Format: | Hardcover w/ Jacket |
Page Count: | 1200 |
Size: | 6.0 in x 9.0 in |
Weight: | 66.48 ounces |
ISBN-10: | 1-4335-4872-0 |
ISBN-13: | 978-1-4335-4872-7 |
ISBN-UPC: | 9781433548727 |
Case Quantity: | 6 |
Published: | January 31, 2016 |
More than anything, the book of Exodus is an encounter with the character of God. It is a celebration of God’s mercy, justice, holiness, and faithfulness despite the persistent unfaithfulness of his people. His sovereign intervention and covenantal love are seen in the deliverance of his chosen people from slavery in Egypt, the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai, and the construction of God’s dwelling place on earth—anticipating the greater glory to be revealed in the Redeemer to come.
With an approach that is biblical, historical, theological, and practical, Philip Ryken walks us through the story of God’s mighty salvation from the birth of Moses to the day God came down and filled the tabernacle with his glory. This commentary shows us how Exodus was written for our spiritual benefit, giving us the hope of redemption accomplished in Jesus Christ.
Part of the Preaching the Word series.
Product Details
Table of Contents
- Into Egypt (1:1–7)
- The New Pharaoh (1:8–21)
- The Birth of a Savior (1:22—2:10)
- Moses Takes Matters into His Own Hands (2:11–15)
- Moses in the Wilderness (2:15–25)
- The Burning Bush (3:1–9)
- The Great I Am (3:10–15)
- Wonders and Signs (3:16—4:9)
- Here Am I . . . Send Someone Else (4:10–17)
- Back to Egypt (4:18–31)
- Who Is the Lord? (5:1–9)
- Bricks without Straw (5:10–21)
- When Trouble Comes (5:22—6:5)
- The Seven “I Wills” of Salvation (6:6–12)
- They Were the Levites (6:13–27)
- The Prophet’s Prophet (6:28—7:7)
- The Staff That Swallowed the Snakes (7:8–13)
- River of Blood (7:14–24)
- Why the Frogs Croaked (7:25—8:15)
- The Finger of God (8:16–19)
- Lord of the Flies (8:20–32)
- A Plague on Your Livestock (9:1–7)
- Can’t Stand That Itch! (9:8–12)
- The Worst Hailstorm Ever (9:13–35)
- Something to Tell Your Grandchildren (10:1–20)
- Heart of Darkness (10:21–29)
- The Deadliest Plague (11:1–10)
- The First Passover (12:1–13)
- A Feast to Remember (12:14–28)
- Out of Egypt (12:29–42)
- This Do in Remembrance of Me (12:43–51; 13:3–10)
- The Redemption of Sons (13:1, 2, 11–16)
- Between the Desert and the Sea (13:17—14:14)
- The Great Escape (14:15–31)
- The Song of Salvation (15:1–21)
- A Bitter Complaint (15:22–27)
- Bread from Heaven (16:1–20)
- A Sabbath for Man (16:21–36)
- That Rock Was Christ (17:1–7)
- Lift Up Your Hands (17:8–16)
- Family Reunion (18:1–12)
- Israel Gets Organized (18:13–27)
- Kingdom of Priests (19:1–6)
- Don’t Touch! (19:7–15)
- Smoke on the Mountain (19:16–25)
- Written in Stone (20:1, 2a)
- A Multiuse Item (20:2b)
- Interpreting God’s Law (20:3–17)
- The First Commandment: No Other Gods (20:3)
- The Second Commandment: The Right God, the Right Way (20:4–6)
- The Third Commandment: Name above All Names (20:7)
- The Fourth Commandment: Work and Leisure (20:8–11)
- The Fifth Commandment: Respect Authority (20:12)
- The Sixth Commandment: Live and Let Live (20:13)
- The Seventh Commandment: The Joy of Sex (20:14)
- The Eighth Commandment: What’s Mine Is God’s (20:15)
- The Ninth Commandment: To Tell the Truth (20:16)
- The Tenth Commandment: Being Content (20:17)
- The End of the Law (20:18–21)
- The Altar of God (20:22–26)
- Bound for Freedom (21:1–11)
- An Eye for an Eye (21:12–36)
- Property Law (22:1–15)
- Good Laws from a Great God (22:16–31)
- The People’s Court (23:1–13)
- Three Pilgrim Feasts (23:14–19)
- Guardian Angel (23:20–33)
- The Blood of the Covenant (24:1–8)
- They Saw God (24:9–18)
- Freewill Offering (25:1–8)
- The Ark of the Covenant (25:9–22)
- The Bread of the Presence (25:23–30)
- The Golden Lampstand (25:31–40)
- The Tabernacle of God (26:1–37)
- The Altar in the Courtyard (27:1–19)
- A Priest before God (27:20—28:14)
- Knowing God’s Will (28:15–30)
- Fit for a Priest (28:31–43)
- The Ordination of Priests (29:1–21)
- The Big Picture (29:22–46)
- Sweet Altar of Prayer (30:1–10, 34–38)
- Bought with a Price (30:11–33)
- Art for God’s Sake (31:1–11)
- God’s Holy Day (31:12–18)
- Unholy Cow (32:1–6)
- Go Down, Moses (32:7–14)
- Oh, Brother! (32:15–24)
- Who Is on the Lord’s Side? (32:25–35)
- With or Without You? (33:1–11)
- Under the Shadow of His Hand (33:12–23)
- When God Passes By (34:1–7)
- God, and God Alone (34:8–17)
- Staying in Covenant Love (34:18–28; 35:1–3)
- Till We Have Faces (34:29–35)
- A Heart for Giving (35:4–29)
- Enough Is Enough! (35:30—36:7)
- Building in Progress (36:8–38)
- In God’s House (37:1–29)
- The Courtyard to God (38:1–31)
- Aaron’s Wardrobe (39:1–31)
- Just like God Said (39:32–43)
- When Glory Came Down (40:1–38)
“This series resonates with the priorities of the pulpit. No academic aloofness here, but down-to-earth, preacher-to-preacher meat for God’s people.”
Bryan Chapell, Stated Clerk, Presbyterian Church in America
“The single best resource for faithful Biblical exposition available today. A great boon for genuine reformation!”
Timothy George, Distinguished Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University; General Editor, Reformation Commentary on Scripture
“There is a long history of informed, edifying Biblical expositions that have been mightily used of God to shape and strengthen the Church. These volumes admirably fit this tradition.”
D. A. Carson, Theologian-at-Large, The Gospel Coalition
“Throughout the Christian centuries, working pastors have been proving themselves to be the best of all Bible expositors. Kent Hughes stands in this great tradition, and his exciting expositions uphold it worthily.”
J. I. Packer, Late Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College
“It is a pleasure to commend this series of homiletical commentaries. They fill an enormous vacuum that exists between the practical needs of the pastor/teacher and the critical exegetical depth of most commentaries.”
Walter C. Kaiser Jr., President Emeritus and Colman M. Mockler Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
“There is a long history of informed, edifying biblical expositions that have been mightily used for God to shape and strengthen the church. These volumes admirably fit this tradition.”
Cofounder and Theologian-at-Large, The Gospel Coalition