Why Read "Date Your Wife"?
It's neat to hear of the impact Date Your Wife is already having on marriages.
Wondering if you should read the book? Here are some recent videos, reviews, and quotes about this new book from Justin Buzzard:
A Clear Job Description (video interview from Desiring God):
20 Quotes from Date Your Wife by Jonathan Parnell
I recently asked Justin Buzzard how he would sum up his new book in less than ten seconds. "If you want to change a marriage, change the man," he replied, "and Jesus changes the man."
Here are 20 standout quotes from Date Your Wife.
FamilyLife Today's three-part radio interview with the author: A Meeting Meant-to-be, Becoming God's Man, and Let's Go on a Date!.
Buzzard's Huffington Post article:
You know the statistics. Marriage is broken in our world. If your marriage isn't broken, the marriage of someone you know is. At the very least, your marriage isn't pulsating with the life and power it was meant to have.
But, it's not too late. There's still hope for marriage -- for your marriage, for your neighbor's marriage, and for marriages that haven't happened yet.
It's harder and easier than you think...
Aaron Armstrong's review at Blogging Theologically:
...the greatest gift that Justin Buzzard can give any of the readers of Date Your Wife: practical, helpful advice to figure out what it looks like to date our wives day-by-day ‘til death do us part. I was greatly encouraged reading this book and I trust you will be as well.
A review from Quieted Waters:
This book’s strength lies in encouraging Christian husbands to date their wives, to love them passionately and openly. Whether you’ve been married for a few weeks or a few decades, this book will serve as a good encouragement to romance your wife.
Date Your Wife
Justin Buzzard
Date Your Wife is an intensely practical guide for husbands looking to strengthen, save, or spice up their marriage and pursue their wives from a place of security in the gospel.
And finally, a few of the professional endorsements:
“Finally, here is a book that will not make men feel guilty.”
–Gary Chapman, author, The Five Love Languages“Whether you’ve been married a few days or 50 years, Date Your Wife is well worth the read. Justin Buzzard shows us the first step to loving your wife isn’t to try harder—it’s to be empowered by the gospel. Date Your Wife gives you biblical advice and practical tips that will transform your marriage.”
–Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family“Don’t you dare think Date Your Wife is a ‘been there, done that’ book. It’s revealing, eye opening, and inspiring. It’s fresh. I am certain Date Your Wife will positively alter thousands of couple’s futures. As a husband for 38 years, I applaud Justin Buzzard’s work and I would put it in the hands of every man I could!”
–Wayne Cordeiro, Senior Pastor, New Hope Christian Fellowship, Honolulu, Hawaii
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