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The What and Why of Mentoring

Melissa B. Kruger

Mentoring is a discipleship relationship that focuses on equipping younger believers for the work of ministry so that they grow in maturity and unity in the faith with the ultimate goal of glorifying God.

How to Pray about Aging

Susan Hunt

In God’s sweet providence, I began studying Psalm 90 about a year before my eightieth birthday, asking the Lord to teach me how to glorify him in old age.

The Antidote to #MomGuilt

Abigail Dodds

It’s at the cross that we lay down our indifference and our fears about the work set before us in shepherding eternal souls in favor of full investment and commitment to the job.

Pain Is a Megaphone

Gloria Furman

When human beings are delivered through pregnancy and birth pain, there is more going on than biological processes and physiological mechanics.