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The Food of Christian Survival

Abigail Dodds

When you understand Bible reading as the means, the food, the fuel, the sustenance of your Christian life, then you will consume it with joy, like a hungry person eats bread.

Video: Elyse Fitzpatrick on How She Reads the Bible

In this video, author and speaker Elyse Fitzpatrick explains why she stopped reading through the entire Bible every year and reminds us that God doesn't get "mad" at us when we miss a day of reading his Word.

The Calling of a Pastor's Wife

Pastor's wife and blogger Jen Thorn talks about the unique calling of the pastor's wife to the church and her family.

Mark: An 8-Day Devotional Reading Plan

Over the course of eight days, be encouraged by Scripture and the wisdom of other women as you seek to apply the truths of Mark's gospel to your everyday life.

Video: Kristyn Getty on Coming Back to the Bible

In this video, singer and songwriter Kristyn Getty shares two passages that have had a big influence on her life and offers some encouragement for those struggling to consistently read God's Word.

Wise Women Know How to Think, Feel, and Want (Part 2)

Lydia Brownback

Just consider the roller-coaster ride of emotions we can experience in the course of a single week (or, for some of us, a single day): anger, love, frustration, joy, sorrow, annoyance, irritation, fear, anxiety, peace, satisfaction, exultation, discouragement, happiness, fulfillment, dissatisfaction, anticipation.

Ask a Pastor's Wife: Friendships

Gloria Furman responds to Pam who writes, "How do you have friendships that are open and honest when you are having marriage problems?"