Want to Pray More? Try Memorizing Scripture

The Holy Spirit as Helper

Scripture memorization feeds every area of my Christian life, and that includes my prayer life. It says in Romans 8 that we don’t know what to pray for. We want to pray, but what do we pray for? And in Romans 8, Scripture says the Holy Spirit is given to help us in our prayer life.

In that passage, it says the Spirit himself intercedes for us. He prays on our behalf. Most Christians don’t think about that. They think about Jesus praying for them, but the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. He also is a teacher. He instructs us on how to pray, and the Scripture is the feeding system for our prayer life.

How to Memorize Scripture for Life

Andrew M. Davis

Through his years of experience in extended Scripture memorization, Andrew M. Davis helps readers commit to studying God’s word so they may grow in holiness, resist temptation, and share the gospel with lost people.

In the book of Psalms or the epistles, the apostle Paul says how he prays for the Ephesians, the Philippians, and the Colossians. And we can just pattern ourselves after that. And then whatever you’re working on right now—whatever verses, whatever chapter—it fills your mind with a sense of the beauty of the truth of God, and you want to speak it back.

So I think a good quiet time is when the Lord is speaking to us by his word and his Spirit, and us speaking back to him what we are hearing in his word by the Spirit. So Scripture memorization definitely feeds our prayer lives.

Andrew M. Davis is the author of How to Memorize Scripture for Life: From One Verse to Entire Books.

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