10 Questions to Ask at Your Thanksgiving Gathering

This article is part of the Questions to Ask series.
Questions to Spark Meaningful Conversation
On Thanksgiving, many of us find ourselves with people we rarely see or hardly know. In these kinds of situations, meaningful conversation is often difficult.
Here are some questions designed to spark not only conversation, but also dialogue relevant to the season.
When used with a group, one option is for each person to answer each question. Another option is for each person to answer just one or two questions.
When answering the questions, don’t forget to explain the “why” for each answer.
- What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
- What’s the happiest Thanksgiving memory of your childhood?
- What do you enjoy most about the Thanksgiving holiday?
- Who is the most consistently grateful person you know?
- What’s the one experience for which you are most thankful this year?
- What’s the one book, article, or blog post for which you are most thankful this year?
- What’s the one thing you’ve learned this year for which you are most thankful?
- If you could thank one person today—near or far, living or dead—for their influence on your life, who would that person be?
- Who’s one person you’ve never thanked for their contribution to your life, but would like to?
- For what do you feel most grateful to God today?
Afterward, look for an opportunity to conclude the discussion with a prayer of gratitude to God.
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