of the First Ordained African-American Pastor in US History
If the church is to prosper and mature, she will need faithful men to lead and care for her.
Most of us would be quick to speak up and protest our innocence. It’s just human nature to want to speak up and justify ourselves.
Full Audiobook: The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung
We are pleased to share the entire audio of The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung on The Crossway Podcast.
Does God Give Us More than We Can Handle?
Perhaps it takes growing old to realize that aging with grace sometimes feels impossible. It is more than we can handle.
That there is such a thing as Holy Saturday in the gospel is remarkable, if oft overlooked. Why wouldn’t a simple movement from death one day to resurrection the next be sufficient?
How God Uses Friction to Shape Us
God employs friction to shape us into his Son’s likeness. Scripture reflects on this in various places.
4 Approaches to Understanding the Redemptive Nature of Scripture
We should be very willing to learn principles of redemptive interpretation that the New Testament writers employed and exemplified.
How Should Christians Share the Gospel with Practicing Homosexuals?
You preach the same gospel that you would preach to someone who is not in the homosexual lifestyle.
Love for the church ought to be a fundamental characteristic of our lives. You have a people. They are your local church. And our love ought to mirror God’s love in three important ways.
The Bible is more than just a book about events in history: it’s a unified story.
5 Key Realities the Bible Teaches about God’s Love
God's love is altogether other. Learn about five reasons its not like ours, and why it's better.
When we study this book, will not our hearts burn within us with love for him? And will not this love overflow for the salvation of the world?
The book of Proverbs is one of the “many ways” God spoke, leading us to his only Son Jesus.
Why All Christians Can (and Should) Share the Gospel
Opportunities abound for sharing our faith. Things are happening all around us that cause people to ask religious questions.
The Theology We Claim versus the Theology We Live
Our hope is the glorification without which we cannot see the Christ who saved us. But believing in the Christian hope is one thing. Living as though that hope is real is another.
Understood rightly, however, Ezekiel contains and continues a beautiful story of God’s grace to his undeserving people.
Human marriage is not the ultimate human experience. Our relationship with God is. But under Christ, marriage is the most profound human relationship we have.
Why It's Dangerous to Misrepresent the Gospel
It is rare to find an individual who can give a well-rounded and comprehensive declaration of the gospel message.
Dear Pastor . . . You Need the Monday Gospel
Monday is the preacher’s dog day. Ask any of us. In the cold light of day we see just how far short we fell from what we wanted and hoped for.
10 Things You Should Know about the Atonement
Through his death on the cross Jesus accomplishes reconciliation, victory, removal of shame, justification, adoption, propitiation, glorification, healing—and much more!
The language of redemption permeates the story of Ruth.
Luke’s presentation helps us see clearly that the gospel of Jesus is about the comprehensive blessedness of God available to us through Jesus Christ.
Out of the smoking ruins came cries of lamentation and confession, and the daring hope of restoration.
David and Goliath Is about More than Having Courage
Every story in the Bible can be better understood through the lens of Christ and the gospel.
Is Any Love Greater Than a Mother's Love?
Not even the love of a mother for her children can compare to the love of God.
As ordinary as our days may seem, the world we live in is precarious. The unknowns we live with can threaten to overwhelm our faith and even our very lives. Where can we look for hope and security?
Throughout Ecclesiastes we are led forward to other answers, other solutions, and other wisdom than the world’s vain promises of satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment.
Fighting Fear When It Comes to Sharing Your Faith
It's time to confront our fears about sharing the gospel.
What character is required so that we can be part of what God is seeking to do in the lives of our children and not in the way of it?
The book of Revelation is a triumphant vision of God’s final victory over all the forces of evil in the world.
God saves people for a purpose. Salvation in Christ begins a life spent growing into being like him and serving him faithfully.
There may be no other book in all the Bible that packs in as much gospel per square inch than Ephesians.
The book of Judges portrays the people of God languishing without good leadership. Who would lead the people of God into battle?
The highest meaning and the most ultimate purpose of marriage is to put the covenant relationship of Christ and his church on display.
In a variety of ways, the prophecy of Nahum brings home the gospel and carries along the redemptive story that culminates in Jesus Christ.
Why Did God’s Beautiful Plan of Redemption Involve Something So Ugly?
When we consider carefully what Jesus was doing on that old, rugged cross, we can understand why it was so ugly. To atone for our transgressions, Jesus had to shoulder our guilty sins.
The book of Malachi contains six oracles (or disputations) that each begin with a saying of the people, to which the Lord responds through his prophet.
Like the book of Job, this book presents important gospel truths for people who encounter difficulties that seem incomprehensible.
What Did Jesus Teach about Resurrection?
Jesus's teachings affirmed a future resurrection for the righteous and the wicked, but he himself was raised in the middle of history as the firstfruits of the life that will be ours.
The Gospel of Mark is presented in a way that demonstrates the fulfillment of Old Testament promises.
Help! I Find Myself Perpetually Discontent
Contentment is something that we, as Christians, must regularly work to cultivate. By not working on our contentment, we are working on our discontentment.
Many passages in Scripture speak to the missionary task, but at the foundation we need to remember that we do missions because Jesus commissioned his people to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Numbers is especially relevant for God's people in “wilderness” times when we must practice faith and trust in God's guidance and provision.
A faithful response to sin involves drawing near to God in faith through confession, repentance, and trusting the forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
6 Truths that Will Lead You to True Joy
God made us to magnify his greatness—the way telescopes magnify stars.
How the Bible’s Irony Combats the Prosperity Gospel
Since our life is to be like Christ’s, our life must include suffering of some kind so that God’s spiritual strength can be exhibited in our physical weakness.
Haggai is all about the ongoing work of building up the people of God, a work that is primarily God's.
Hope for When Sanctification Feels Slow
You’re a new creation. So sanctification is a reality, affected by how obedient and willing we really are.
The cross of Christ was more than a victory for Christ alone. It was a triumph in which we, too, can participate.
Why You Should Be Thankful for Your Knowledge of Sin
Of all the blessings in my life, one is without a doubt the most wonderful blessing of all. Of all the things I most needed, but could never provide for myself, this was my deepest need.
While Hebrews clearly makes its own unique contribution, it joins other New Testament books in exulting in the same amazing grace in Jesus that forms the Bible’s main message.
Even Joshua’s name (“Yahweh Saves!”) points away from himself to the real hero of the story. Joshua is a story of grace.
For Matthew, the gospel is the good news that God has inaugurated the final stage of his plan to reclaim the world from the destruction of sin and establish his just and merciful reign over it.
Of all the books in the Bible, Colossians may rightly be considered the most Christ-centered.
Why Your Physical Body Matters
For the Christian, his or her body has been made a sacred location of God’s redemptive presence in the world.
What the Atonement Means for You
In our sin, we—who were created to know, love, and obey the God of all glory—stand guilty and condemned before him; we cannot save ourselves.
3 Ways the Gospel Encourages Weary Men
Freedom from the past, power for the present, and hope for the future.
How Does God's Love in Christ Relate to Islam?
How do we bear faithful witness to the love of God in Christ to our Muslim friends?
9 Notable Quotes from Coronavirus and Christ
The only firm foundation we have in an unpredictable world is the rock of Jesus Christ.
The book of Job helps free us from believing in a “score-keeping” God.
Why Sanctification Is Not Passive
Sanctification is absolutely essential to the life of faith—so much so that Scripture frequently treats holiness as the identifying mark of a true believer.
Is the Hope of Resurrection Found in the Old Testament?
What if I told you that a glorified and risen body was not just a New Testament hope? And what if I told you it was rooted in previous biblical revelation?
The Rightful Risks of Motherhood
Remembering and embracing Christ’s death means an end to helicopter mothering ourselves and the people around us.
9 Questions about Christ Our Redeemer
Because our Redeemer is truly God and truly human and died for us, our sins can be forgiven.
The Most Important Lessons John Piper Learned from His Dad
Where did I learn that delight in God is our highest duty? Before I encountered Jonathan Edwards and C. S. Lewis and Daniel Fuller, there was my father, Bill Piper.
4 Crucial Truths the Gospel Presents
Perhaps more clearly than any other book of the Bible, Romans contains a deliberate, step-by-step expression of what Paul understood to be the good news.
Sexual ethics, and a high standard of sexual integrity, are so vital. It is vital because it isn't just a petty taboo.
Hopelessness Leads Us to the True Hope of Christmas
God created our lives to be propelled and directed by hope, and he meant our capacity for hope to drive us to him.
In typical prophetic form, Joel gives his readers both the bad news of God’s judgment and the good news of his promised deliverance.
Everything John tells us about Jesus leads us to his cross and his empty tomb—to his substitutionary death and glorious resurrection.
If there ever was a clarion call to rejoice because of the gospel, it is Paul’s epistle to the Philippians.
God shows us how he consistently provides for people who cannot provide for themselves.
Sin and the Snake separated us from God, but the Snake Crusher came to restore our relationship.
For the Joy before Him, Christ Came
When you come to Christ for mercy and love and help in your anguish and perplexity and sinfulness, you are going with the flow of his own deepest wishes, not against them.
Black, Reformed, but Foremost Christian
We have solid, historical, and biblical grounds upon which to stand as we seek to be an instrument of God in spreading his righteousness, peace, and joy throughout the world.
7 Essential Things to Know about Hope
Hope is not a situation. Hope is not a location. Hope is not a possession. Hope is not an experience. Hope is more than an insight or a truism.
10 Things You Should Know about Jesus’s Final Days on Earth
Jesus clearly explains the message of the Scriptures “concerning himself” in Luke 24; he also provides a model for faithful Bible reading.
The Importance of the Gathered Church
Love is messy. You know what else? The gospel is messy. It means loving sinners—people like you and me.
The reason God became man was to die. As God pure and simple, he could not die for sinners. But as man he could. His aim was to die.
10 Things You Should Know about Love
Being a good steward of my time requires that I tune in to God’s heart and see the opportunities to love others that are all around me.
How Old Testament Kings Bear Witness about Jesus
The book of 1 Kings tells the story of fourteen “kings of the Jews,” framed by King Solomon—and this story foretells the coming of the Messiah.
The One and Only Way to Enjoy Evangelizing
If we fear that God’s love for us is reluctant or that his approval rests on our performance, we won’t feel any real affection for him, our service will be grudging, and the world will likely see through us.
The Lord’s Supper in Redemptive History
The Gospels tell us that the Lord’s Supper occupies a significant place within redemptive history.
Heroes, Dragons, and Other True Myths
In our disenchanted age we have made tales of the supernatural synonymous with falsehood. It should not be so. Every myth is a shadow cast by the light of truth.
What the author of Hebrews is getting at is the perfect marriage between doctrine and practice. If we believe the things that he has declared, that has radical implications for how we live our lives.
The “gospel according to Daniel” comes in glowing revelations of the power of God to redeem his people, overcome their enemies, and plan their future.
On the side of God’s infinity, there is a complete chasm between God on one side and man, the animal, the flower, and the machine on the other. On the side of God’s infinity, He stands alone.
How to Go from Fearful to Forgiven
Isaiah 53 has to be the best news for sinners, and that's all of us.
However baptism is conducted, we go under the water as a picture of our death with Christ and we rise up from the water as a picture of our resurrection with Christ.
Writing to people who were discouraged by living, after the exile, Zechariah encouraged them to look forward to the day when the Lord would act once again.
4 Key Components of Mainstream Anglicanism
Jesus Christ fills the mental horizon of mainstream Anglican believers; the claim and the purpose is that in all we do, we are seeking Christ’s glory and furthering his kingdom.
Grace Gives Us a New Way to Live
The most outrageous acts of penance in the world are powerless to do what needs to be done—radically transform your heart. So you and I are left with only one final option.
God gave his own Son as the final sacrifice so that your brokenness could be the only prerequisite to receiving God’s abundant mercy.
James is a beloved epistle, eminently practical and full of vivid exhortations to godly living.
The Believe-in-Yourself Gospel
We’re a generation that has been raised on spiritual fast food, and we’re sick. It’s time for us to sit down at the table, linger, and sup on the feast the King has for us.
Why You Must Leverage Your Self-Despair
There is a strange though consistent message throughout the Bible. We are told time and again that the way forward will feel like we’re going backward.
Putting Emotions in Their Place
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
Though our faculties were corrupted by sin, all are being restored, and Christ makes peace between our minds, wills, and emotions.
Paul’s second letter to Timothy is a call to endurance amid opposition and suffering for the sake of the gospel.
The Temple(s) Filled with God’s Presence
What a glorious end to the story! In the new Jerusalem, there is no temple, no need for one particular place where God will dwell, because he dwells right out in the open, among his people.
The fact that you have a cesspool of sin down in your heart doesn’t mean you should camp down there because that’s precisely what God is trying to lead you out of.
Second Corinthians is filled with the astounding paradoxes of the gospel.
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
We don’t have to accept our culture’s ever-changing and ever-more-tyrannical definition of beauty.
In 1 Thessalonians, Paul cannot stop rejoicing that the gospel came to the Thessalonians in word, in power, and with full conviction by the Holy Spirit.
The Most Powerful Force of Transformation in the Universe
Grace is the most powerful force of transformation in the universe. The incalculable transforming power of grace should never be minimized or doubted.
How Does the Cross Lead Us to Humility?
For an awakened heart—a heart that’s been touched by grace and the gospel—there’s a different kind of humility that is produced when you think about what Jesus did for you.
Does Reflecting on Our Past Hurt Show a Lack of Trust in God?
Trying to write our future story can change our present story. But what about our past story? Can we get any help in the present from reading what’s already been written in our past chapters?
Help! I’m Feeling Spiritually Listless
What do we do when we feel spiritually listless? First of all, don’t be surprised.
Busting the Myth of Human Omnipotence
God’s power is at work within us. It is at work helping us to overcome sin and to grasp the extent of his love for us.
Was Christ’s Coming the End of the Law? (Romans 10)
Christ is the termination of the law in the sense that he ushers in a new age— both continuous with and different from the former age.
3 Ways to Root Your Marriage in Worship
Where will you find the reasons to continue working on your marriage in those disappointing moments when those reasons are most needed? Well, you won’t find them in your spouse.
Luther's Two Theses about What a Christian Is
A Christian is a free lord of everything and subject to no one. A Christian is a willing servant of everything and subject to everyone.
10 Notable Quotes from New Morning Mercies
As sinners in need of grace, we can find comfort and rest knowing that God’s mercy toward us is new at the break of each day.
To Lead Others, Become a Disciple
A disciple of Jesus follows in Jesus’s steps, doing as Jesus taught and lived. But it means more than that.
The wasted life is the life without a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples.
Peter writes to encourage a “mixed bag” of believers with dear but easily forgotten truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Christian Terminology Is Built on the Old Testament
When it comes to the nuts and bolts of the gospel, the NT often adopts essential concepts/words from the OT, particularly the Greek version.
2 Reasons We Don’t Know How to Lament
The notion that lament isn't familiar is actually an indictment of the state of the American church.
Podcast: What Your Marriage Needs Most (Paul David Tripp)
Paul Tripp discusses how the gospel comes to bear on the day-to-day realities of marriage and why that’s more than just a platitude.
An Open Letter to the Pastor about Embracing Weakness
The Lord, in his love and mercy, shows us that we are weak, and he often does it through affliction. But it is a certain sign of his love.
The Triumph of Easter: A 6-Day Devotional for Families
There is no story more worthy of being retold in our families than the true account of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection.
People are rebellious, even God’s people, but God himself insists on doing his people eternal good anyway.
3 Ways the Gospel Changes Every Man's Life Today
Men who taste gospel freedom can’t get enough of it, and they will push through, run, chase, and endure to the end to get to that prize already promised them before time began.
The book of Titus is a letter from Paul to a young pastor, urging him to lead his people deeper into the gospel.
The word “gospel” never appears in the letters of John. Yet it is hard to imagine a book more intimately connected to the gospel of saving grace in Christ Jesus than John’s first letter.
Why the Gospel Requires Undivided Attention
The gospel of Jesus Christ, the message of the book of Hebrews, calls upon the world to give earnest heed to what it has to say.
It takes a lot of sermons and a lot of suffering to believe that God’s deepest heart is “merciful and gracious, slow to anger.”
We Need the Soul-Stirring of John Wesley
Is anybody listening to the voice of John Wesley anymore? Outside the self-identified Wesleyverse, the Wesley Literacy Quotient among evangelicals has declined alarmingly.
Stop Looking to the Bible for Fortune-Cookie Wisdom
If you understand that the Bible as the epic story of the history of humanity and God’s dealings with humanity, then the glory of God shines through so brightly.
How the Sacraments Act as Contracts
The gospel is a series of promises expressed in words. God promises forgiveness, acquittal, adoption, preservation, resurrection, and glory.
Is Jesus Worth Following at Any Cost?
Are you ready to receive him and believe in him as your supreme treasure, even if it costs you the loss of your family and your life?
A person is gospel fluent when the gospel becomes their "mother tongue."
The Eternal Importance of Our Earthly Bodies
Jesus's resurrection body is the foretaste of what is going to happen to all of us. We will all be raised to new physical life.
What Happens when Doctrine Suffers from Historical Amnesia
As evangelicals, we tend to go right to the cross and to Jesus dying to save us, and sometimes we forget that’s not the only thing that he did to save us.
The central gospel themes in Paul’s shortest letter are surprisingly substantial.
Has God's Kingdom Already Come?
When we think about the message of the Bible, we should never lose sight of God's kingdom, or his reign over his people, and ultimately his reign over the entire universe.
Why You'll Never Grieve Well without Hope
To grieve well is to have a growing sense of confidence and rest that God's promises of resurrection, centered in the resurrected Jesus, are really true.
If God sent his own Son to walk through the valley of condemnation, rejection, and hell, you can trust him as you walk through your own valleys on your way to heaven.
Why We Need a Paradigm Shift about Money
We need a brand-new way of thinking about money, a way that is rooted in the gospel story and its narrative of the lavish grace of God.
We forget who we are, and when we do, we begin to give way to doubt, fear, and timidity. Identity amnesia makes you feel poor when in fact you are rich.
Podcast: How to Read the Old Testament in a Christ-Centered Way (Bryan Chapell)
The Old Testament can feel confusing and intimidating. In this episode, we hear from Bryan Chapell about how reading it with an eye on the gospel helps us understand it better.
Where is the gospel in Jude’s epistle? In such a compact space, we actually receive a potent portrait of the gospel.
Why Men Need to Be Transparent with Each Other
One of the best ways men can encourage each other with the gospel is simply with honesty and transparency.
His Blessings Flow Far as the Curse Is Found
What is the scope of the work of redemption? What in the world is God working on? What does the final chapter of the grand redemptive story look like?
Why Church Planting Can’t Be Church Franchising
I have seen empires come and go, but never have I seen anything so radical and pervasive as the gospel of the kingdom.
4 Reasons Christians Should Use Their Minds
Stott recognized the need for both intellect and emotion in Christianity, but, clearly for him, “the greater danger is anti-intellectualism and a surrender to emotionalism.”
The Real Cost of Building a Healthy Church
A call to ministry is a call to die—to self, to sin, to selfish ambition, to idolizing your own success, and to enhancing your own image.
The Scoundrels of Scripture: A 6-Day Video Devotional
Learn from the stories of a handful of the Bible’s scoundrels and see more clearly the ways in which they reveal the generous grace of Jesus toward sinners.
Seeing God’s Grace in the Hospital Room
It can be really hard to remember God's love when you're working in the hospital witnessing other people's suffering, or even in the hospital as a patient yourself.
11 Notable Quotes from Gospel Fluency
To become fluent in a new language, you must immerse yourself in it until you actually start to think about life through it.
Why It Matters That Jesus Is Better Than Everything
Introducing people to Jesus involves showing them how Jesus meets their needs better than anything else.
It Wasn’t Just Jesus That Died on Good Friday
The death of Jesus was the end of the priesthood. There was simply no need for an imperfect priest once the perfect priest had come.
But God’s plan to liberate his people exceeded anything they could have hoped for. He intended liberation from the tyranny of sin itself.
How to Be a Gospel-Centered Bible Reader
To make sure that you are gospel-centered every day, look for Christ in the Scriptures.
The Cosmic Effect of Resurrection
The resurrection is the guarantee that the wrath of God has been appeased by the sacrifice of Jesus.
As we savor the good news of the sin-bearing servant of the Lord, we learn to enthuse. The gospel of a surprising salvation can only make us laugh, sing, and cheer.
Developing doctrine in the church is one more in a series of improvisations.
The faithfulness needed to combat wickedness requires an experience of God’s powerful grace in the gospel.
Why Healing Requires More Than Self Help
We seek healing as if we have the power (and right) to obtain it, whereas it is our very weakness and lack of valid claim to such a cure which are defining characteristics of our illness.
Out of chaos, Christ came. In spite of, and out of, the pandemonium, Christ came.
Is It Right for Christians to Think the World Is Not Our Home?
There really are two kingdoms that are competing within the gospels. There is the kingdom that is ruled by Satan and there is the kingdom that is ruled by Jesus.
How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years
To live a life transformed by the gospel means that everything in life changes.
How the Bible Is One Big, Divine, Holy Story of Marriage
One of the amazing things about the Bible is the grand scope of its vision.
You Need a Well-Oiled Gospel Memory
It is important to have a well-oiled, activated gospel memory. It’s important to require yourself never to forget.
When the Sun Rose, the Son Rose
In some ways the exodus is a death and resurrection story, but in many other ways the death and resurrection of Jesus is an exodus story.
Why You'll Never Be Content without God
Since God is able to be completely content in himself, we are able to find contentment in him as well. We will never find true contentment with God.
The Apostle Paul: A 5-Day Devotional
Over the next five days, learn more about the apostle and be encouraged to imitate his example of unwavering confidence in God's grace and love toward others.
Christmas marked the beginning of God’s most successful setback.
We Need Gospel Community, not a Behavior Modification Program
It is dangerous and tempting to change behavior without also changing heart and mind.
The fifth “ism” that has formed contemporary culture as we know it is pragmatism, a philosophy that measures truth by its utilitarian value.
12 Notable Quotes from Enough about Me
Self-care may produce happiness and temporary relief from stress or hardship, but real joy comes when we stop serving ourselves and find meaning and purpose in something outside of ourselves.
For all his resplendent glory and dazzling holiness, his supreme uniqueness and otherness, no one in human history has ever been more approachable than Jesus Christ.
Sin causes us to deny our need for God and others. Sin causes us to assign to ourselves the wisdom, strength, and righteousness we do not have.
In an effort to make the gospel bigger or more relevant, Greg Gilbert introduces three substitute gospels.
What Your Marriage Desperately Needs
Here is what you have to understand: forgiveness is a vertical commitment that is followed by a horizontal transaction.
As a help to the faith of his people, God has appointed signs within his covenants with human beings.
The Priesthood of Believers: A Lens for Viewing the World
As we live in our identity as a priest—which means that we are near to God—there are a couple of things that emerge as we look out into the world.
A Friend Who Will Never Fail You
We can be assured of Christ's love for us because he gave his life to save us. He is a trustworthy friend.
The Paradoxical Pattern of Jesus’s Life
God is unswervingly active in bringing about good from troublesome circumstances in the Christian’s life.
The doctrine of the atonement reassures us with what Christ has done in the past, the doctrine of his intercession reassures us with what he is doing in the present.
Can I Really Have Friendship with the Triune God of the Universe?
Because of everything that God has done for us in Christ, we can shockingly have a relationship—a friendship—with God.
Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians is a letter of comfort to those eagerly awaiting the promised return of Jesus Christ.
Why Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry Is Important
When we’re so concerned with keeping the youth entertained or promoting a moral lifestyle, we can easily forget the message of first importance.
Podcast: Can Affectionless Faith Be Genuine? (John Piper)
John Piper discusses how he came to saving faith in Jesus and how his view of that faith has changed over the years.
The atoning work of the Son, decreed by the Father and applied by the Spirit, ensures that we are safe eternally.
How to Foster a Gospel Culture
Gospel doctrine creates a gospel culture. The doctrine of grace creates a culture of grace.
Podcast: The Gospel’s Global Advance (Tim Keesee)
Tim Keesee shares from his own experiences as a missions journalist about the reality of persecution and the best way to approach a short-term mission trip.
Podcast: Knowing Your Heart and When (Not) to Follow It (Craig Troxel)
What's the difference between a Christian and secular understanding of the heart, what are the heart's spiritual functions, and how we can think about them in terms of our minds, desires, and will?
3 Ways We Prevent the Gospel from Making Our Churches Attractive
The gospel brings people with nothing in common to love each other even more deeply than family.
Do not minimize your sin or excuse it away. Raise no defense. Simply take it to the one who is already at the right hand of the Father, advocating for you on the basis of his own wounds.
We Need Another Storyline to Put Ours in Perspective
Orienting ourselves by stories involves using their storylines to put our lives in proper perspective.
How Gospel-Identity Enables Gospel-Behavior
The gospel changes not only the way God deals with us, but the way we deal with each other.
If the people in our charge are to teach, admonish, and exhort each other daily, no doubt we pastors may do the same for one another
Podcast: How Should We Define the Gospel? (Greg Gilbert)
Greg Gilbert discusses why Christians so often struggle to clearly define a simple yet foundational concept: the gospel.
How Christmas Cuts History in Half
We often think of prophecy as relating to what is yet future or to what is now beginning to happen in the world, forgetting that what is past for us was future for the prophets.
Experiencing Gospel Transformation in 2017
Paul teaches that the very resurrection life of Christ dwells in those who have been united to this risen Lord.
4 Gospel Truths to Remember on Monday Morning
What's the connection between faith in God and your Monday-morning struggles? Identifying and remembering these four liberating truths about God will help.
How to Effectively Bring the Gospel into Your Parenting
Using shame to discourage children's sin isn't what they need—they need forgiveness and acceptance.
Dads: Know the Difference Between What the Gospel Requires and What it Produces
Dads must also know the difference between condemning our family with the law and shepherding them with the gospel.
3 Practical Ways to Cultivate Gospel Fluency
It's important to speak the gospel in a community who can speak it back or reflect on what they're hearing.
Grace: The Dominant Note of Christmas
God the Son, who is God, and who is with God, came to reveal God in a way he had never been revealed before.
All our human friendships have a limit to what they can withstand. But what if there were a friend with no limit?
The True Test of a Gospel-Centered Church
Salvation from the judgment of God into fellowship with God is all of God. It is not of us.
For Warfield, Every Christian Is a Theologian
If life grows out of understanding, then it follows that a firm grasp and robust appreciation of Christian truth is of primary importance to Christian living.
Podcast: How to Become Fluent in the Gospel (Jeff Vanderstelt)
What does it mean to be fluent in the gospel, and why is it an essential part of living as a disciple of Jesus?
Christ's resurrection is more than just a historical event—it is good news about eternal life!
How to Overcome Fear in Sharing the Gospel
God is the one who does the work of saving people, not us.
The Family Photo of God’s Family Is a Little Surprising
Imagine if we gathered together all of the believers throughout history and lined them up for a massive family photo. Whom would we see? What kinds of people would be there?
The Christian’s Perfect Piece of Real Estate
The Bible says there is an environment in which we can truly flourish, somewhere we will truly feel we belong, where life will slot into place—somewhere that will feel deeply right.
Podcast: Can We Really Be Content? (Erik Raymond)
What does it look like to cultivate a spirit of contentment in a world that often seems dead set on helping us do just the opposite?
The whole reason we care about sound doctrine is for the sake of preserving God’s beauty,
How to Cast Out Impure Affection
The best way of casting out an impure affection is to admit a pure one, and, by the love of what is good, to expel the love of what is evil.
Earthly Categories for Spiritual Things
General revelation works both directly and indirectly. It works directly by creating categories in our minds and hearts for knowing God. This is direct because we move straight from the made thing to God himself.
Just as we can hardly fathom the divine ferocity awaiting those out of Christ, it is equally true that we can hardly fathom the divine tenderness already resting now on those in Christ.
Beware of This Blindspot in the Christian Life
Why do some Christians—maybe why do many Christians—fail to experience a good life in the present?
Podcast: Debunking Myths about Jesus (Stephen Wellum)
Stephen Wellum discusses myths and misconceptions about Jesus that obscure his true significance—for history and for our own lives.
Discipleship Is Never Anti-Intellectual
The journey into faithful Christian learning in a liberal arts context involves the daring venture of whole-life discipleship in response to the Great Commandment.
We’re All Writing the Stories of Our Lives, but We’re All Failed Authors
We’re all writing the stories of our lives, and we’ve all failed to write and publish the book we wanted. Some of us failed at the beginning, some of us fear failed endings, all of us have failed chapters.
11 Notable Quotes from Come, Let Us Adore Him
Recapture your attention and reactivate your awe for Christ and his coming during Christmastime.
Four Crucial Questions at the Heart of the Gospel
Greg Gilbert begins to define the gospel by turning to the Bible and identifying four essential questions at the heart of the proclamation of the gospel.
How to Be Fluent in the Gospel
We live in a day and age where people are asking questions, but often we don’t have the answers.
Face It: You're Going to Die . . . and Then Rise
The church bears witness to a watching world. What does it mean to die well, and place our hope in the resurrection?
God’s gospel breaks through the most formidable barrier of all: human sin.
How Grace Lets You Have It All
The more you understand the magnitude of God’s grace, the more accurate will be your view of the depth of your unrighteousness; and the more you understand the depth of your unrighteousness, the more you will appreciate the magnitude of God’s gift of grace.
How Christians Evidence Christ’s Victory
Between the victory on the cross and the present day, and on to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, did God intend that there should be any evidence of the reality of the victory of the cross?
Podcast: Overcoming Me-Centered Discipleship (Jonathan Dodson)
Jonathan Dodson talks about what a gospel-centered approach to discipleship entails, highlighting the importance of transparency for everyone involved.
The Difference between Gospel-ish and Gospel Fluency
To become truly gospel fluent is to be able to listen to somebody well enough to hear the real longing or hurts that they're dealing with.
Introducing 2 Devotionals from Paul David Tripp
With 40 daily readings, each of these short devotionals encourage Christians to experience the life-giving message of the gospel every day.
What about the window of time in between forgiveness of past sins and assurance of future heaven?
What Our Physical Diet Says about Our Spiritual Appetite
He has prepared food for us. The food he has prepared is himself. He serves us himself through his holy word—the Bible.
5 Images of a Gospel-Centered Leader (and the Need to Hold It All Together)
There is a leadership crisis in the local church. When we look around, we see different visions of leadership competing for our devotion.
Podcast: Sinclair Ferguson on Living a Life Worthy of the Gospel (Sinclair Ferguson)
Sinclair Ferguson walks through why living lives worthy of the gospel is a biblical exhortation that all Christians must take seriously and one that doesn't inevitably lead to the sin of legalism.
How the Gospel Sets Us Free in Everyday Life
The message that the gospel has in terms of freedom for a man’s everyday life is really a counter-intuitive message.
One day the ruler—the King of kings and Lord of lords—will return and make peace a reality.
Preaching an Objective Message in a Subjective Culture
When we think about following Jesus today we are aware that our culture’s attitude to truth has changed.
Jesus Didn’t Show Up Unannounced
The surety of past prophecies and the specificity of how Jesus fulfilled them is also your guaranteed future hope.
Compromise on Marriage, Lose the Gospel
Who Created Marriage? We must not compromise on same-sex marriage. If we had invented marriage, we could reinvent it—there would be no problem with that. We could make it whatever we wanted it to be. …
This gospel meditation by Paul David Tripp contrasts the broken cities of this world with the restored one to come.
Podcast: Answering Hard Questions about Predestination and Free Will (Andy Naselli)
Andy Naselli answers a few of the most common questions about the doctrine of predestination, including what the Bible really says about it and what impact this teaching may have on the idea of free will.
Justin S. Holcomb, Lindsey A. Holcomb
Justin and Lindsey Holcomb speak about the difference between self-help and gospel healing.
Free in Christ: A 6-Day Devotional
Over the course of six days, read through the book of Galatians alongside passages adapted from Christ Has Set Us Free: Preaching and Teaching Galatians and begin to better understand what Christ has done to set us free from the power of sin through his death and resurrection.
Video: The Explicit Gospel Tour with Matt Chandler
In mid-April, Matt Chandler and Shane and Shane traveled to six locations on the Explicit Gospel Tour.
How the Gospel Is Like a New Language
In many ways the gospel is like a new language—it takes time.
Living with the Enemy That Is Sin
The greatest victory in David’s life was not a victory of David’s at all, but, rather, God’s victory of grace over the sin that had captivated David’s heart.
The gospel of Jesus cuts the nerve of hatred and anger and the bent to be a blaming person.
Truth That Transforms the Teen Years
The teenage years have been hijacked—by pleasure, pressure, entertainment, and distraction. But there is one truth that has the power to totally change the life of a teenager: the gospel.
Never Severed from God, Not Even for an Instant
Through Jesus, that is, by the death of Christ, a redeemed believer’s death is not a penalty but a falling asleep.
Zack Eswine explains how Ezekiel 18 provides a summary of the gospel in the Old Testament.
Why You Don't Need to Live Confused, Accused, and Defeated
The truth of the gospel frees us from the power of guilt and condemnation.
Video: How to Cultivate "Gospel-Doctrine" and "Gospel-Culture"
Ray Ortlund sits down with Justin Taylor to discuss his new book, The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ.
Struggling with All His Energy
We don't have to change our children's hearts, we can instead trust in Him to work through us in their lives.
Seeing Christ in Ruth: A 5-Day Reading Plan
Read through the book of Ruth and come to see how the story of a young Moabite woman communicates the covenant love of God—and ultimately the gospel.
The Gospel: An "It" or a "He"?
We can proclaim the saving significance of the gospel, but may we never forget that “it” is not very good news at all unless “he” is truly present to save.
Adapted from Expository Apologetics: Answering Objections with the Power of the Word by Voddie Baucham.
Podcast: Does Your Heart Ache for More? (Amy DiMarcangelo)
Amy DiMarcangelo talks about how our many longings point us to Christ—the only person who understands our every need and offers us eternal joy in himself.
Christ Is a Light for the Lost
This gospel meditation by Paul David Tripp expresses a burden to share the light of Christ with those who may be unaware of his presence.
Video: The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler
Popular pastor and worldwide speaker Matt Chandler writes his first book to remind the church of what is of first and utmost importance—the gospel.
What’s All This ‘Gospel-Centered’ Talk About?
A gospel-centered life is the only life that can truly be enjoyed, no matter your circumstances.
3 Ways Pastors Can Promote Gospel Fluency in Their Churches
Pastors can speak the truth of Jesus into the everyday stuff of life by preaching, training, and ministering.
Are Your Pleasures Worth More than Your Soul?
God is labouring to bring you back from sin and from Satan unto himself. Open the door of your hearts and the King of glory shall enter in.
The Gospel and Moving Toward the Lost and Broken
In their book Faithmapping, Daniel Montgomery and Mike Cosper challenge us as we witness to our communities
In this video, Greg Gilbert explains why he wrote What is the Gospel?.
How to Be Most Safe and Most Strong
The gospel works in all of Scripture to teaches us that our primary goal is to enable God’s people to love him more.
Why Do Pastors Need the Gospel?
We need to know the message so we can live it, speak it, communicate it.
Improving the Gospel or Losing the Gospel?
Today some people, even within evangelicalism, are acting and speaking as if Jesus Christ alone is not fully sufficient and as if faith in him and his promises alone is a reduction of the full gospel.
Giving Your Life to Christ & the Truth of the Gospel
Doctrine is not just for professors and pastors; it is the truth of the gospel for which every Christian must be concerned.
9 Notable Quotes from Weep with Me
In the Bible, lament is a prayer that leads to trust, which can be a starting point for the church to “weep with those who weep."
From Mecca to the Messiah (Part 1)
I arrived at college with two cases of beer... My college roommate was my best friend from high school. He and I arrived at college with barely any supplies for school, two cases of beer, …
From Mecca to the Messiah (Part 4)
The Doctrines of Grace My wife and I returned to North Carolina full of wonder and joy. We were changed. The world sparkled with a newness and freshness we didn’t know was available. Everything was …
From Mecca to the Messiah (Part 3)
I lived a lost, God-rejecting, self-seeking life for about a year. Not surprisingly, my marriage grew empty as well, and the difficulties started to appear overwhelming. Then, my wife and I learned that we were …
Jeff Vanderstelt helps us rethink the way we perceive ourselves, reminding us that our identity as believers is first and foremost in Jesus Christ and what he has done on our behalf.
We must train ourselves to slow down and recognize the greatest need we have is met in Christ’s coming.
Afraid of the Dark? Come into the Light
For a variety of reasons, whether single or married, nighttime for many is a daily chore to simply get through.
Serving ourselves hinders our effectiveness and skews our priorities as Christians.
The Eternal, Marital Promise of the Gospel
The gospel is calling us to be faithful to the Lord now, during this mere blink of time, so that we then enter into the eternity of his embraces and his love.
Video: What Does It Mean to Be Gospel-Centered?
We recently sat down with some Crossway authors and asked them, *"What does it mean to be gospel-centered?"
When the Gospel Transforms Your Christmas Expectations
Stephen Altrogge reflects on how he can be content at Christmastime.
Podcast: What Makes You Long for Heaven? (Cameron Cole)
Cameron Cole shares how God used the unexpected and tragic death of his firstborn son to dramatically shift his daily focus heavenward, revealing the joy-inducing power of an eternal mindset.
Serial offers us insights into our culture’s longings, revealing God’s truth in the world around us.
Linking the Gospel and the Life of the Mind
Bradley Green's book The Gospel and the Mind explores this correlation between the gospel and the mind, and in doing so addresses five theological themes and their relevance to the intellectual life.
Why Do We Need So Many Books on the Gospel?
This post by Dane C. Ortlund was originally published on May 25, 2011. We're reposting it as we celebrate Crossway's 75th anniversary.
The Gospel in Worship: An Excerpt from 'Rhythms of Grace'
Designed to help Christians think more theologically about the nature of true biblical worship, Rhythms of Grace shows how the gospel is all about worship and worship is all about the gospel.
Podcast: The Doctrine on Which the Church Stands or Falls (Matthew Barrett)
Matthew Barrett sheds light on the meaning of justification by faith alone, explaining why it’s so central to the Christian faith, and he explores why the book of James says that we’re not justified by faith alone.
Matt Chandler discusses March Madness and worship.
Gospel Wakefulness Changes our Theological Pursuit
True theology galvanizes our affections toward God, not toward theology.
Podcast: Have We Domesticated the Cross? (Jeremy Treat)
Jeremy Treat talks about how the doctrine of atonement is often misunderstood by believers and unbelievers alike and about the impact that it should make on our day to day lives as followers of Christ.
Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt explains why he no longer tells people to "go be Jesus" among the lost.
Video: Disability and the Gospel
"Why do we in the evangelical church in the West demand that everyone be “normal” and look the same? Why do we as a culture try so hard (and succeed so well!) at hiding people …
Trevin Wax's Challenge to the Church, to Us
Do our hopes and dreams look the same as the world's? Do we claim Jesus is Lord, and then relentlessly pursue a bigger paycheck, a bigger house, a better job, or more leisure?
Studying Hebrews with the ESV Gospel Transformation Bible
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14
Podcast: Why Christianity Is Not Just about Being a Follower of Jesus (Sam Allberry)
Sam Allberry makes a case for why our union with Christ stands at the heart of the Christian faith and is the doctrine that has been the single biggest blessing to him since his conversion.
Podcast: Gospel Amnesiacs Need Everyday Reminders (Paul Tripp)
Paul Tripp talks about his new book Everyday Gospel, compares it to his book New Morning Mercies, and shares how he’s praying for God to use it in the hearts of those who read it.