What a Productive Life Is (Not) All About
A Life of Wisdom
The productive life is not a life of working all the time. It’s a life of wisdom to know when it’s time to work, diligence to work when it’s time to work, wisdom to know when it’s time to rest, and diligence to rest when it’s time to rest. Sometimes we think it’s weird to talk about diligence in rest, but we need to be diligent to actually shut things off, trust in God, and actually rest.
Make the Most of Your Productivity
Ana Ávila
In this user-friendly guide, Ana Ávila teaches 6 principles to help you honor God with all you have and reflect his character through your creativity.
The productive life is also not about getting the results we want all the time. We think we’ve been productive if we check off all the tasks on our list or if everything went according to plan. That’s not what productivity is about. There are a lot of things that we have no control over, and that’s okay. Productivity is about doing your best and then trusting God takes care of the results.
Another thing the productive life is not about is the tools and the planner and the perfect app; it’s about character—building a diligent, wise character.
Ana Ávila is the author of Make the Most of Your Productivity: A Guide to Honoring God with Your Time.
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