J. B. Lightfoot

J. B. LIGHTFOOT (1828–1889) was an outstanding British New Testament scholar. He worked with F. J. A. Hort and B. F. Westcott at Cambridge University to produce a New Testament commentary based on a reliable Greek text. His work in demonstrating the first-century origin of the New Testament books helped demolish the Tübingen school of biblical criticism. Along with his Philippians, his commentaries on Galatians and Colossians/Philemon are still considered landmarks of biblical study and exposition.
J. B. Lightfoot
J. B. LIGHTFOOT (1828–1889) was an outstanding British New Testament scholar. He worked with F. J. A. Hort and B. F. Westcott at Cambridge University to produce a New Testament commentary based on a reliable Greek text. His work in demonstrating the first-century origin of the New Testament books helped demolish the Tübingen school of biblical criticism. Along with his Philippians, his commentaries on Galatians and Colossians/Philemon are still considered landmarks of biblical study and exposition.