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5 Myths about Calvinism

Greg Forster

In all the areas of theology where Calvin made his most distinguishing contributions, we see the exaltation of the work of the Spirit driving his analysis.

Remembering J. I. Packer (1926–2020)

As we remember the life of J. I. Packer, join us in thanking God for his profound writing ministry and the legacy of his faithful service to the church.

5 Myths about John Calvin

Michael A. G. Haykin

Like many larger-than-life figures in the history of the church, the memory of the French Reformer John Calvin has been subjected to various distortions that amount to urban legends.

5 Myths about the End Times

Joel R. Beeke, Paul M. Smalley

After the Lord Jesus Christ predicted the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, his disciples asked, “Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”

Is Hell Real?

Dane Ortlund

The crass references to hell we hear in everyday conversation shouldn’t dull the agonizing awareness all believers should have of the pains of hell.

10 Things You Should Know about God’s Attributes

Mark Jones

When we speak of his attributes, we must keep in mind that because his essence remains undivided, his goodness is his power. Or, God’s love is his power is his eternity is his immutability is his omniscience is his goodness, and so forth.

5 Myths about Seminary

Jeff Robinson Sr.

Seminary can by no means teach a minister everything he needs to know, but it puts strong tools in his box to set him up for a lifetime of learning and growing in the Lord.

You Need Christ to Put Your Sin to Death

Dane Ortlund

Christian salvation is fundamentally a matter of grace, rescue, help, deliverance—it is God invading our miserable little lives and triumphing gloriously and persistently over all the sin and self he finds.

4 Questions about the Trinity

Scott R. Swain

According to the entire witness of Holy Scripture, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not three gods. Nor are they some confederation of the one God with lesser gods. These three are the one God.

The Day My Worst Nightmare Came True

Four years ago, Cameron Cole came face-to-face with his worst nightmare. The one thing that he hoped and prayed would never happen, did happen.

What Is Needed to Be a Christian?

J. I. Packer

In order to make this commitment to Jesus, you need to know the essentials about who he is and what he has done for you. This is the Gospel (“good news”) of Jesus Christ.

God Is Sovereign and We Are Responsible

J. V. Fesko

Exploring the theological past can unearth wonderful theological truths that are incredibly helpful for our own growth in grace and enable us to understand all the more how mighty and merciful God truly is.

A 30-Day Crash Course in Systematic Theology

We've created a free, 30-day crash course in systematic theology designed to give you an overview of key doctrines and show how they connect to the specific passages of Scripture.

God Will Forgive You

By trusting in Christ’s sacrifice on your behalf, you’ll never be held accountable for the guilt of your sin.

Why We Dare Not Seek God without Christ

Mark Jones

The true and living God is too much for us to bear, to handle, to conceive, to adore, to know, to trust, to understand, and to worship. The Incomprehensible One is simply too much for us in every conceivable way.

Who Is Jesus?

Greg Gilbert

A Historical Person Maybe you have never really thought about who Jesus is, or whether his claims have any implications for your life. After all, we’re talking about a man who was born in the …

Bible Study Resources for Men

Men: Crossway wants to equip you with resources to help you joyfully receive, carefully study, and faithfully share God's Word.

Introducing Emblems of the Infinite King

Introduces kids ages 10+ to God’s radiant beauty through the main categories of systematic theology in this imaginative journey through the grand story of the universe.

Life Is a Glory War

Paul David Tripp

What glory right here, right now, has captured your heart, and how is it shaping the way you respond to the situations, locations, and relationships in your life?

Eschatology 101

John MacArthur

The Bible presents the greatest story ever told: the ultimate good-versus-evil storyline—the great cosmic battle between God and Satan.

7 Tips for Teaching Theology to Teens

Jon Nielson

If you’re a pastor, youth leader, ministry volunteer, or simply a Christian parent of a Christian teenager, you’ve probably struggled with the best approach in talking with young people about theology.

A Call for Theological Humility

Gavin Ortlund

There are plenty of issues over which Christians will be tempted to divide. We must even be willing to make sacrificial adjustments for the sake of our unity with others in the body of Christ.

Learning Money Management from Jesus

Jerram Barrs

We need to teach much more clearly and with far greater boldness the biblical message that we will have to give an account to God, and that the choices we make today have eternal consequences.

God, Our Mighty Fortress

Gloria Furman

As ordinary as our days may seem, the world we live in is precarious. The unknowns we live with can threaten to overwhelm our faith and even our very lives. Where can we look for hope and security?

5 Myths about Sin

Sam Storms

Sin is deceptive, both in its capacity to tempt us to follow its lead and in the way it confuses and clouds our thinking.

Because of the Grace of God

Mark Jones

God bestows many gifts on his children. Some of these gifts are titles and privileges; others enable us to be diligent for the work of God’s kingdom. But whatever we accomplish, we do so by the grace of God.

6 Questions about John Owen

Lee Gatiss

Alongside regular preaching and teaching, John Owen produced many works, including books on toleration, his monumental multi-volume writings on the Holy Spirit, and four large folio volumes on Hebrews.

God Is . . .

Mark Jones

To know the attributes of God is to not only know God, but to know what God is like. To know what God is like is to know what God is toward us. More pointedly, to know God is to know Christ.

God Is Infinite and Personal

Francis A. Schaeffer

On the side of God’s infinity, there is a complete chasm between God on one side and man, the animal, the flower, and the machine on the other. On the side of God’s infinity, He stands alone.

The Lost Art of Catechesis

Catechesis is meant to be a robust witness to biblical faith and practice, a tool which in the hands of skilled practitioners to be used to instruct, form, and make mature disciples.

Why We Need Reformation Anglicanism

Ashley Null

The two greatest issues facing Christianity in the West are (1) the Bible’s growing lack of authority in the Church, and (2) the lack of transformed lives among those who attend.

Herman Bavinck: The Man and the Mind

John Bolt

Bavinck wrote theology with the church in mind; he prized evangelical piety; he did not disparage modern learning; he took a genuine interest in the world’s non-Christian religious traditions as important data for Christian theology.

Has God's Kingdom Already Come?

Chris Bruno

When we think about the message of the Bible, we should never lose sight of God's kingdom, or his reign over his people, and ultimately his reign over the entire universe.

The Cross is Christ’s Pulpit

Jonty Rhodes

The cross is not just about Christ’s priestly work; it also stands at the heart of his prophetic ministry. The cross preaches to us. The cross is Christ’s pulpit.

God's Invading Grace

Paul David Tripp

Why did Jesus send his disciples into that storm? He did it for the same reason he sometimes sends you into storms—because he knows that sometimes you need the storm in order to be able to see the glory.

Five Principles of Providence

Timothy George

Our faith should be strengthened as we consider God's providence—how our loving father carefully governs our lives. As you study providence, there are five principles that you should keep in mind.

Essential vs. Peripheral Doctrine

K. Erik Thoennes

The ability to discern the relative importance of theological issues is vital to the health and unity of the church. Erik Thoennes shares four categories of importance into which theological issues can fall.

The Bad News of the Kingdom

Michael Lawrence

The news of the kingdom of God is simultaneously good and bad—good for the cosmos and bad for sinners. Systematic theology helps us personally resolve the bad news of the kingdom.

10 Key Bible Verses on God’s Immutability

The Bible teaches that God does not change. Read ten verses that emphasize the immutability of our Father in heaven “with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

What Is Apologetics?

John M. Frame

The term apologetics has nothing to do with “apologizing” for anything. Presenting an apologetic is almost the very reverse of apologizing.

Video: The Joy of Calvinism

Justin Taylor recently sat down with Greg Forster, author of The Joy of Calvinism, who asserts that Calvinism is a largely misunderstood tradition that is ultimately about joy and the love of a God who saves.

Improving the Gospel or Losing the Gospel?

Mark Dever

Today some people, even within evangelicalism, are acting and speaking as if Jesus Christ alone is not fully sufficient and as if faith in him and his promises alone is a reduction of the full gospel.

Preface to the Theologians on the Christian Life Series

Series Preface Some might call us spoiled. We live in an era of significant and substantial resources for Christians on living the Christian life. We have ready access to books, DVD series, online material, seminars—all …

Podcast: Does It Matter What I Believe? (Samuel James)

Samuel James walks through a number of common misconceptions and fears that we often have when it comes to thinking about our theology, ultimately making the case that what you believe matters today and for eternity.