A Compelling Reason to Have Kids
One of the reasons our children are given as a heritage from the Lord is so that we can know and love our heavenly Father more and more.
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A Compelling Reason to Have Kids
One of the reasons our children are given as a heritage from the Lord is so that we can know and love our heavenly Father more and more.
The Voice of Wisdom and the Voice of Folly
Proverbs tells us that there are two voices calling out in the marketplace.
Are Complementarians Guilty of Selective Literalism?
Aren’t complementarians guilty of a selective literalism when they say some commands in a text are permanently valid and others are culturally conditioned and not absolute?
Don't Make This Mistake When Studying the Bible
Most of us haven’t spent much time devoting our attention to just things that are true about God.
How Puritan Women Are Misunderstood Today
You don't have to agree with Puritan women, but it does mean that you have to allow them to tell their own stories in their own words before you start to interpret them for yourself.
Clothed in Christ and Unashamed
Body shame is the feeling that your body with its imperfections is something of which to be ashamed—something you wish you could hide or change.
Podcast: Help! I’m Married to My Pastor (Jani Ortlund)
In this episode, Jani Ortlund discusses the joys and challenges of being a pastor's wife for nearly five decades.
What Jonathan Edwards's Daughter Can Teach Us about Friendship
Our culture is not one that provides great encouragement for the nurture and development of deep, long-lasting, satisfying friendships.
11 Notable Quotes from Missional Motherhood
There is eternal value in even the most mundane moments if the Great Commission informs how we’re thinking about all of life, including what it means to be a mom.
3 Pieces of Advice for Responding to Miscarriage
Miscarriage can be an acutely painful experience. Yet it teaches those who experience it—and the church as a whole—to lean into the Lord's care.
Motherhood Is for the Faint of Heart
You may have read on a greeting card somewhere that motherhood is not for the faint of heart. Don't believe it.
Podcast: How I Study the Bible (Lauren Chandler)
Lauren Chandler shares her Bible study and reading habits and how Scripture has impacted her personal life and work as a songwriter.
It's easy to idolize both the "super mom" identity and the "messy mom" identity—instead, let faithfulness and service be your standard.
Despite the commercialization of Christmas and its overall worldly cast, God still infuses wonder into the season.
2 Ways the Church Can Help Women Who Are Burned Out
The church can be actively aware, learning or acquiring knowledge about the stresses and strains on women and families.
Is Complementarianism Oppressive to Women?
Exegetical support for why we believe Scripture teaches that headship includes primary leadership, which is the responsibility of the man.
We must always keep in view that each of us individually is called to love God with our minds.
God wants me to learn how to wait so that I can wait well, even if my waiting continues for the rest of my life.
Is There Any Purpose in Our Loneliness?
We were originally created by God, alone. The reason God created in this way is so that we will find our all in him.
The Value of Your Work Isn't Attached to a Dollar Sign
I don’t want to diminish the need to pay people a fair wage for the work they do. But it is important for us to see work as a contribution, and not always with a dollar sign attached to it.
Remembering Ann Judson 190 Years Later
With her husband Adoniram Judson (1788–1850), Ann was the first of a long line of American evangelical missionaries.
All around the world, God is giving and sustaining life to the praise of his grace.
Prayer is the means by which we implore the Holy Spirit to take up residence in our study time.
The Glory We Desire vs. the Glory He Means for Us
It seems the moment our mortal minds begin to dwell on any sort of glory that involves ourselves, we are tripped up into idolatry, into a lust for praise and human acknowledgment.
How to Guard Against a Self-Centered Relationship with Jesus
Often without warning or intention, the drive to know ourselves becomes all-consuming. It’s impossible to not be affected by the age of self in which we currently live.
The Unexpected Outcome of Self-Sufficiency
Do you ascribe something to yourself that is only true about God?
Do You Idolize a Picture-Perfect Home?
Christian, everything God has for you is grace upon grace because of what Jesus has done for you.
Podcast: Confronting the Idols of Body Image, Sex, Abortion, and Motherhood (Jen Oshman)
Jen Oshman discusses the many empty promises that the culture of the modern world makes that run counter to the clear teaching of Scripture and God's good plan for us.
You Need a Plan (to Grow in Godliness)
Janelle Bradshaw, Kristin Chesemore, Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
In order to sit and plan, you have to hit the pause button on life. You have to get away from everyone and everything clamoring for your attention.
We live in a world that has trivialized God, having reduced him to human proportions.