You Will Always Have the Time to Do What God Calls You to Do
You Have Enough Time
Something that is really encouraging to me is to go back to Ephesians 2:10, where it says that God has prepared good works for us. The things we have to do, the things we should be doing are the things that God has set before us. God knows our limitations. He knows we’re made of dust. He knows we need to sleep. He knows we only have twenty-four hours in a day.
Make the Most of Your Productivity
Ana Ávila
In this user-friendly guide, Ana Ávila teaches 6 principles to help you honor God with all you have and reflect his character through your creativity.
So God is not up there in heaven saying, “Here, Ana, you have thirty-six hours of good works for you to do today. You manage how to figure that out.” He’s not doing that. He knows us. He has prepared those good works for us within our limitations. So you probably don’t have time to do all you want to do or all you dream of doing, but you have the time to do the things you should be doing, the things that God is calling you to do.
Ana Ávila is the author of Make the Most of Your Productivity: A Guide to Honoring God with Your Time.
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