Why the Church Can Rest in Christ’s Victory
His Church Will Win
Perhaps you’ve had a time in your life in which you’re trying to change yourself in a certain way. Maybe you want to improve your reading speed. Maybe you want to have a personal record in a bench press. Maybe you want to lose weight or get a raise at work.
There are various times in life when we set out to improve ourselves and we hope we can make it if we set out in the right direction and grit ourselves through. The great news is the church is not like that. Ultimately, the one who is gritting to make it through is the Lord. He has promised that his church will win.
Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
Mark Dever
A must-read for church leaders and members alike, this book outlines 9 essential marks that distinguish a healthy, biblical church. This classic book is now revised with a new preface and additional content on prayer and missions. Fourth edition.
We see at the end of the book of Revelation that the church comes down gloriously—like a bride arrayed for her bridegroom. We know that the church is going to win. So, we’re a part of what the Lord is doing in the world when we’re pastoring a church or even a member of a church. We know that he will accomplish his good end.
He has promised that his church will win.
It’s hairy sometimes between now and when it’s accomplished, and some of the days are dark. There is the valley of the shadow of death. On the whole, we can be confident that there is a good end coming and we are headed to it. Every day we’re one day closer to it. That helps me keep going.
Mark Dever is the author of Nine Marks of a Healthy Church.
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