Warfield—A Model and Challenge to Christians

Crossway: Fred, could you share with our readers what you have learned most from Warfield and how he has challenged you?
Fred Zaspel: I suppose what stands out is that Warfield models so well the ideals of Old Princeton Seminary, qualities that ought to be the pursuit of every Christian theologian – the highest scholarship and learning matched with an utterly devoted heart and warm devotional piety. He is known, of course, as a theological giant and one whose scholarship was second to none. But what is not as widely appreciated is his adoration of and passionate heart for Christ, and his obvious sense of helpless dependence upon him. Equally challenging is his utter confidence in the trustworthiness of Scripture. He was so fully persuaded that “What Scripture says, God says” that it does not seem even to have entered his mind that Scripture could possibly be mistaken at any point. He is best known as the champion of the doctrine of inspiration and inerrancy, and so he was. But this was no merely theoretical issue for him – a right appreciation of and response to God’s Word, he insisted, was basic to all religion.
So, in brief, his immense scholarship, his passionate heart for Christ, and his utter confidence in God’s Word – this was Warfield, and in this respect he will doubtless remain a model and challenge to Christians for a very long time.
Learn more about The Theology of B. B. Warfield.