Acts: Chapters 1–8

6 Volumes in 3

By Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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Acts: Chapters 1–8

6 Volumes in 3

By Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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The book of Acts records some of the most important events in the New Testament: the birth of the church, the coming of the Holy Spirit, bold preaching and dramatic missionary journeys. In addition to providing incredible insights into the growth of the apostolic church, Acts also encourages and challenges Christians today, spurring readers on to wholehearted devotion to Christ. In this newly revised, three-volume collection of sermons, famed preacher Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the message of the first eight chapters of Acts with clear language and pastoral warmth. From Peter’s bold preaching to the dramatic stoning of Stephen, Lloyd-Jones points readers back to the foundational figures and key events of the Christian faith, emphasizing the basic truths undergirding genuine belief.


Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981), minister of Westminster Chapel in London for thirty years, was one of the foremost preachers of his day. His many books have brought profound spiritual encouragement to millions around the world.

Product Details

Category: Commentaries & Reference
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 1728
Size: 6.0 in x 9.0 in
Weight: 86.0 ounces
ISBN-10: 1-4335-4002-9
ISBN-13: 978-1-4335-4002-8
ISBN-UPC: 9781433540028
Case Quantity: 1
Published: August 31, 2013

Table of Contents

Part 1: Acts 1:1-5:14 (partial)
1.  Christianity—The Only Hope (1:1–3)
2.  The God Who Acts (2:1–2)
3.  The Great Fact of Prophecy (2:14–36)
4.  Becoming a Christian (2:37–40)
5.  Mind, Heart, and Will (2:37–47)
6.  Separation (2:37–42)
Part 2: Acts 5:17-7:29 (partial)
1.  The Irrationality of Unbelief (5:17–32)
2.  “All the Words of This Life” (5:19–20, 29)
3.  The Content of the Message (5:29–32)
4.  Man’s Great Problem (5:29–32)
5.  Repentance—the Door to Forgiveness (5:29–32)
6.  The Savior (5:29–32)
Part 3: Acts 7:29-8:30 (partial)
1.  The God Who Intervenes (7:29–30)
2.  The Miracle of Salvation (7:30–33)
3.  God Has Come Down (7:30–35)
4.  Complete Victory (7:35–36)
5.  God Has Spoken (7:37–38)
6.  The Word of God (7:37–38)